
“Yeshua” and “One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell

“Lady Nada” and  “Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco

(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on Easter Sunday March 27, 2016)



This is “Yeshua”, the one who you know as Jesus and I am also “Sananda”. I have been with you many times in this group. Many times I have to share with you.


Today that I come now is a day of rejoicing, a day of rejuvenation. Yes, a day of resurrection. It is not my death so long ago and its subsequent resurrection that is celebrated this day. It is the light. It is the light that I share. It is the light that I show to each of you, to all of you. To care for all of you.


I did not die for your sins. That is a fallacy. I came to live that you might live. So that you might raise up into the higher heavens of your own being. This is what I came for. To prepare and to show you the way. Show you the ideal. To be the ideal that you would follow. Not to be an idol. I do not wish to be worshipped. I wish to be followed as a life, as a life-giving love.


I am the embodiment of love. Just as you are the embodiment of love and light. You have never not been. Nor has any one else on the entire planet or in the Solar System or in the galaxy or in the very universe itself.


Yet it is true that sometimes ones lose their way. They stray far from the rest of the herd. But all of you, even if you have strayed here and there, you always come back to the flock. I am the shepherd who holds you to me, keeps you new and dear to my heart. See, you and I, we are all in this together.


I came to show you the way to follow. I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life and You Are the Way, the Truth and the Life.


It is all about consciousness, my brothers and sisters. It is all about raising your consciousness and being aware of raising your consciousness. It is all about awareness and improvement of consciousness as you become more aware.


As I say, we are all in this together.  We are all working toward the same goal. We are to find the love that is in each and every one of us and bring the unity consciousness back into this planet, back to those who reside on this planet. To connect all to the planet, herself. To Gaia herself. To all the plants and the animals. To every living creature on the planet. To connect…just as of old.


Those times when I came as “Yeshua,” those that were around me were not yet ready for the messages that I had to bring. They were not ready for the ideal that I showed them. But you, my brothers and sisters are ready! Each and every one of you are ready for this. Even if you do not believe, as of yet, that you can ascend into the higher heavens of your being, you can, you are and you will. .


You have heard, many times now, that many of you have ascended. But yet, you do not feel as though you have ascended. You have not raised up into the clouds as I raised up into the clouds as those who were watching could see as I did this. In those times this was necessary to show the ideal. To show the way. To show what was possible.


To you now, this is no longer necessary. You won’t raise up into the heavens but don’t feel sorry for yourself. You will rise to the frequencies of your own being. You will ascend. You have ascended. You are just not fully aware yet.


But I am telling you now, as many are telling you, there will come a time, a frequency, a certain frequency will be reached when you will awaken one morning and all will change in a twinkling of an eye, in an instant.  Your lives, as you know them today, will be forever altered. Forever changed.


You are the ones, my friends, my brother and sisters. You are the ONE!


We leave you now in peace and love. Know that  I have always been with you. I am with you now and will always be with you and you with me. Peace and love be with each of you.


“Lady Nada”

I walked the path with ‘Yeshua” many years ago. I was “Mary Magdalene”. We are forever consorts, He and I.


Would it be nice to know that this is the last Easter celebrated as religious holiday? The last one to be treated in this way. But the meaning will have changed after this year. And the meaning of so much of your life will go in the coming months. Very rapidly changing.


You will see the love that is on this planet explode! You will see the wars stop in one day. You will see all change not easily and gradually. You will see the greatest number of these things change very quickly.


We are proud and pleased to be walking beside you. To be walking with you on the path you are on. We know “Yeshua/Sananda” and myself that we are walking beside you. Knowing that you have come already to the end of your pathway for your Ascension process and the next step will be taking place very soon.


We thank you and we bless you today. Have a wonderful Easter Day!


“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you. “One who ‘Serves” here and ready to move ahead with the program here. And it is a program. It is a process as we have said many times. And you are the program. You are the process.


So, kick back and get ready for the show because the show is coming and it is going to be quite the show. We wish to share something with you now. You have come more and more to work with this thing called “the Plug”. Working with the Lemurian Plate and this technology. This technology is beyond your understanding at this moment. You are going to become aware of what it is, how it works and all of these things. This is coming.


For the time being understand that it works because it can. Because it is ancient technology. It is higher vibration technology. It is something that you are able to move into and to work with. To be able to have this technology.


As this begins to work in your homes, in your bodies know that this is a precursor of the crystal chambers. It is a smaller development of this. Of course, the crystal healing chambers will do so much more than this but it is the beginning of this, it is working with the same vibration. And the vibration is working with the consciousness of the being that it is attempting to assist here.


You are beginning to understand the many various ways that this works with. How it works with a vibration or that it works with a vibration. It works with the various consciousness that it comes in touch with. We are speaking of not only human beings but animals and plants. Of various fruits and vegetables and all of this.


Even the building materials in your homes themselves. Your home has consciousness.  Please understand this. They are made of various items that come together to build a home. They are made from wood and various other materials that have consciousness. Especially for the newer fashioned home, there is going to be a consciousness within them. This “Plug” will be working more and more directly with these homes. With this technology here. OK?


We will give much more on this as we move along here. You have questions for “One Who Serves” and “Ashira” who is standing by?


Question: I am feeling like my job I can barely stand. Can you give me some direction to help, where I am going?



Where you stand is where you stand and where you are going is where you have already been. We are being a bit cryptic here. It is important for you to find your path. To follow your path. You need to let go. Let go of the various things that are plaguing you, that are causing you disconsternation. Is that a word? Allow for the overall process to take hold here.


How would you do that, you ask? We would say to find various things in your life that you enjoy. If you find something that can make a little money, can be a financial relief, than follow that. Do that.


Do not get stuck in a rut, you might say. For many feel as if there is no way out and they are held there. And this is purposeful for the Cabal that has created the entire situation that you find yourselves in, to be in a dead end job.


You do not need to be in a dead end job. What works for you? What is enjoyable for you? Then move into that direction to find remuneration for this. You see? It is there for you. Many are beginning to do that more and more.


Now we also want you to understand that you are always to be in the Now moment. Not to think about the future as coming because the future is already here as well. It is all in the process of the Now. So, let go of these things that you are waiting for, you are hoping for, you want to happen. It is already happening.


In your jobs there that you are working and have worked, do something different to bring about a new change. You will be ready for these things that are already upon you. You see? As we say things have already happened at the higher level and just need to manifest at the 3D level. At the higher 3D level and even into the 4th dimension.



I do not have anything to add. You touched on an area I would have covered.


“One Who Serves”

We are not in the habit of giving  "x marks the spot".


Question: I believe we do not understand how powerful our intent is.


Yes, the one who is speaking is giving us a good path. The more you intend for something to be a part of your life, the more it will be so. The more you want it, the more it will be. And there is the opposite of that for people who don’t want things who think strongly about how much they don’t want something and they draw it to themselves.



I agree completely with her comment. The many, many people who are so caught up in what they don’t want in their lives and so they are staying in the same job, the same relationship, the same rut that they have had for a period of time.


As we learn to release and let go, each one in this room, each one in this group, release and let go completely there will be wonderful new energies that will fill that space! You can modify, you can manufacture, you can make of those energies what you want! That is what you will manifest for this space that you have cleared for yourself.


One Who Serves”

It is all about the creative process. You have been in the creative process in the 3D realm and the only difference between this and the 4th and 5th D realms is the buffer period. There is a period of time between your thought, your intention and your creative event. That will become less and less as you move into the creative vibrations. Where you are now you have the intention of what you want and then you move toward creating it.


But the idea is that you have to move. You have to move your feet or do something to bring it about. Because if you sit on the sofa and watch TV all day or night, that is what you will get. You will get a funky brain here. (laughter)


So there is a need to move your feet, find a direction that you want and move in that direction. We say, “Go with the flow” but that does not mean to sit back and do nothing! If everyone on the planet just “Let it be” there would be no changes. As we have said many times, you are the change. You are the change you are waiting for so you have to create the change. Whether it is in yourself or for others, you have to create it!


If you want a new job, go get it. If you want a new relationship you have to move from the old and into the new. You have to make the movement. It’s a movement of consciousness that is all about awareness here.


You are more powerful than you can imagine. Practice using your imagination now. Practice your visualization skills. Do something! Find something to do that is beneficial to somebody.


You do not have to be a David Wilcock or Corey Goode of the world. There are many, many behind the scenes that you have no idea of their names. You, yourselves, are those ones behind the scenes.


Question: My encounter with the colors…is that an encounter of the 5D kind or some other explanation ? (Person asking the question gave an account of seeing a UFO)



Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Is this not what you have been asking for? You want to have an opportunity to look through the veil to the other side. You want to know that you are one with your Galactic family. They are there waiting for you so that you and they can come together at some time in the future when it is safe and good for all.


So yes, this is an opportunity for you to have that communication you want. And to know fully and completely that there is an aspect of yourself on that ship, working on that ship, doing the things it does. You will have dreams with this one. Have good dreams and report back what you hear!


“One Who Serves”

Yes. And how many looked in the same sky as you, saw what you saw and discounted it. Not to think, as you, that it was something extraordinary. Yes, eyes to see and ears to hear. There are many who would look at that sky and not see anything you have seen.


Question: Thinking with the heart instead of the brain. What can you share about this?


“One Who Serves”

Always in all ways. Yes. Very much so. Look within your heart. Listen to that small, wee whisper within you. It will never guide you wrong. You have been so programmed to think and to act from the thinking.


That is not to say that you may not think. You have to use your brain. You have to think but you have to hear with your brain but listen with your heart. There is a difference here.

Further questions?


Question: I had a dream but it was real….Discussed presence on ship.


“One Who Serves”

We are so pleased you brought this up because it is a precursor to your next Advance. There is a connection here and you will find it as you are there. You believe it was a dream and it was more than a dream. It was in that state where you are between waking and sleeping. It was very real and very important. It has to do with the 12 of the 12 Tables of the council. The Council you  have been a part of and will continue to be a part of if you wish. Many will be involved if they are wishing for it.



We wish to add that you ask for these types of experiences and you have one! We are very pleased for you. We see this as a live experience and we would say, ask “Ashtar”. Ask him what you would like to know about this experience and see how he answers you. We believe that will be an interesting experience for you.


You will continue to have these experiences. So many in this room are on ship at night. So many in this room are a part of the migration of ships that are coming and going from this system. So many have their own crews that are serving with them.


This is not a one and only type of experience. This is something that many, many of you are experiencing. So bring your experience forward when you have it!


Question: I am dreaming about falling off cliffs. I am afraid of heights. I am falling in dreams with no fear.


“One Who Serves”

We like this dream! Are you ready to jump off the precipice? We are using different language now but your dreams are showing you that you can walk over the edge and let go. Very indicative of the Ascension. Have no fear! The more you can let go and let it be, you will have amazing experiences and all of this.

You are here for a reason and it will come.

We release channel. Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.



I am “Ashira”.  Wishing you a wonderful Easter today! Thank you for coming along with us today. Thank you for sharing as we serve you.

Blessings and peace. Namaste!


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated









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