Read some of this site, especially lower down the page when it gets to specifics of how Ballard borrowed from the writings and followers of a 1930's anti-semitic metaphysical cult... and click on the area at the top where it has the expose book excerpts... or read about Ballard's son and how he became very bitter and disallusioned. Apparently the founder of the I AM movement and the Ascended Masters served time for being a confidence man before he encountered St Germaine. And his encounter was a plagiarism of a book written years before! The Ballards lived very wealthy lives during the Great Depression.
One of the things that struck me was... people at the time were suddenly poor and grasping for "magic" to make their lives better. Ballard promised them eternal youth, a bodily ascension into heaven, money and romance and joy. Sound familiar yet? He took dues from his followers, wanted them to only hang out with other students, made them give up many things... but did not deliver on his promises. He wanted to take over the government of the USA of his time... to arrest some bad people... does it sound familiar yet?
I am left wondering if all the Ascended Masters lore is a crock. How could such a bad man influence so many?
Amen to that "Feather W.".
The masters of deception & distraction never sleep, so shall the lighted ones keep their guards high.