I begin with the questions: Who are we? And, why are we here on Earth?The cuneiform tablets derived from the Sumerian civilization report that human kind wasa piece of genetic engineering. The genetic engineering was performed by the Annunaki, thehumanoid from planet Nibiru. This planet Nibiru orbits the sun in a period of 3,600 years. Duringthe perihelion, they came to Earth, landing in what is now Kuwait (their E-din), as a point ofrefuge for Alalu, their former leader.The Annunaki call their period of orbit a Sar. During their perihelion (near orbit), theycome near the inner planets of our solar system. They need shielding in their atmosphere fromthe radiation of the sun and other stars. This coming particular orbit finds then encountering asun with 230% more magnetic energy than it had in 1901. They need more gold. Where will theyget this gold?If you read the document by David Guvatt (www.deepblacklies.co.uk) the Third Reichaccrued and accumulated very large hoard of gold, which they transported to Argentina in submarines.Some of it was held in four Argentine banks; it was subsequently discovered and henceremoved across the Andes to a community in inland Chile. We refer to David Guvatt’s text onthe path of this gold. The question is: Was this concentration of gold inspired by the Annunakifor subsequent collection?The Annunaki have now what amounts to a civil war among themselves. The Annunakiwho returned to Earth after their departure – those who fell back to Earth – cannot be regarded ashighly moral humanoid specimens. For that matter, neither are certain of the other extraterrestrialraces.The Annunaki shield their planet with gold suspended in their atmosphere. Alalu foundgold in Earth’s oceans. That is how their relationship with Earth began. An expedition of SAMs(Sa.A.Mi.s) was sent to Earth to extract gold from the ocean. But it was not enough. Subsequently,gold was found in Africa. Annunaki workers were sent to extract that gold from Africanmines. We think this period lasted for about 144,000 years (this is in the book The Lost Books ofEnki by Zecharia Sitchin www.sitchin.com).There was considerable frustration and discontent which led to a proposal to create aworker race. More literally, this became a slave race. It had to be intelligent enough to be selfadministeringbut not so intelligent as to become a challenge to Annunaki directives. The humanrace – homo sapiens sapiens – was the genetically engineered product of that specification. Asreported in Genesis, which information was derived from Akkadian texts (proto-Hebrew language),the sons of God saw the daughters of man and they were fair to look upon and took forthemselves wives from among them. The human genetic strain was supplemented and intensified.Noah (Utnapishtin) was one such product.The

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"The clot shots are an attempt at global genocide."
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"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer.

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                                                                                       Chapter XIX


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