2. Release this list of desires and surrender it to Creation, trusting that when things don't seem to go your way, there is a reason, and that the cosmic plan has designs for you which are much grander than even those that you have conceived for Self.
3. Remind yourself to practice present-moment awareness in all of your actions. Refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate the quality of your attention in the present moment. Accept the present AS IT IS, and manifest the future through your deepest, most cherished intentions and desires---while allowing detachment to the thing in point.
In detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty, friends. In the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from the past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning.
You must be willing to step off into the unknown, the field of all possibilities, in order to surrender yourselves to the creative mind that orchestrates the whole movement of the Universe.
There is no merit in FORCING solutions on problems for in force there is only the creation of new problems. Participate in everything with detached involvement and the solutions will pass for your inspection.
You need to factor in uncertainty as an essential ingredient of your experience. This allows you the very fundamental ability to create what you desire, for in the uncertainty you have flexibility. Be willing to accept uncertainty, for, as stated, solutions will spontaneously emerge out of the problem, out of the confusion, disorder and chaos. The more uncertain things seem to be, the more secure you can feel, because uncertainty is your path to freedom. It may seem to be a contradiction, but it is through the very wisdom of uncertainty that you will find your security. Why? Because you are not LOCKED into an outcome.
Here is your Gate To Learn How to Manifest Your Desires, Manifest Your Dreams, Manifest for Abundance and Manifest for Wealth!!
Something that is usually not explained is that although you have a limitless power to manifestate what you would like to experience, it is the Universe itself that gets rearranged itself for your creation to take place. But, instead of just putting in it front of you it offers you a situation that contains "what you have to do" to achieve it. This mechanism actually serves a purpose. It ensures that you will not manifestate anything you do not really want. If you do not really want it, you will not be willing to make the effort to achieve it. On the other hand, if you decide to "claim back" your limitless creational capabilities, you have to "claim back" the associated responsibilities as well.
What does it exactly mean? Well, since you and the whole existence is one, you have to become a "server" of the Divine Plan, thus being "part of it". You are serving it when you do what is presented to you in order to manifestate your desired experiences.
Very simple. When the Universe rearranges itself for you it does it for all the rest of the beings who are manifesting their own experiences, so what you do serves as a support for it. When you align yourself with the Universe, you become part of the rearrangement! This lets you become the limitless creator you are meant to be and in the most possible joyful way you can ever imagine.
When you search for information on internet you will surely find a lot of it, but beware because there is a lot of garbage info! That´s why i invite you to visit The Manifesting Desires Review
and The Manifesting Wealth Review