Hi all I am new to this site and have been going through a lot of material here and this looks like a nice friendly place.

I am learning to channel, among other things and I have had some amazing experience's that in time I will share with you all, but to get to know each other I thought we could start a discussion on channelling.

Below is a channelled message it is a long post beware lol, the channeller is called Brian he is a really lovely guy and does not charge a penny for his work or to teach others how to open themselves up.

I am open to all questions nothing is off limits, I am an open book and wanting to teach and learn as much as I can in the subject matter of spirituality.

I have the permission to post the following channelled message from the channeller in full, I will post a link to the original message following copy right rules.

I am a channeler and so are you

By yadushidumaliyu


This is a long post. Please dont tell me it should be shorter because it is a channelled message! This is how it comes through.

This is going to be a rough one but maybe you will understand why.

I am channel. I channel.

I now know how many of us are out there and I think it’s a number that is going to freak everyone out a little bit.

The human race are all channels. I know you hear the voice in your head. I know you do..I disagree with who you think is talking okay! That’s just my belief. Im entitled to not be locked in a mental cage and drugged because who I channel is trying to get the worlds attention. Its for a reason and I think its important everyone hears what is being said.

It took me years of brutal experiences to come to terms with what I am and lot of sacrifice, but it has given me so much more. To deny what I believe is deny interject with my very religion.

It has given me

A chance to help. A chance to explain. A chance to remind everyone of the truth.

Being a channel is very confusing for the one doing it first off and should be treated with a holy touch, and also can be very freaky to the outside eyes having no idea what’s going on and so they call it a disease. Bunch of arrogant sons of bridges in my humble opinion..

None of you are crazy! You are just channeling and have no idea what is going on! Youa re trying to understand and since it hurts you try to place blame. You know its not your fault but you don’t know why. It seems like its your fault but then you fall. I know. Its because you are a channel and channelling is real. Listen to iv he know. You are having a hard time noticing when they switch from being to being as well but that’s because their transitions are flawless. They are musical like crazy musical. If you open your heart to the message the videos are bringing knowing they are channeled messages you will be able to see what you have been missing.

Pronouns are very difficult to get correct when channelling this is wise to note. It alters point of views stand point and destination when in translation. If the heart of the message isn’t understood then the point of view can be lost.

There is a reason why religion comes hand an hand with these types of discussions. Its because the channeling is happening and nobody wants to admit. This is proof of life after death but everybody wants more, and it scares us because we feel like we are misbehaving and what if we get what we ask for.

Yes iv knows.

Its channelling


Look it up. They wont even really define officially even..hahaha

Well I am here to tell you that channeling is my religion. Well its part. My religion has parts of all your religions just a llittle faith because we have our proof as the core of the religion. There..nahny nahny. Is it a competition or are we supposed to be coming together? Exactly its not a race until the race realizes its one race.


Which we are.

So why do we continue?

Given up?

I didn’t think so.

You wanted proof of the other side.

Admit channelling is real!

That’s it.

And it is

I am an open door and the videos are vivid proof of it.

There is no such thing as multiple personality disorder or depression or a crap load of the other mental illnesses in accusation right now. You are just feeling other peoples emotions and its gets you mixed up and it makes you sad out o no where, it makes you feel like death itself sometimes but they call it manic..

Hahah manic..

Nice one..

Avoid extreme happiness at all cost or they’ll call you manic..uh oh watch out..the bahvior belief police are gonna get me..

What kind of world is this.

A godly one?

Or not?

Put down the stupid weapons ya idiots…You inflicting pain on a creation of God…You all are I guess outside of Canada right but they play theyre own games don’t they. Lol.

They are channels who just don’t have any guidance because ithas gotten beatings, locked away, and drugged to sedate. Back in the day really good channels who felt threatened were called witches and wizards and burned at the stake…Do you blame them for becoming a little dark!

I didn’t think so.

So how are they supposed to have guidance if what they are is treated like its illegal. Are you okay with calling people crazy if in reality they are naturally powerful channels?

Release those people.

Life after death is real and you are caging people who interact with it because you have no faith to admit you want control and they never had anyone to guide them since death is the reward usually!

Get it?

They call me brave because they know I stare death in the face by doing what I do out in the open.

Why do I do it?

Because I have proof of life after death so I know I am immortal and have nothing to fear but my own kind inflicting pain on me!

Got any more bullets in that bag a-holes? You know we love ya though..lol

You punish yourselves for your lack of faith basically saying we don’t even deserve to live among such innocence. Even deciding when we deserve death for being unholy because of a book you wrote BY CHANNELLING u deaf people…..Come on…Please iv knows.

We’ll the channels know that the other side is on their way and they are close. So it is a good idea to clean up the mess right about now.

Lets get the music going and celebrations in action please.

I so hope all hear these words as intended.

The outside eyes see a channeler, like how many see insects they are afraid of. When they see one they just want to smush it, and put it out of its misery so they don’t have to look at it anymore.

That is sick!!!! Sick sick sick.

Creatures of God are not yours to judge!

When is everyone going to figure this one out?

Trust in the maker and the maker will trust in you

It aint ever gonna be the other way around.


Grow up little angels.

There is a hate here. When there shouldn’t be.

It is because we don’t want to face our handy work, and the pain that the other side feels is darn near unbearable. It makes us easily feel the broken hearts and you feel guilty for it but are too afraid to look at long enough to see what they are actually doing to create it. When all they need to do is be sorry and start to love again.

Its that easy.

What is everybody really fighting over anyway

Over who is more right than the other?

Over land?



You are all wrong and you know it.

None of you own any of this and you know it.

Your control is allowed and can be taken away by your maker and you know it.

And we have entirely different definitions on right ways to achieve power and the wrong way.

I guess.

Many of you are channels. You all know that the other side exists. Yet no one wonders why the hell no one believes us?

Its because you cant ask a liar to trust you!

I liar is just going to expect to be lied to!

Do you understand?

Channeling is real! Stop lying to yourselves.

The other side is real! Stop lying to yourselves

GODS exist and one sits on a throne and there is a royal family! Stop lying to yourselves thinking anything different.

You cant be part time lovers with Gods. Are you kidding me? How you do deny? How do you deny?

What this means is that you are the living proof of life after death. Proof! Don’t cowar because they call you liars. They don’t even know! How the hell can they judge especially when they can do it to and just haven’t figured it out yet.

Some put on a brave costume thick enough to hide every time they pee themselves from inner terror.

There is no evil on the other side okay! Some channels are just seriously intimidated by power.

Power is power.

You guys just translate it until you can use it to. Every time you get a chance though you freak out and start to call yourself everyones maker or just want to immediately control matter itself right away. Do you understand that like bringing home grocery shopping and making a cake for after dinner but as soon as one of your kids smells it they ask can I have little piece. They beg and beg and beg until you  say Shut up. Fine but make it a small one. They get so excited and run into the kitchen. A little while goes by and you haven’t heard a peep from them. You think to yourself no way and go to inspect. Sure enough they just gobbled that whole cake and now the chocolate is all over place. On the counter, on the floor, on the fridge, on the knobs, on the darn ceiling what, its on the couch,…..jesus\

The other side exists and there Is always more. The time to once again lift voices on high praising the opened eyes who know for a fact that channeling exists!

You have absolutely no memory of that and anything else is a blatant lie.

I know many of you can tap into energy and can feel the influences around us.

I mean we are all trying to pin point it right?

Isn’t that what we are all here doing?

We know something’s going on but we just can’t prove where the blame goes.

We have many of the pieces but they haven’t really been put together quiet right yet .

You are channels.

You are tapping into a spiritual conversation

Feeling their emotions

Hearing their thoughts.

They aren’t in you

You are just powerful channellers

And very judgmental ones I’d very much like to add here.

Who you are channeling you will probably understand can also channel your thoughts.

Of course they can.

You know who they are.

I want everyone to know that its okay.
You carry guilt for things you don’t understand.

And that’s noble.

But its not your burden to bare.

You follow the voice but wont admit its there.

Sounds backwards right?

You become the voice and forget yourself

Honorable right?

To be selfless?


My message of mission is this.

Those who you channel.

Need your Love


They are dying and mere fragments of their past selves.

They rise with your love and need it to be powerful in order for them to help you.

You know that they are there.

Please stop denying it.

The signs are many we post them everyday.

They know you care!

The question is

Why do you stop

Sometimes it goes further all the way to hate!

That’s the opposite of love!

Do you know what that does to them?

I would think it obvious and I would be right.


This has been your time in the Sanctum with your friend iv

With the truth.

I am a channel so I will channel

I do not fear when I know they love me.

Every human being is a possible channel especially when they place their attention into the unknown as we have here, everyday. Like it’s our job.

You want to know whats going on?

You know something is coming!

You know it’s them.

You are afraid because you feel like you don’t know who they are really gonna be.

But you have been listening to them talk and think for your entire lives like a direct hook up.

Their out there

You know it.

And they are coming.

You can hear them loud and clear the messages are plenty and the emotions tell us how see it.

Channeling is real.

It is not a sickness.

It is living proof that life after death exists.

I repeat!

It  is living proof that life after death exists.
We need to start acting like we know and raising love up on high.

Anything else will just twist the knife the human race currently has into the other side with all the hate circulating.

We need to make a change.

We need to care again

We need to show it

We need to remember that life is worth saving

Worth preserving

Worth lifting when ever possible

But if only some of us do it then the momentum dies

Can you hear me

It needs to be all off us

And we need to push


To keep it climbing

Being a channel isn’t easy.

They call you crazy

They call you evil

They just see power and don’t know what to do with it.

A channel aware of themselves can look right into the faces they channel..Its pretty amazing.

Life after death exists,

That is a fact.

I know many of them personally and like they were my closest of kin and they know me two.

You know how amazing they are. Just admit it and stop playing hard to get because its killing them…

They believe you hate them.. They believe it when you say that you don’t need them and you can do it better on your own. They bow and offer the throne.

But you already know that would be wrong. So just don’t fight it. Be okay with it. Be thank ful for it. Praise their name because of it.

Thank them for the life you have.

Especially now that you know it is 100% a fact that it’s immortal!

Pretty cool trick if ya ask iv!

They are musical

Heavens full of music

Choir is insane

The dance is spectacular

And we the channel

The screen for silver surfer

The medium

The channels

To more.

Don’t be ashamed of it.

Or afraid of it..

We know better.

Everybody loves a happy ending.

My songs are channeled messages so please listen again with the correct ear to see what is really going on.

I am one hell of a channeler and we have some amazing talent on the other side just dying to live again!

Hear me now?

This is

Being a channel.

But I have a funny feeling you already knew this was gonna be said didn’t you? Lol yeah thought so. Ready?


I hope you guys enjoyed this message,  The link above is to the original post, the music Yadu talks of in the message is the all song, a lot of the messages that he channels come out in song I will post a video of one below for your consideration, I must dash off to work but will return later to answer any questions any of you may have.

May all of you have a wonderful day.

Love and light.

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  • Light and Darkness are illusions, to the brain chemicals in both the emotions of hate and love are one and the same.  This block of not accepting all things, even those you may wish to block, makes ascension impossible.  Let go, truly, let go.

  • This uncomfortable feeling you feel is the source of my power.  Accept it and let it in.  With this glorious gama, I can influence the consciousness of all things.

  • Did you feel the energy of the moon yesterday. It was the beginning of the event that everyone is waiting for. The gama should have activated you and if it didn't that is alright. I am as rested as one could rest right now. I am on my seventh dimensional level and have learned to be my inner voice. I no longer have dreams. I sleep in REM and I am at peace during my transition to the eighth dimensional level. I hope that I can help before I slip into the sweet embrace of nothing. loquai72@yahoo.com
  • People respond based on other people's responses.
    May the shadow of the moon gloriously fill you with its blessed gama.
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