785. Humanity’s Evolvement, The ET and DNA Influences, The Government’s Role, and The Future Choices.
(Received by Tom H. Smith) September 28, 1992.
Place: Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
“Abraham and the Blend of Loving Energies have given you considerable information on the recent (relatively speaking) evolvement of humankind. It is true that volumes of details could and will be channelled on this, but we will restrict our channelling to considerably less than that.
Tom has already written about how the DNA of humankind has been altered and how controls have been introduced into your civilisations. We are going to keep our focus primarily on the extraterrestrial involvement. Humankind has been a partner to its own development, but the ET’s have been the major factor in applying the direction to take.
Planet Earth is inhabited by many races of people. Every race has had its origin from another planet. It was not Adam and Eve who started it all, but settlements of ET’s came from time to time. At first the ET’s came directly to Earth and had to learn to adapt to this environment. There were countless attempts at trying to find the correctly suited physical structure to live within the Earth’s atmosphere. The best suited physical bodies were a result of births on the planet. The Pleiades were the primary inhabitants of the Earth at first. They were followed by other star systems. Over a period of time the physical being began to adapt very well to the Earth’s environment. At a point, the ET’s were no longer needed as direct inhabitants, so they stopped living on the planet. However, they kept a constant view of the human development and physically touched in from time to time. Additionally, there have been different periods of time in the Earth’s development when the ET’s would return in person. Atlantis was one of the more notable civilisations. Lemuria was another. There were reasons for these. Humankind needed a “boost“ in its development. Additionally, energies from other planets needed a place to resume their growth after certain disastrous affects. We of course are speaking of those energies who left Maldek, Mars, Venus, as well as some planets outside this solar system. There are specific stories about each of these planets that will be covered in some detail at a point. This information has been channelled to others as well.
The ET presence on the Earth has been here in some form or another since it has been inhabited. Indeed, it was the Earth herself who asked for these energies to assist with her own growth and development. ALL energies are created for the purpose of love, including the planets. ALL energies have the choice in how or even if they pursue love. It was the Earth’s choice to serve a humanoid type species and to have these humans assist her in reaching her own path of love.
Many on the Earth at this present time are star beings who have participated in the Earth’s development, and are here to continue that growth and to assist others in that most beautiful endeavour. Many walk among you who are from other star systems who do not view the Earth and humankind in a loving way. These will be much of our focus at this time.
Thus far it should be obvious that humanity has not been, and is not alone. It has been humanity’s own perceptions that this is the case, but this has been part of those controls introduced.
Not all those ET’s who have taken up “residence“ on the earth have been here with loving intent. Think of certain elements of your society who feed off the others. The Mafia is a good example. It is only one of many, but is a good study for our point. As most of you understand this group, they thrive on money, greed, power and control. They love to live for those things that can bring them total pleasure, even at the expense of others. They have no respect for anyone. They do not love anyone, including themselves. They have certain codes of ethics but even these are followed only when it serves their purpose. At the individual level, these people may seem to be God fearing, law abiding citizens – people with loving families and community responsibilities. Some may in fact carry out these roles very well, as long as it does not interfere with their primary purpose – to live off the people and control all they can.
The analogy of the crime syndicates can very aptly describe the presence of the ET’s from the dark side. These beings have a single overall interest and that is to use the Earth and its inhabitants to better their own existences, in whatever way possible and for whatever purpose. There are many reasons for them to be here. But they fall under the common themes of control, use and power. Many in the Mafia have all the money they could spend in several lifetimes. Control and power have become their obsessions. This is also true of many ET existences, then and now. Of course the Mafia’s own existence is an extension of those from the dark side.
How is it that we positive and loving ET’s would allow such negativity to exist on the planet? We can stop certain types of harm and intervention, but primarily Earth is known as a zone of free will. This has been so ordained by the God Source and the Sun God. As an area or zone of free will, many restrictions have been removed. All of the universal laws or truths apply to Earth and its inhabitants. But each has the choice to abide by these or not. This does not mean that the One Creator is pleased when Its laws are not followed. Of course the Creator is not The Creator’s laws apply to all including the law of BALANCE, or KARMA as most think of it.
Regardless, there are many diverse needs throughout the universe, on many levels of reality, in all dimensions, in all star systems. There are those beings (dark side) who have followed the birth and growth of the Earth who have wished to establish their energies on the planet. Their presence grew over time until it was sufficient in strength to attract and invite even more powerful energies than were originally here.
We in the Light have been continuously aware of these presences. But we are love and therefore allow others to be. Essentially it has been the humans who have continued to ask for those energies from the dark side, otherwise they would not be here. It was only a few in the beginning, but as humankind has selected the kinds of experiences to learn as a distinct species, many have chosen the ways of those negative ET’s. This is how you have become partners to your current situations.
We have talked at length about the ET’s from the dark side. This is necessary in order to put the various roles in perspective. None of the ET activities just suddenly started. You are us; we are you – both positive and negative. There has been lesser or greater awareness of our presence as the situations of universal circumstances have “dictated“.
As Abraham channelled, certain significant events occurred 5,000 years ago. After thousands of years of experimenting in humankind, the negative ET’s were able to introduce a change in your basic structure, that is your DNA. Their experiments were not done en masse, as those who were aware of a negative presence often refused these energies. However, the DNA work was performed anyway (on others). There were many undesirable affects, even for those from the dark side. There were many physical mutations of humans as well as mental mutations. Those doing the experimenting were not concerned with either of these, but they could not produce the desired results. For instance, those of a physical difference were not accepted by others even as they were able to physically control or force their way in certain situations. Their presence was easily overcome by the other people. Likewise, those with mental mutations were either too slow to grasp even the most fundamental issues, or so genius as to not function at the level required for physical existence.
It was of no concert to those beings that they were toying and playing with the human, as many humans are now doing with animals for research purposes. Their interest was in defeating the human consciousness so humankind could no longer recognise that it was an equal to all in the universe and could do anything it chose to do. However, these were patient beings as they finally succeeded in creating as part of the human DNA a very subtle change in its connections to its own spiritual, instinctive self to its higher self. We often refer to this as a “memory loss“ to keep it simple. Humanity didn’t really forget certain things as you do occasionally or when you allow senility to overcome you. The change was realised at birth. Each new born still felt connected to his or her spirit surroundings, but this began to change more quickly than before. Remember, in those times the young were not subjected to the same level of spiritual debunking and belief system indoctrination as is now evident throughout the planet. Humankind treated the spiritual part of its nature with equal importance. But the efforts of DNA changes caused a very subtle loss of its connectivity, so that over time it was believed by these beings that it would have a most significant affect on the human consciousness. It was so subtle that few on Earth recognised it and therefore did not overcome it.
What occurred almost in conjunction with the DNA was another change of even more significance. Those from the dark side in the guise of high priests began to tech humans about their soul’s growth and the ways to attain eternal happiness and contentment. The “memory loss“ caused just enough doubt in the human mind to begin seriously considering the teachings of “religion“. This “caught on“ quite well. Many were split between their own inner awareness that told them of their own truths, and those teachings of laws and judgements that would lead to an everlasting place at the right hand of god. In an effort to counter these inner voices another concept was introduced – commerce, which led to wealth, which led to industrialisation. These reinforced material “beingness“ –materialism, power, and indeed control.
Humankind was now faced with and in fact focused on those things that were a perfect compliment to its “memory loss“ of its spiritual attachment. With new kingdoms to build and mountains to climb, it was easy for humankind to very quickly lose sight of its own limitless self. Note that even in the earlier days of industrialisation only a few controlled the majority of the wealth. This in turn “gave“ them power as the non-wealthy sought what they had. Even today, the majority of the human race is not wealthy in material terms. It is to the advantage of those in control that the majority is controlled by a few. Otherwise, humankind will begin to recognise its own self worth and that it is equal to anyone. Humankind need only look around to see you have yet to learn this lesson.
Many civilisations have set out realising this and have intended to overcome the power and control obstacles. Practically all European countries were founded on these freedom principles. See what has happened. Your United States was established on the premise of equality to all. Look around and see how you are controlled – this is not equality. Even communism has the premise of equal status to all. It did not take long for the power brokers to seize these opportunities to subject its citizens to the will and control of the opportunist.
So it is easy for the sound ideal to take on the will of its people. When the will of the people is materialism, then you have a wealthy nation such as the US or Japan. This becomes an obsession for the masses and soon the focus is away from the spiritual, limitless, equal, loving self. The ideas of those from the dark side have worked to perfection on most humans. We have seen this introduced on other planets, but yours has raised the controls of religion and materialism to new heights, to a science if you will. Two seemingly contradictory ideals working so extremely well together to manoeuvre and manipulate the human consciousness into believing humanity is what it is not – alone and not worthy of its own all loving Creator.
Humankind has fought for its “place in the Sun“ for as long as there has been an Earth. Humankind was in complete harmony with itself and the Earth, including the elements of nature. The human life was not physically easy since a physical existence was chosen. But humanity had all its physical needs met – food, shelter and recreation.
It was only natural that many of your civilisations set out to embody the freedoms and equality mentioned previously. Within the mindset of control, it was equally natural that these efforts were doomed for failure, as the ideas of materialism became more common. When you are constantly striving for more and better, it is easy to lose sight of who you really are. This is not something we believe most would accept as their truth, but this is exactly what has been happening. Humankind has simply become distracted from the strength of the universal values of love.
There have been channelling concerning the role of the ET’s and governments, but we wish to elaborate. The Pleiades presented themselves to your government representatives at what was considered to be a very appropriate time (President Truman, the MUROC airport (EDWARDS – present name) AFB, 16th October 1946 – compiler’s comment). Your WWII was over and the fears of the atomic bomb had been realised. The US and Russia were racing against each other, even before that war ended. We felt the need to discontinue immediately the atomic bomb threat and could see a high probability of nuclear arms development. Each time these arsenals are released there is tremendous harm to the Earth, regardless of where they are exploded. There had just been years of killing and mutilations, so your government should have been sympathetic to ceasing the production of arms. They should have been interested in only peaceful solutions to international disagreements. But this was not to be.
Your government was suspicious of our presence from the moment we landed. (I, Ashtar, was a member of that entourage.) It was not a sudden appearance, as we had managed to go through certain channels of communications well in advance of the meeting. There was considerable fear on the part of your military leaders, those who had close connections with President Truman. There is no purpose served in naming names, especially since most have made their transition at this time. We can say that the military exerted the most pressure and control over the affairs of your government (USA) at that time. This is even stronger today.
Our meeting with your government lasted almost three hours. We had to explain our position and what we had to offer. None of the humans who attended could comprehend that our motivations were based on love and desire to help. They kept looking for our “angle“, our interest in some physical terms. We offered all the assistance that we felt was appropriate, but there were conditions. The major conditions were to stop immediately production of atomic weapons (the nuclear age wasn’t quite here), turn all atomic weapons over to us for a sage destruction or neutralisation, and to begin immediately dismantling your military complex. There were to be communications to all major countries so they would hopefully follow suite. We would have visited many of these as well. With these arms barriers gone, the international issues could more easily be resolved within a peaceful context. We did not expect all nations to immediately turn to loving each other. But there would be mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. This would gradually lead to total acceptance, then to a single mindedness as a world. We had certain technologies to share. We suggested solutions to your use of solar energy and to your internal combustion engines that power your vehicles. We were prepared to explore all avenues of peaceful growth and development. We would not have forced anything on anyone who did not wish to have what we had to offer. We were simply presenting much of what was available.
Of course your government (USA) and the Russian government turned down our suggestions. It was our belief that Russia would have followed your lead had your government accepted our offers. Those in control wanted to keep that control. Arms, force and intimidation are ways to maintain that. When there is peace and love and respect for others, there is absolutely no need for the kinds of controls that governments and other organisations are empowered with.
Compiler’s comment:
First and the same offer was made in the Soviet Union on 13th November 1949, at the VNUKOVO airport near Moscow, to Joseph Stalin, and it was turned down as well.
Instead of our peace offerings, your government was subsequently presented with “their kind of offer“. Another “kind“ of ET approached your government. This time they had promises of military and technological assistance. They demonstrated some of their power. Your officials were awed by what they saw and what they could do with such advanced systems. But there was a price to be extracted for these gifts. Your government must agree to allow these ET’s to visit with certain people and conduct medical experiments on them without interference. Your leaders were both greedy and naive, as they could not comprehend the consequences of what they were allowing. Even at that, they were willing to sacrifice some pain and discomfort for the good of the “national security“. There were other concessions, but those may be covered at another time.
The experiments began almost immediately. The government was to essentially ignore any citizens’ complaints or fears. Of course your government established certain committees to review the evidence of sightings. These groups never intended to reveal anything. It was all FOR SHOW.
The experiments and abductions have continued unabated from that time to now. Other very significant factors are now to have an impact on your future. The Earth has decided to develop her own being into the 5th dimension. The Earth is preparing for this. There are many planetary energies focused on the Earth and your solar system that are going to have THE MOST DRAMATIC IMPACT ON YOUR EXISTENCE. The Earth is responding to these as part of her planned development. This will have a most significant affect on the human species. The specifics of this will be discussed at other times. The point here is HUMANKIND IS AT A CROSSROADS IN ITS OWN GROWTH. Those in your government (USA) believe changes are to occur but do not really comprehend what, as they are not focused on the kinds of development that humans and the planet can make.
The US government made clear choices for its people and that was to pursue the interests of those who saw weapons systems and technologies of control devices as the directions of growth. The public has not been aware of many secret groups and discussions. Yet each of you allows this as you accept the kinds of people who are elected as your representatives. Your mass consciousness condones the actions of your leaders.
We have given considerable background so that those who choose can discern the roles of your government and those we refer to as negative ET’s. There has been a very close relationship developed between the ET’s and a relative few within your government. But many others are involved as they are part of the power brokers, and others who do not question their own loyalty. Then there are countless others who have been so programmed that they no longer can differentiate positive from negative influences. These simply accept their role and assume Uncle Sam would never do anything that is not in their best interests.
So what is next? The Earth and humankind are changing. IT IS HUMANKIND’S CHOICE – IF THIS WILL BE DONE BY THE INDIVIDUAL MINORITY, OR IF THE MASSES WILL JOIN IN. This is the most important aspect of what will happen from this point forward for humankind. En masse, you can change anything. Individually, you can only change circumstances of yourself.
The US government is preparing to make part of its ET connections public. This is being done for two reasons, primarily. One, many of you are working at different levels to help force this information out of the secret meetings. We, too, are assisting by making our presence known to as many as are open to us. This in turn is creating awareness on your part. It is becoming more difficult for your government to deny the obvious. Second, the information may eventually be known, as the Earth changes are going to “force the hands“ of the ET’s from the dark side who have an interest in humanity.
Your government (USA) is not divulging any information out of care and concern for you, its citizens. They will try to salvage their credibility through a media campaign, and at the same time conceal most of the truth and their real intentions. Your government WILL NOT TELL YOU THE TRUTH about what has occurred and what is happening. Many will think it is no big deal that what you are told is “the truth“. There are the ones who are willing to accept whatever your national and local governments give them - these empower the governmental and business leaders with their control.
Here is what you can expect. Your government (USA) will begin to advise its citizens of the existence of extraterrestrials. They will admit they have been doing some work behind the scenes with them to develop security systems. They will tell you that this was kept secret because of the risks involved and because they didn’t feel the public was ready for such information. They feared mass panic. They will deny any knowledge of the abduction incidences many have been talking about.
After much discussion of these issues, you will be introduced to the “loving ET’s“ who are here to help humankind. This may even be a TV affair. Once you have got used to the ideas of their existence, you will be informed of things in the future. Some of this will be true, some will not. All while this is happening the government will be preparing the public to accept even more controls, although these will be in disguise. You will continually be advised that everything is in your best interests. There will be many true examples that will “prove“ the government is correct.
At a point in the not too distant future, you will be advised of even more wonderful and loving beings who will appear to you. We think this will be within five years. When these ET’s arrive, you will be asked to look beyond their physical appearances and feel their love for humankind. The ones referred to are those who are very powerful. They control those ET’s who are now working with the US government, much the same as the Mafia bosses control their lieutenants. These ET’s will demonstrate their love for humankind, as they perform miracles and wondrous deeds. Their entire demeanour will be for the purpose of convincing those on the Earth that you would be wise to listen to what they tell you. Observe the medical cures they will perform. They will not be telling you that THEY are the ones who inflicted many of these same ailments on your species. They want credit for the cures so humankind will be endeared to them.
Then at a point, you will be told of the real reason they have come. Planet Earth is changing and there will be even more devastation than what has already been witnessed. They will tell you it will be necessary to leave the Earth if you with to survive. They will offer the solution for you. They will tell of planets prepared as havens from certain devastation and death. They will “take“ many to their “golden cities“ as witnesses to what they tell you. Their offers of assistance will be most attractive to those who cannot discern the dark side from the Light.
Many of you have heard of holograms. These are duplications of places, people and events if the most detailed and realistic fashion. Those from the dark side are masters at the use of holograms. They will create cities of illusion for some to see and others to “visit“. Those who choose to accept and go with these ET’s will not be getting what they have seen and heard about. It is the choice of each of you as to what to do. Your government will encourage each to go. In fact they will exercise their controls to coerce you, since it will be “in your best interests“ to do so. Once you have decided to accept their invitation and leave with them, it is too late for you. You will soon find out just what an illusion they presented to you.
For those who choose the path of the negative ET’s, you will be used for the benefit of those who have taken you. You will be ENSLAVED. This will take on various forms, but you will be under the direct control of your ET “caretakers“. There is no physical way out of you situations. Many will be used in experiments, medical and otherwise. Many will literally be slave labour. Physical death will be your only escape. We are being open with you at this time, but we are not giving the colourful details of your (new) existence with the ET’s. You will have the choice and it is your decision alone. You will be angry and say you were duped. This will be true, but you will have allowed this to happen. You have every opportunity to develop your own spiritual awareness so that you instinctively know what is best for you. There are no excuses. But there are alternatives.
WE are an alternative and we will also present ourselves to you, but in a much different fashion. We will only say at this time (for brevity sake) that each will have opportunities to accept our love and assistance. But this will not be forced on anyone, as this is not the way of the Light. The God Source asks that we love and do no harm. This we do in joy, for we are love. So those who can discern our vibrations from the others will have no difficulty in knowing who we are and who you are.
These are some of the things that humanity and the Earth are preparing for. There will be an opportunity to move elsewhere as the Earth prepares herself for the light-bodied inhabitants that many humans will aspire to be. This is called the Great Harvest of Souls and you will be hearing much more about it. But we tell you that all is well for those who have inner awareness to know their own truths, and do not give that responsibility to governments, churches, organisations or even us or other individuals. For you this represents spiritual growth that you have been seeking for many lifetimes.
I conclude at this time. There is much more for me to tell you. This we will do. But I ask that you learn to love yourself and the Earth. This is the best preparation you can make for what is to come. I leave in love for you and for the Infinite Creator of us all.
Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command (not Ashtar Sheran).“
786. The Dark Forces In Government and The Coming of The Reptilian’s.
(Received by Tom. H. Smith) October 12, 1992.
Place: Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
“It is not our intent now or ever to put down any individual or organisation, including governments. We recognise organisations are generally a reflection of the individual members’ beliefs. But this does not mean that we concur with the direction being taken. When the direction pursued is detrimental to the Earth, then we become even more concerned, as this beautiful energy has asked for our assistance.
I have spoken some about your government’s (USA) involvement with the forces of the dark side. Most in your government do not have any direct connections to these negative types. At the same time, most do support the actions of your government since they have agreed to be part of it – most but not all.
There are several organisations (agencies) who are very directly involved in a way that may have an impact on your future as free citizens. Why do we tell you this? As with all the other things, so you can be aware and prepare yourself for the different choices you will have. Of course one of these is to utilise your mass consciousness to change whatever you deem appropriate.
So each an all have decisions to make as to which direction to take. Many are, in fact, on the Earth to continue the present course of government dominance and interference. These people have made the big brother issues very attractive and almost necessary for your safety and even your existence. Others are here to grow and develop in an appropriate manner for themselves. Yet most of these have been influenced by those whose intent is to control.
So your governments (USA), national and local, can continue to grow and expand their responsibilities – if left unchecked by each of you citizens. Herein lies the real danger for you. If the government is not challenged and held accountable, then there can be no stopping it and no excuses for the consequences.
I started to tell you of certain agencies and departments within your government whose positions are in concert with the dark forces we have mentioned in previous changelings. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and NSA (National Security Agency) are the primary arms of the negative ET’s. Any area of any government that works in secrecy for whatever reason is not doing this in the best interest of its citizens. The entire idea of democracy has been undermined by the practices of the secret types of organisations. The FBI is another such agency, although there are many in this organisation who are simply misguided. There are several committee-type units that have been commissioned by your presidents to perform certain special temporary assignment, only to have their legal lives extended indefinitely.
It is through these kinds of secret organisations that your government is working with the dark forces in several capacities. They have been engaged in control exercises of foreign governments as well as against certain elements of your society. These all come under the general heading of “national security“. Some have also been working with the “alien existences“ to gain strong influence over the people of your country and others. They have not had to execute people to do this. They have been at work building voter apathy and encouraging people to place their total trust in the different arms of government. Most people have been more than willing to comply with the wishes of those who say your government is for and by the people. They focus on unyielding patriotism at times, which encourages its own brand of prejudice and hate.
There is a considerable amount we could say about the government’s role. It is not our intent to mention names at this time, for then they might become the focus of “counter measures“. This would dilute the process and cause a deflection from the real issues. Regardless of all that is said, a positive, loving and caring mass consciousness is all you need. These energies can override any kind of negative or potentially negative situations that may occur.
I cannot emphasise enough that your government is not all “bad“. There are many beautiful souls working within its different branches. They are trying to be heard. Some are waiting for the right time to make their presence felt. Many others are just the “honest Joe“ trying to make an honest living and being good public servants. However, most of these are being overshadowed by the types I have already mentioned. I am focusing on the negative energies, as these are your country’s second greatest concern. The first is the disease already mentioned – complacency. It is through citizen complacency that the secret agencies of government have gained such strong hold on the entire system. The people have allowed this to happen. The people can and should demand accountability from all areas of government. Forget national security. This is a deliberate creation by the power brokers to conceal their own behaviour. It is this attitude that the dark forces have had so much success at controlling. It is a perfect situation for them.
As mentioned earlier, the CIA and NSA are the primary areas that have created the illusions of national security. These have worked very closely with high level military officials to experiment with certain weapons systems, and humans as well. We do not refer to those elements that give the military intelligence information. These are merely a cover for the real forces of these organisations – and some lesser ones – but very powerful ones. Each citizen has the right within the framework of your form of government, to ask and receive total accountability from the system. When is the last time this was done? Longer than most can remember. The loss of accountability began prior to WWI, and quickly eroded as the vested interest groups and power brokers began to exert themselves. Anytime a large military establishment exists, the resources and focus of government are directed away from the good of the individual citizen. The dark forces have been most instrumental and most active in this regard. They have done this in many, many ways – by creating direct conflict (war), by encouraging such actions, by fanning the fires of patriotism which is nothing more than a disguised separatism, by encouraging industrialisation and using the war efforts to impregnate the national thinking with the rewards of industry and jobs. You might even say that these forces have hit you from all sides – they have. But you have allowed this to happen for your unique human experiences. You call it progress, self preservation, and national security. These forces are at work in practically all governments. Another way of describing the situation is “lack of love“.
There must be a way out or an end to all of this, right? There is, BUT! It will take a monumental but simple effort to counter all the potential negative energies and activities that are there. Love yourself, allow others to be, learn to go within for your answers, and stand up to your different governments – these are the quick ways to affect change. These will all impact mass consciousness in a positive way. Otherwise, the following will most likely occur.
Some of the most powerful in your government are either part of the dark forces, or are directly under their control. The negative ET’s have “agreements“ with your government. This we have already told you. These so called agreements are not worth the paper they have been written on, if the negatives choose otherwise. Initially, the agreements were very specific. But over time they have been redrafted to allow more and more free intervention by the negative ET’s. Of course the trade-off was for weapons. But what has happened is the almost total control over those in your government by the negative ET’s. It is so convincing, that the agreements mean very little as the dark forces could proceed as they wish, anytime they feel it appropriate. Only a positive, loving collective consciousness can stop their plan.
I have already told of the Earth changes, at least in a general way. These are the major reasons for the relative immediacy of actions to be taken.
Your government (USA) have agreed to allow certain Reptilian type beings the total freedom over the citizens of your nation, as well as all other nations they choose, without any real interference. These Reptilian ET’s have control over certain ET’s from the dark side of the Orion planets.
Many refer to them as Grays. These are the primary beings doing the experiments on your species, as well as abductions. There are three other groups of extraterrestrials who are doing this as well, but the Orion Grays are the major group and have been for some time. Understand this – these negative ET’s from Orion are in the minority as for as ET’s from Orion. By and large these planets are occupied by benevolent, loving space friends who wish to help the Earth and humankind.
It is the negatives from the Orion group your government (USA) has bodies of as well as craft. Nothing is impossible, but we are far too advanced to crash our craft into the Earth. We do not wish harm to any energy, only love. The negative ET’s craft do not compare in any favourable way to what we can manifest. From an evolutionary perspective, we are “light years“ ahead. They are powerful, do not doubt this for an instant. But they have placed limitations on their love development. Consequently, their entire existence is limited. But we do not use force of any kind. We are love and therefore believe in the laws of balance as specified by the One Creator.
I now return to the potential evolvement of certain circumstances. The Reptilian’s, or Lizards as some may view them, are of a very high, but negative vibration. If you doubt their power, look around you and you will see how forceful and ingenious they are. Religion, materialism, control – all of these they have been very subtly introduced to this planet. These are what have allowed them to make such inroads with the human. Their power is to be respected, BUT NOT FEARED. This is most important. THEY THRIVE ON FEAR AND INTIMIDATION !!! (It is the ROUGH ENERGY VIBRATION they take as food into their bodies! – compiler’s comment.) They know all the angles, for they have probably created them as toys for humanity.
The Lizards will not appear to be forcing themselves on your. They are masters of deception. They will seem to come to help you.. We have mentioned this in an earlier channelling. They prefer to win you over. If they use force, at least initially, too many people will immediately see through their facade. They are seeking the same kind of mind control over each individual as they have over those in government, and even their subordinate ET’s (the Gray’s). It is up to each person to allow this to happen. JUST GOING ALONG WITH THINGS IS AS MUCH MIND CONTROL AS DIRECT CONTROL. There is really no difference.
Your government will be very visible at first, as they work for your, the citizens, to help head off the planetary crisis. Most people will prefer working with Uncle Sam anyway.
How will all this happen? Many have already heard of ways. There are several options available. The most likely one is to declare a national emergency for several very “valid“ reasons. There are various military units standing by to be called into action at the word of the “President“. These are “elite“ groups who have a fanatical view of patriotism. They are very controlled and will respond to certain commands. Most of these have been subjected to different mind control techniques, including direct contact with the negative ET’s. Your government has used different mind altering chemicals on many in an effort to gain control over them. They have been very successful. These units are subject to hypnotic suggestions. Of course no physical system is perfect and there will be opportunities for failures of these systems, thereby allowing many to understand what is happening. Again, mass consciousness can offset this.
The power structure within your government will attempt to dictate to you, but they will have to act outside your constitution. They in effect will suspend it, of not officially, then de facto.
As I have said, they will give very convincing details fur such actions. They will be telling of citizen insurrections that are in the form of non-family values (sound familiar?). They will tell you that your Christian values and ethics are under siege and it is time to protect them. At the same time there will be certain “natural disasters“ that create certain needs. These disasters will be caused by the powerful negative forces. Also there will be an ET alert. The focus will be on the “non loving“ ones, us. Self awareness is so extremely important. Discernment will be your only guide in these situations. With each of these circumstances, the military will take on greater and greater roles to disarm the people and make them feel secure. There could be much bloodshed for those so inclined.
As allegiance to the ET “saviours“ is gained, your government leaders will become less and less involved, as the negatives begin to exert total control. At the same time they will continue to make you believe they are your friends and still working with your government (USA) leaders.
The entire idea of the troop movements and dictatorship is force. A true democratic form of government would not consider these methods at all. If each of you will be able to set aside your own personal fears and other emotions, you can easily realise that whatever is happening through your government or the Lizard leaders, is not in your best interest, unless you are also from the dark side.
After all the “dust settles“, you will be advised as to the real reasons for the negative ET appearance. You will be told of certain pending and inevitable doomsday occurrences that will more than likely destroy your planet Earth and everything on it. The picture you will be painted will be one that leaves you no recourse. But their sales job will not be complete yet. You will be told how advanced they are and how you can be part of that process on distant planets. They will take some volunteers to view these beautiful planets and their golden cities. Whoever is witness to these places will be overcome by the beauty and peacefulness. Many others will also have views of these unbelievable cities and countryside. This is all yours, you will be told, along with the advanced technology to support them. You will then be asked and expected to agree to leave at the appropriate time. All while they are communicating these things to you, you will be subjected to the most advanced form of mind control you could imagine. Once you have agreed to their offers, you will then be processed to prepare you for passage. The actual passage will be some time off for most, as you will need to prepare yourself mentally, physically and “spiritually“. In fact what you will be doing is allowing the negatives to assert their control over you. For there are no golden cities to be transported to. What many will have witnessed are the masterful use of holograms to create illusions of truth for those seeking them. Each who agrees to the negative ET’s offers will find himself taken through a process somewhat like meditation. Only you will be opening yourself up to the direct control techniques of those from the dark side. There will be some to recognise what is happening and they will resist. These will be isolated if caught so as to not alarm the others. Your government (USA) will be using its own intimidation to assure that each is a participant.
Once you have completely submitted to their control, whether on the earth before you leave, or somewhere in space, there is no turning beck for you. Most will not even recognise the need to turn back, at least initially. For some it will not take long to recognise your predicament. Some will be subjected to physical experiments, ranging from organ transplanting to the impregnation and child birthing. Many will actually transition from the experiments as they are traumatised so extensively. As gruesome as it may sound, many will become a form of human sacrifice. Many, many more will be forced into labour camps, both on the Earth and on distant planets. All who choose to be with the Reptilian’s will be pressed into some type of service, or directly USED. You will no longer be a unique being, but will become a toy and slave of those you so trusted. There will be absolutely no escape for you in this lifetime, especially once you have been taken to the “golden cities“. Only when you make your transition, will you be free.
Many of the government leaders, particularly those of the dark focus, will be elevated within the ranks of the negative ET’s. Others will become slaves themselves when they are no longer needed. There is no “code of honour“ among the Reptilian’s. They only recognise power and the ability to create fear in others.
I have left out many more details. One very important truth to remember is that each has a choice, or choices, now and then. What you choose will contribute to your reality. WE are a choice for you. We come in love and offer love. We do not expect anything from you. We will help only if we are asked to. This (asked not forced) alone will be difficult for many to comprehend, as you have been taught so well to force your views and beliefs on others, especially when you know its for their own good. To those who follow these truths, true discernment will be most difficult.
I will continue at another time to tell you more about your options for us. There are Light workers among you who will provide you with guidance, if you wish to listen to them. I will tell you other things concerning the negative ET’s, but mostly I will tell you of our love. I leave in love for each of you and for the God Source of us all.
Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command (not Ashtar Sheran).“
OMG!!! after reading the article, i realized and i felt how Jesus had felt during his time, and what he's trying to do, it hammered my heart so deep that i never felt anything like that... that love, that... desire to bring true happiness to the people... oh my god!!!