You have all just lived through one of the most amazing times of your human history. Your entire world has been reset. No longer are you living under the rules of the old paradigm. In fact, you are now entirely in a world that you create. Every man, woman, and child is becoming crystalline in nature, regardless of their state of awakening. The more crystalline a person is, the more they project their reality onto all around them, bending their personal reality to suit their desires and creating the lessons that still need to be learned.
For those awakened, this means that you can consciously create the life you want, the one you have dreamed of. For it is these awakened souls that are indeed creating the new earth with every breathe. How can an awakened soul, one in touch with their divinity possibly hurt another intentionally? It is not possible. Therefore it is these aligned souls who will create the new world by simply living in alignment with their soul source. As all are in various stages of awakening, this will not be an instantaneous process but one that can be seen progressing slowly but continually. It is important to focus on only your progress, your soul integration and not where another is in this process. Each of you that fully integrates with your sold will help those around them excel just by simply being.
While this is a time of celebration, a time to rejoice the resetting of mankind, many are struggling. For those unawakened, life may seem to get more difficult, demanding and overwhelming. This is due to the speed in which lessons are being taught and patterns are being revealed. When the same situation comes up again and again, it is to show what needs to be changed. It is easier to see what is not in alignment when you are faced with it continually than if a lesson is spaced over long spans of time. For many, denial is not longer possible. Compassion and understanding is needed for those undergoing such change without understanding why.
For those awakened or in the stage of awakening, it is you who must extend compassion to yourselves. You will find that as the body becomes more crystalline the physical symptoms of releasing density will increase. Sensitivity to chemicals and foods may increase as well. Listening to your body’s needs are important. If your body needs rest, rest. if your body reacts to certain things, take care to avoid it. Keeping a journal of what causes you discomfort or a reaction will help you to see what your upgrading body needs to avoid. Just like now, each person’s crystalline body will be different and will react to different things. There is no wrong or right way to go through this incredible change. As you become crystalline you will then have access to light codes that are crystalline in nature and help encode your new DNA template. These codes will help you to further embody your soul.
For many the biggest issue is resistance. For this process to go smoothly, a complete surrender needs to take place. You must surrender the desire to control. Many pray for help to the masters, the angels, to their guides and to God, but do not give permission to receive help in all forms.
What a load of bullshit!
As far as I know, humanity have ALWAYS had complete control over her reality. Although, she have also been extremely easy to fool into creating all the wrong versions.
Thanks Happy for sharing this...
I join you in your blessings to everyone and evrything, and thank you for it.