Yes. How to develop oneself spiritually. How to ascend. How to climb the mountain(s). How to reach nirvana. How to become an angel. How to transform oneself.
These are just words, just expressions. You see them everywhere (not literally). Yet, it seems so confusing to me.
Why? Because the words are spoken as if I should know what they mean by the terms and choice of words. Perhaps they have a reason to do so, however it is nonetheless confusing.
What do YOU mean by speaking those words?
Also, what do YOU apply to your life to transform yourself? How do you do it? What are the keys? Or what is the key? How do you do it practically in your life?
Hi, Kelly.
Well perhaps there are many ways. Perhaps not. Perhaps, perhaps not =)
Perhaps there is just one way to reach enlightenment (or what you choose to call it), but along the way you get mislead. By so many factors!
Of course it is a nice thought that every path is the right one though...
Well yes, the subconscious seems to be a big factor in our suffering, in that there is not much doubt...
If that is the case, the question is how one can solve it.
There are so many claims on how to achieve this enlightenment.
I am currently exploring the teachings of Samael Aun Weor, Rabolu and Belzebuub to see where it leads to.
Well that is the track I am on right now... However, when you say eliminate the ego, what do you mean?
How does one do it? I know how it is said to be eliminated, however it seems that the techique varies from source to source. What is your experience on how to do it?
Although, for one who seeks truth, one should be aware of oneself. If one believes something, what makes one believe? I use the word believe as taking something as truth when one does not know if it is true. Now, when I say 'know', I am not talking about intellectual knowledge.
The trick with communicating using words is that one word could mean different things to different people. Words are just words...
One could say "well I do not understand why this God would do this and this" but one should be careful and understand that many times you do not understand, that one lacks understanding, lacks consciousness and grasps things very limited, very subjective. Our emotions for example make us often believe in things that feel secure, this one understand if one studies oneself. Now one could believe that if one wants to, perhaps it is the best thing to do for that person...
I am not saying that your belief is just a belief of convenience or a belief at all in the sense I described belief, just thought that it could be a thing worth sharing. Just so you do not misunderstand me and think that I wrote this to 'teach you a lesson', it was just one thing I thought about when you used the word "believe". :)
I think it could be a good thing to be very open minded but skeptical and as objective as one can.
It depends on what one wants, of course...
Edit: I did not mean that one is better or worse than another at any time. I meant that if for example one wants to get great at Tennis, it is better for one to practice tennis than to not do it. :) One perhaps gets not to that goal if one practice football instead for example.
Creation which just happens to be the Cosmos. Why is it that the Sun bounces
of you? Could it not be that it just bounces of itself. It's invisible in between.
I believe that Our Father/Mother Soarce are Omnipotent within Everything
and that there is no Division and no Separation because everything Is.
You are a Living Spirit having a wonderful journey of life in a Holodeck
that you set up and engineered selecting all the conditions your
parents etc. Be thankful because there are many in Spirit who would love
to change places with you. Light and love Peace and Harmony Kingjeff
I understand what you are saying. I appreciate this life of mine, the good and the bad. This is a wonderful opportunity to grow and learn.
Good posting, nice to see some reason and higher thought :) Good on ya!
I have a difficult time understanding your choice of words and their definitions...
Then perhaps you will find this interesting:
And after that, perhaps this: