I Am The White Light Creatrix By Sonja Myriel
The White Light CREATRIX is the new Divine Matrix from which we draw the Divine Qualities of all 7 Rays. It is anchored in the HEART OF MOTHER EARTH, where all Crystal Bed Emanation Rays Converge.
When we connect to the HEART Of Mother Earth, building the bridge between HEAVEN and HER, we magnetize the Divine Purifaction Ray of LADY CLARITY, the Keeper of Crystalline Perfection and the Guardian of the Divine Plan unfolding, into the SACRED PLACES of our Divine Mother's Earth Body as we draw the Crystalline (CHRIST-ALL-IN) QUALITIES of LIGHT through our feet into our body "ley lines".
Our body is ONE with the body of Mother Gaia Terra Shan Vej.
And through our healing and PURIFICATION, SHE, too, heals and sets free the purifying qualities of the Ascension Flame for ALL LIFE ON EARTH.
Our connexion to the "underworld", to the CREATIVE POWER OF MANIFESTATION, reminds us of the QUANTUM REALITY underlying all and any material manifestation.
Anchored in the White Fire Core of our HEART, we find the 3-fold Flame from which our Divinity unfolds. And likewise the 3-fold Power of DIVINE LOVE, WISDOM AND WILL unfolds from the White Fire Code of the Ascension Flame which emanates from the White Light CREATRIX.
This and the video below helps you to identify with this all encompassing, divinely unfolding CHRIST-ALL-IN FREQUENCY.
May PEACE be with you,
May PEACE be on Earth,