I thought it would be a good idea to have this one particularly devoted thread to how we feel like today (everyday) so that we could compare our and know others' feelings, not only emotions but physical symptoms of the energy sent to Earth.
For example, yesterday whole day I had a terrible migraine and I was angry since I woke up, for no reason.
Today I feel fine but I had to go to sleep for 2 hours.
HOWEVER, some time ago, probably about 2-3 weeks ago, I had a pain in my chest when I was breathing. It happened to me for the very first time in my life. The same day I went to see my doctor and she said that my heart and lungs are working fine but she prescribed me pills for rheumatoid inflammation not to occur! I had to take one pill a day for 10 days but I could still feel the pain in my chest, I had to control my emotions and talk to my inner self. It worked. I think this pain appeared because of heart chakra cleansing. I have experienced a lot of in my short life and much of it was painful emotionally to me, this is why I think this pain was so strong that even those pills couldn't handle it 100%. I haven't felt this pain in chest since then.
The most often is the hunger that keeps attacking me :D Especially asking for something sweet. Anyway, even if I eat a lot I must eat more because I feel like what I've just eaten disappeared in my stomach the same time it got there.
I forgot to mention ^_^ that I forget so many things so often lately. Even lecithin doesn't help.
I know about dizziness and the food seeming to disappear ... lately specially, if I stay up too late online.
For my age I seem remarkably healthy .. though rarely have an abundance of energy...
My spiritual teacher never told folks when she was ill. She felt others thoughts would only magnify the issue-burden if they knew.
This was illustrated to me, after my divorce. It was painful for us both, but I didn't talk about it to friends and did what I could to maintain my spirit-emotional health.
I ran across a friend who knew us both, in the park.... I quickly backed away from him, and said "don't feel sorry for me" as his thoughts-feelings weighed on MY heart and his emotional heaviness became mine. I'd been in a good mood till I met him.
Birdy always said, "don't pity or feel sorry for folks" as your feelings-thoughts add to their burden. Pray for them instead and give it to god. It's often helpful to share, and possibly learn..... but it can have a consequence as well, especially with those close to you whose emotions may affect you.
All the same, you're quite brave, and we respect your strength.
Greetings and peace!
The NASA page - according my computer - does not exist anymore. Can you confirm that?
things have really switched for me in the last few days. i feel great. i have negative thoughts and emotions still but they are not lasting long. it is amazing what happens when I change my focus the negativeness goes away. i got up this morning and meditated at 6:30 I was up in meditation. I have meditated the last few days and I can tell the difference with how I feel. I am going to do an evening meditation and watch quantum k with my partner. love and light....