I don't know what to do anymore.I have a very bad body odor and breath that smell like feces.It fills up room you can smell it from far away..Ive had this problem for 9 years.Im almost 16 I feel like Im losing my sanity.I can't find a cure...
I dropped out of school because of this.I really can't take it anymore.I missed out alot of thing because of my smell I got really badly bullied for 9 years.I told teacher the school staff no one took me seriously and that kids will be kids.
I stay inside my house doing nothing because Im scared to go outside..I want to go the beach movie theaters take walks but I can't because people think im dirty and don't take any showers.I take baths and showers for 3 hour but that smell is still there..
Im very lonely.
My parents don't believe anything I say they think its all in my head, making these things up...They think my severe depression is joke they say Im crazy useless worthless..Im making it up because I don't want to go to school...
.I used to get beat by them alot.It stopped because I keep myself locked up in my room all time.Don't come out unless there gone.doctors don't know whats wrong.I had dreams of being a singer a dancer but I gave up on them because of my smell..
I don't know how I managed to stay alive and not kill myself after all these years.....Im really at the end of my rope don't know how long I can keep going..Help me..My depression and personality disorders is getting worse and worse....
I used to suffer from bad breath but then I had my tonsils removed and it helped tremendously. My heart is with you! Ask yourself why you have this condition. Are you amending for something? Or are you creating it to be so powerful because you focus on it so much?Don't let this beat you :) I send you love
Hi Rose,
So sorry to hear about your struggles. My thoughts are with you. Hang in there, friend.
Hello Rose11 :) I have no idea what that could be sorry hun but I've got a few ideas to share that might be of help. could be a simple chemical imbalance in your body or bacterial infection, or an illness sitting in the background which hasn't been sorted yet. why would your parents not believe you given they can see the effects of it for themselves? Surely they can see why you would be badly bullied. This might be a test for you, it might be trauma held within your body which is expressing itself in other ways? I'm not sure I can help with the medical issue itself, but I do suggest meditation and clearing the negativity held within you, you might even find the cause of the problem on the way. At the very least, it will make living here that little bit easier and you won't feel nearly so judged. You've got this far without losing it; I understand how frustrating and horrifically lonely you must feel, please know that you aren't alone and that we each have the power to heal ourselves. rather than bringing the negativity to you and increasing it with thoughts of how horrible life is right now and how lonely you are, consciously choose to think differently. when those thoughts pop up, immediately interrupt or follow them with thoughts of how wonderful it will be to be free of this, how great that walk on the beach will be, how awesome that movie is going to be. visualise this while meditating as well. If you do this every-time, you will find the negative thoughts gradually disappear as the positive thoughts take over. Allow the positive to take over, don't fear letting go of the huge amount of pain you must have gone through. never ever underestimate the power of positive over negative my dear, the Light will save you when you want to save yourself. You obviously do want to help yourself or you wouldnt be asking, you do have the power within you to sort this out. meditate and look within for the answers, they're sitting there waiting for you to find them, they're simply being blocked by the negative thoughts that the disorder and chaos has brought to you. purely suggestions though, no pressure but I do hope you find something that helps. Much love to you <3