The Super Myth and what it means. What can we learn from looking at these stories, cycles, legends, and folklore of mythologies? Do they connect ultimately to the higher realm beyond time and space itself? Is there an analogy sought here, or perhaps a new dimension? Keep in mind Anton Parks, and you decide! First we begin the trip beyond the Northern winds with this:

Hyperborea & the Quest for Mystical Enlightenment


Far north, somewhere near the icy regions of the North Pole, legend speaks of an ancient and mostly forgotten civilization. Mythical in character, the Hyperborean civilization is said to have flourished in the northern most region of planet Earth at a time when the area was suitable for human habitation.

According to certain esoteric systems and spiritual traditions, Hyperborea was the terrestrial and celestial beginning of civilization. And it is said Man transgressed Divine Law in this Golden Age civilization, the ultimate price being his banishment to the outside world. Man ventured into other regions of Earth, establishing new civilizations, bringing to an end this great and glorious Golden Age.


HYPERBOREA was a fabulous realm of eternal spring located in the far north beyond the land of winter. Its people were a blessed, long-lived race free of war, hard toil, and the ravages of old age and disease.


Hyperborea was usually described as a continent-bound land, bordered by the great earth-encircling river Okeanos to the north, and the great peaks of the mythical Rhipaion mountains to the south. Its main river was the Eridanos, which flowed south, drawing its waters directly from the Okean-stream. The shores of this stream were lined by amber-bearing poplar trees and its waters inhabited by flocks of white swans. Blessed with eternal spring, the land producing two crops of grain per year. But most of the country was wild, covered with rich and beautiful forests, "the garden of Apollon."


To the south the realm was guarded by the bitterly cold peaks of the near-impassable Rhipaion mountains. This was the home of Boreas, god of the north wind, whose chill breath brought winter to all the lands to the south--Skythia, Thrake, Istria, Celtica, Italy and Greece. The peaks of the mountains were also the home of Griffins (eagle-lions), and its valleys were inhabited by the fierce, one-eyed Arimaspoi tribe. Directly to the south lay Pterophoros, a desolate, snow-covered land cursed by eternal winter.


Hyperborea was a theocracy ruled by three priests of the god Apollon. These gigantic kings, known as the Boreades, were sons or descendants of the north wind Boreas.


"The lineage of the Western Mystery Tradition can be traced back to Atlantis, Eden, ancient Sumerian, and the paradisal arctic Hyperboreans. These teachings are carried forward by many Western world spiritual groups, some of whom you may recognize by name: the Rosicrucian Order, Freemasons, Theosophists, the Alice Bailey teachings, Gnostics, Alchemists, Christian Mystics, Rudolph Steiner's Anthroposophists, and the Hermetic Orders of the Golden Dawn and Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.), the goddess traditions and many of the Native traditions such as shamanism rooted in the Inca, Maya, and Aztec cultures. A re-emergence of this great metaphysical Tradition is occurring now for today's troubled world. So you may be feeling the Call to re-unite with your own inner terrestrial/celestial lineage, pre-coded in your DNA."

In the myths and traditions of the subterranean world it is often said that the world's surface was yet to suffer a terrible world war (Third World War) which would though be ended by earthquakes, other natural disasters and a switching of the poles and the deaths there from of two thirds of humanity. After this "last war" the several races of the inner Earth would reunite with the survivors on the surface and the thousand-year GOLDEN AGE (age of Aquarius) would be rung in.


The supreme country commonly regarded as polar in orientation, symbolically is always represented as being at the Axis of the world and in most cases is referred to as a Sacred Mountain. Rene Guenon in his book The Lord of the World says:

Almost every tradition has its name for this mountain, such as the Hindu Meru, the Persian Alborj, and the Montsalvat of Western Grail legend. There is also the Arab mountain Qaf and the Greek Olympus, which has in many ways the same significance. This consists of a region that, like the Terrestrial Paradise, has become inaccessible to ordinary humanity, and that is beyond the reach of those cataclysms, which upset the human world at the end of certain cyclic periods. This region is the authentic supreme country which, according to certain Vedic and Avestan texts, was originally sited towards the North Pole, even in the literal sense of the word. Although it may change its localization according to the different phases of human history, it still remains polar in a symbolic sense because essentially it represents the fixed axis around which everything revolves.

The Old World regarded the Arctic as an inaccessible place. Beyond a certain gloomy and hostile border country, however, they did not imagine it as inhospitable. Indeed, in Greek myth this most distant part of the Arctic was a country of rich lacustrine soils, soft azure skies, gentle breezes (zephys), fecund animals, and [end p. 16] trees that bore fruit even in winter, a region farther north than the birthplace of the North Wind (Boreas).

The inhabitants of Hyperborea, as it was called, were thought to be the oldest of the human races, and to be comparable themselves with the land--compassionate in temperament, knowing no want, of a contemplative bent. In some legends of Hyperborea there are striking images of this blessed atmosphere--white feathers falling from the sky, for example.

(The allusion is probably to a gentle lamellation of snow; but the reference is not entirely metaphorical. On the coast of Alaska one summer day, an immense flock of molting ducks flew over my head, and hundreds of feathers rocked quietly to earth as they passed. In histories of nineteenth-century arctic exploration, too, one finds a correspondence, with descriptions of a kind of hoarfrost that built up like a vaning of feathers on a ship's rigging.)


"Hyperborea" is a term often used in conjunction with the history of the planet Earth and humankind. In Rudolf Steiner´s anthroposophical writings, Hyperborea is defined as the second race of Humankind in (pre-) history. It was preceded by the Polarian- and succeeded by the Lemurian-, Atlantis- and Aryan races.

Well, click chapter 4 to see the Hyperborea mentions:

"The early ages of Earth development would be quite unrecognizable compared with the present Earth. There are three such Polaris, Hyperborea, Lemuria. One could think of the fourth age, Atlantis, as the transition to Earth, as we know it. We are now in the fifth and there are two more to come. The fifth age, the present, is usually known as post-Atlantis.

Within each of these great ages there are seven smaller time divisions, which are known as cultural epochs or civilizations. A schedule of Earth development would look like this:

Anthroposophy - Rudolf Steiner by Roy Wilkinson:

Just as Plato had cited the Egyptian legend of the sunken island of Atlantis, Herodotus (Herodotus Map mentioned the Egyptian legend of the continent of Hyperborea in the far north. When ice destroyed this ancient land, its people migrated south. According to several accounts, Hyperborea split into the islands of Thule and Ultima Thule, which some people identified with Iceland and Greenland. The second ingredient was the idea of a hollow earth. At the end of the seventeenth century, the British astronomer Sir Edmund Halley first suggested that the earth was hollow, consisting of four concentric spheres.


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    • This is how Dr Joshua David Stone describes the seven root races (A Complete Ascension Manual, page 5):

      8115971698?profile=originalEach age of mankind learned a different thing. The Polarian Race learned what physical reality was like, they tasted it you would say. The Hyperborean Race explored the limits of physical reality, the small and the large, the slow and the fast. The Lemurian Race explored what I call Lunar consciousness, philosophical issues, magic, and was the first race to begin to integrate the spiritual into everyday life. The Atlantean Race explored emotions and feelings and the power behind desire and lust. The Aryan Race (our current race) is exploring Solar or Mental knowledge and its application in the physical plane. The Meruvian Race (of which is beginning now) is exploring personality integration, taking all that we learned so far and using it in balance and harmony. The final race is the Paradisian Race and they will anchor the God-Soul into the physical plane.

      • ..dang...

        i was planning for "Paradisian", but something went wrong in the time machine, and i ended up is this low-level Aryan-Meruvian time.. FFUUUUUUUUU....

        what can one do.. sh!t Happens... better luck next time, i guess...

        • lol ... sorry to hear that Vagelis ... ;) next time 'sooon come' ... ;)

  • glad you have enjoyed it Feather Winger ... this is just a very short summery on the subject ... ;) the amount of the information is surfacing is quite overwhelming. May be one day we will connect the dots and see the whole picture.

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