List of Incompatible Food Combinations According To Ayurveda
Expert Opinion
In Ayurveda, the term samyoga refers to combinations of foods within the diet, some of which are wholesome and others that are not. For example, milk and meat are generally avoided, as are milk and sour-tasting foods. More broadly, this notion is built into the concept of viruddha, or ‘antagonism’, which accounts for incompatible factors beyond just the food itself, but also in the manner of its preparation and consumption.
Todd Caldecott
Clinical Herbalist
1. Milk
Milk is incompatible with: bananas, cherries, melons, sour fruit, fish, kitchari, meat, yogurt, and bread containing yeast.
Honey is incompatible with: equal ghee by weight (eg. 1 tsp honey with 3 tsp ghee) and boiled or cooked honey.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt is incompatible with: fruit, cheese, eggs, fish, hot drinks, meat, milk, and nightshades.
4. Fruit
Fruit is incompatible with: as a rule, with any other food, there are exceptions such as certain cooked combinations, as well as dates and milk, which have the same rasa, virya and vipaka.
Expert Opinion
Combining mismatched foods generates ama, a toxic substance that is often at the root of imbalance and disease. According to Dr. Vasant Lad, when bananas and milk are eaten together, their opposing qualities tend to smother the digestive fire and can disrupt the balance of intestinal flora, which results in the creation of toxins. This combination also frequently causes congestion, colds, coughs, allergies, hives, and rashes.
Sweta Vikram
Sweta Vikram
Ayurveda Practitioner & Yoga Instructor
5. Grain
Grain is incompatible with: fruit and tapioca.
6. Hot Drinks
Hot drinks are incompatible with: mangoes, cheese, fish, meat, starch, and yogurt.
7. Radishes
Radishes are incompatible with: bananas, raisins, and milk.
8. Beans
Beans are incompatible with: fruit, cheese, eggs, fish, milk, and yogurt.
9. Lemon
Lemon is incompatible with: milk, tomatoes, and yogurt.food_combination
10. Melons
Melons are incompatible with: everything, especially dairy, eggs, fried food, grains, starches. More than most fruit, melons should be eaten alone.
11. Nightshades
Nightshades are incompatible with: melon, cucumber, and dairy products.
12. Tapioca
Tapioca is incompatible with: fruit, especially banana and mango; beans, raisins, and jaggery.
Expert Opinion
Protein and carbohydrates are digested in chemically opposite mediums, in different parts of the digestive tract. When digestion is weak, it’s a good idea to avoid eating rapidly digesting sugary or starchy foods along with or after the consumption of foods rich in protein and fat.
Todd Caldecott
Clinical Herbalist
For vegetarians meat, eggs, fish is out of question and for Vegans also Honey and Milk is out of questions
I have noticed that there are a lot of new drinks coming out on the market claiming to be health drinks but having some strange combinations that can actually upset you rather then heal you