As Pope Francis and his fellow satanists now move forward to unite Christianity with Islam and create a ‘one world’ religion under the Antichrist, it is extremely important for everyone to understand how Islam was created to begin with. Many now believe the Pope may be the ‘false prophet’ that teams up with the Antichrist as foretold in Revelation 13. See numerous prophecies from the Lord Jesus Christ identifying the Antichrist.The astonishing story of how the Roman Catholics created Islam comes from a former Jesuit priest by the name of Alberto Rivera. The story was told to him by Cardinal Bea while he was at the Vatican.For more background on Alberto Rivera and how he was poisoned for speaking out see the article by Greg Syzmanski further down the page.

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  • I don't care if a person is white, brown, black, green or blue.
    I don't care if a person is a Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu or any other sect.
    Those who do not follow the 3 Golden Rules of living on Planet Earth which are 1- no harming Mother Earth 2- no harming other living entities 3- leading a disciplined and a highly tunes spiritual life THEN THEY ARE NOTHING BUT ALIENS ON PLANET EARTH
    • Are you behaving that way? What happened to:"2- no harming other living entities 3- leading a disciplined and a highly tunes spiritual life"?

      Don't you know that words have "weight", that your animosity expressed in your post is read by number of people that may influence them, so the hatred goes on and on...

      What we all need to do is to point our fingers at those who created this mess on Earth, as they are real culprits....all of us others are just victims that live with the consequences of their evil deeds...

  • I think that all religions come from the same source.....

    • This Islam is not a religion ..any religion that states to live in peace and harmony is a religion..any so called religion that breeds terrorists is not really a religion but fake/ false and corrup...killing millions of animals in sacrifice and eating halal red sin meat is out of order.
      The Roman Catholic created ISLAM so now they need to demolish their creation as their creation has gone wild...full of brutality, savagery and corruption.
      • I don't know a single religion that is peaceful...remember christian crusades, remember inquisition that is responsible for several hundred  thousand victims at least (done in the name of christian faith), remember all indigenous nations, many of which do not even exist any more as they did not want to submit to catholic church.....look at what has been going on in Palestine for decades....

        even Buddhism is not immune to religious violence

        So, yes, there is no religion that is immune to violence....not a single one....they all orchestrated awful atrocities at some point in their history, and they are still secretly spreading hatred and animosity towards other religions

        That is why I think that they all come from the same place......divide and conquer

        • That place could well be the one described in following text;

          ALL Islamic Terrorism Funded By British Crown


          A beautiful Muslim temple. Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.Divide and conquer has been the primary modus operandiof the global elite for centuries. In 1947 the British carved Pakistan and Bangladesh (East Pakistan at the time) out of India with the intention of forever dividing the Hindus and Muslims of South Asia. Ghandi was jailed for “interfering with the revenue” when he criticized the East India Company for its opium trafficking habit.

          The British Crown established the Aga Khan Foundation in Pakistan to fund its covert operations in the region. Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV claims direct descent from the prophet Mohammed, just as the Illuminati bankers claim lineage to Jesus Christ. According to Forbes, he is one of the ten richest “royals” in the world with a fortune of over $800 million.

          Born in Switzerland and a British citizen, he now resides in France, where he breeds race horses. He owns an entire island in the Bahamas, an exclusive yacht club in Sardinia where he parks his $150 million yacht, two Bombardier jets, and several estates around the world. In 2008 French President Nicolas Sarkozy exempted Aga Khan from all taxes, saving the British agent billions of dollars. In late February 2014 he became the first faith-based leader to address a joint session of Canada’s Zionist-controlled parliament.

          The Aga Khan Foundation’s primary purpose is to aid and abet the global oligarchy of which he is very much a part. It specializes in spawning various types of Muslim extremists from mujahadeen to al Qaeda to Wahhabis to Takfiris to the al Nusra Front. All represent a right-wing medieval ideology collectively known as political Islam. They are deployed to attack nationalist and left-wing governments who refuse to be cowed by the Rothschild bankers and their corporate tentacles.

          As major component of this strategy is that these extremist groups create a general hatred of Muslims in the Western world.  Divide and conquer.

          Aga Khan Foundation is a subsidiary of Crown Corporation, the umbrella under which many assets of the British Crown fall. This is the same Crown Corporation which owned Securacom, the private firm chaired by Marvin Bush which held the security contract on the World Trade Center in September 2001.

          Starting to get the picture?

          Every Islamic terrorist organization, without exception, is created by this Aga Khan/Muslim Brotherhood/Freemason/MI6 intelligence network to carry out the agenda of the global Sangreal bloodline oligarchy.

          They were deployed to overthrow the Sukarno government in Indonesia in 1964, to defeat the leftist Tudeh Party in Iran in 1978, to overthrow leftist Prime Minister Nor Mohammed Taraki in Afghanistan in 1979, to attack Qaddafi’s Libyan progressive state from Exxon Mobil-controlled Chad and to harass Assad’s nationalist Syria for the past three decades.

          The most recent incarnations of Crown-controlled terrorists include ISIS and Boko Haram. What follows is an excellent expose on the latter:

          Boko Haram is CIA Covert Op

          By Julie Lévesque Global Research, February 14, 2015

          The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department:

          In 2007, US State Department advisor Dr. J. Peter Pham commented on AFRICOM’s strategic objectives of “protecting access to hydrocarbons and other strategic resources which Africa has in abundance, a task which includes ensuring against the vulnerability of those natural riches and ensuring that no other interested third parties, such as China, India, Japan, or Russia, obtain monopolies or preferential treatment.” (Nile Bowie, CIA Covert Ops in Nigeria: Fertile Ground for US Sponsored Balkanization Global Research, 11 April 2012)

          Read more at:

          Dean Henderson is the author of five books: Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eig...The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries,Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, Stickin’ it to the Matrix & The Federal Reserve Cartel.  You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column

          So, dear Krishna, if you promote 'peaceful and harmonious' religion, as you say, you should behave accordingly, and not say for Muslims;  'Most Muslims Don't Even Know This For They Are CLOWNS and PUPPETS". Your behavior is actually creating the very thing that you dislike so much.

          With much love,




  • I am walking down the street minding my own business and a gang of Muslims approach me and ask me where I am going as if it's their business ..anyway I said I am going to the Sikh Temple ...they shouted abusive language using F words so I will never forgive the bloody bastards.
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