I felt compelled to write this and as I tend to listen my higher self … Here it is. Make what you want of it.
Humanity 101
Spirit (HU), a spark of the All, is an entity that has a symbiotic relationship with 3D man. This benefits both spirit and man. Spirit gets to experience life in a 3D tactile reality; man goes from 3D organic organism to 3D sentient HU-man.
Christ consciousness is the ultimate goal of human. The ‘ALL’ is ‘I AM.’ Humans refer to themselves as I am (insert name here).
The ‘I AM’ experiences all the spirit experiences via the species the spirit inhabits. Everything that is, is ‘ALL.’ Christ consciousness is the oneness to the All. It is beyond 3D veiled reality. Through Christ consciousness, humans may ascend as masters. This is spirit’s ultimate degree in the human experience before moving to another level. Spirits may move to other dimensional levels without having ascended as masters, but may choose to revisit levels un-mastered for lessons or a chance to be an ascended master.
3D reality is transforming to 5D reality. Many starseeds / lightbeings who currently inhabit the planet are upper level un-ascended spirits who have chosen to revisit to master lessons while assisting humanity in the raising of its harmonic vibration to create a better organic organism and the ascendancy of humanity. Love is the closest word humans have to describe the ultimate vibration. So spread the Love.
There has been an influx of starseeds / lightbeings for the coming time ahead. Starseeds / lightbeings are known to create higher vibrational energy. When used positively, energy will have, among other attributes, healing qualities. Energy wielded negatively will lower vibrations. Understanding how to utilize energy requires spirit to tap into the ‘ALL.’ If everything is ‘ALL, and ‘All is everything, the ‘All’ is also energy and spirit a spark of the ‘ALL.’ Most spirits forget upon becoming human all past knowledge beyond the veil of their 3D perceptions. Meditation is one tool utilized to find oneness with the ‘ALL.’ As starseeds / lightbeings progress they will find many new uses for the energy they wield. Thought becomes action. Action can occur with nothing more than thought. We are the creators. Envision what you want to create and it will manifest. What, starseeds / lightbeings, do you wish to create for the world you live in? Envision what you want to create, add energy of the ‘ALL’ – the ‘I AM’ in you. All is possible. But, a word to the wise, you are responsible for your actions – Thought, Word and Deed. What level do you want to play at in your eternal reality? Create wisely.
Empathy is one of the capabilities of a starseed / lightbeing. Before being able to fully understand how to use empathy, an empath is subjected to overload of emotions. Learning to detach Self, will clear the superfluous allowing clarity and focus in the empath. Empaths must learn to discern when one truly needs their concern / help versus ones who are here to learn various life lessons and what seems like help, to a inexperienced empath, may actually hinder another's spirit. We each carry our own excess baggage in our life and we must each get rid of our own excess baggage. This is how we learn. We can, however, love others unconditionally. If help is needed, it will be asked for or you will be guided / compelled to assist. Make sure it is not your own ego trying to assist. You can love unconditionally and still detach from your emotional self. This is a form of self preservation. When help is given, do it for them , not for yourself. You are assisting them, for them. Let go of ego. Don’t expect thanks or boast to boost your self esteem. Self esteem is an illusion of the human. Beyond the veil, we realize we are ‘ALL.’
Why do humans feel the need to judge other humans? Instead we should try to see others point of view and explain our own points of view. Communication is the way to understanding. Agreement may or may not be made. But honest communication and the willing openness of ourselves is a good start to understanding each other.
Negative energy you put out will net you angst; positive energy you put out will net you joy. Karma exists. We are the creators of our reality. Labeling another from our perspective is an action that can create angst or joy depending on the type of energy (label) wielded. What do you want to accomplish?
Meditate, open yourself, become one with the ‘ALL.’ And be. Love to All.
A message for the times.
i have this in my files i got the pdf files and it is about 128 pages long i was told not to put it on here as it breached the copyright act
Great post. I felt a connection when i read it, to ALL that is, it a little difficult to explain but i really felt it, i usually feel it during meditation, like the words you wrote pour out of my heart too...hope you understand
Love StarGirl
I certainly admire you as a being that's for sure...