The economy, with points, instead of money, as the New Earth paper explains, will note people are paying to much if they show a surplus in points. .............the below is how our economy with money runs right now. want to share. is what i was posting where ever i could, until i realized the stasis coming event, so on.
Living wages affords extras = healthy business = healthy money markets = permanent surplus. Spray hose up. Government deficits proves low wages are paid, or there would not be deficits ever, at all. A mean king who has a gold pit the size of Asia, but pays low wages, will still have a terrible economy, yet he will be able to pay his bills. Big business that makes good money overseas, is similar. Only raising incomes will cure this economy. A real gov. stimulus helps business pay affording incomes, -- includes getting costs off of people. We never have had 100% spender ability; profits will be profound when we do. …Raising interest rates to stop a housing bubble; nonsense. Causes stagflation, -- peculiar inflationary trends. Rate of return is interest rates only. Must stay at same low fair rate. They always make it easier to get a loan in a bad economy, or the housing market will have no spenders. They are supposed to give loans out only to those who can afford actually, and only at appraisal value that is actually real. …The communists never paid living wages; Franklin Roosevelt did; and this is only why we ever had a decent economy reasonably so, ever. we note moral people do believe average IQ people for instance, do deserve to afford to eat out on what they make also.