How to Protect One’s Self

The specific aim of the Reptilians and the Greys is to take overplanet Earth through covert mind control methods, much liketheIlluminati andSecret Government is trying to doonEarth. Thesetwo groups are intimately connected. Most people think of worldtakeover only in terms of military means such as bombs and guns.They don’t need to do this if they can control the people, andworld leaders through mind control, hypnosis, and brainimplants. The key question is, What do we do to stop this? Ourgovernment has sold us out because of their greed for power andworld domination and now they can’t stop what they have started.The first step is for the people of Earth to reclaim the world'sgovernments.


We must force the governments to release all theknowledge they have about extraterrestrials to the world atlarge. Half the battle is won if the people of the world knowwhat they are dealing with. If people knew what was happeningthey would not be so much on automatic pilot. The only way toprotect ourselves is through the strength of our consciousness.If a person is attuned to God and the Masters, and owns theirpersonal power, and has self mastery over their energies, theyhave nothing to worry about. The world needs to wake upspiritually and psychologically, and stop being victims. It isthis victim consciousness that allows them to be abducted andmanipulated.

If ever you sense them around, just pray, affirm, andvisualizeprotection for yourself. Your connection with God and theMasters will bring you immediate protection. The only true hopefor this planet is a mass spiritual awakening which, in truth,is beginning to occur. This spiritual awakening must also leadus into political action to remove the Secret Government andIlluminati from power. It is these beings that are controlledand manipulated, implanted, and hypnotized by the negativeextraterrestrials.


Part of our strength is also to think asindividuals. The Greys are a group memory complex that hasverylittle ability to think on their own. It is time now to makepeople aware of what is really going on. Share this informationand others like it with your friends. Do more research on yourown. If enough people become aware, the one hundredth monkeyeffect will begin to occur. It is already happening.


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  • It is so easy to take control of the minds of the populace, because everyone has a TV, and so many people spend their days glued to the screen. By transmitting certain frequencies, and subliminal messages, it would be so easy to get total control of the masses. Not only that, but HAARP can also broadcast frequencies which when directed at individuals, can send them messages straight to the brain (probably connected to the pineal gland). Certain police forces have already used this technology for crowd control in certain circumstances, (Aural control)
    TV is a great medium to really dumb down the masses, keep us all enslaved with the constant bombardment of advertising, which makes us feel if our lives will be miserable if we don't own the latest technology (3D TV anyone?), and don't keep up with the Joneses.
    Another great thing about TV is while all the populace worries about what's going on in the Big Brother house, or daily soap, whatever junk they prefer, it keeps their minds off the real problems facing humanity. They would rather concern themselves with conversations about Sandra Bullock and her partner, or Tiger Woods, than involve themselves in the poisoning of our environment via chemtrails.
    I own a TV, spend a lot of time watching every day because I'm not well enough to do much else, with daily migraine headaches I've had for 40 years, but I do remember a time when I didn't own a set for 3-4 years, I was amazed at how smart I became during that time, I chose to read and involve myself in other activities instead.

    You want to live, and know what's really going on around you?
    Throw the TV away!
    Talk about dumb societies!
  • Nav nekadu zalo cilvecinu un reptilu kas sagrabusi planetu!
    Es domaju ka jums mazak jaskatas "V"

    Is this next season of popular sci fi moovie "V" ? :D:D
  • sorry...can't make out anything...letters are blue...background is blue???? Peace and light!
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