I did fall for NESARA until this month


NESARA is an illuminati program to get the newly awakened to support the NWO through new age channels . The newly awakened to the NWO will still look for something external to save them.  I did fall for NESARA until this month.  We are all very powerful, multidimensional beings. We do not need something external like NESARA or Galactic roundtable to save us.

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  • interesting hwo this article that says it so well, is 2 years old, yet nesara still hasnt happened yet

    • i agree, until i see (proof of the pudding so to speak) until then,to me it is no more than a fallacy,blessings eve.

  • So true!
    Blessings to all
    • How very encouraging are the posts on this topic. I will say again that I feel that Creator is "allowing" these conditions on this plane so that we can come into our own True Power, as opposed to the "false power" that the elitists feel they have with the use of money. We need to ALL learn the power of manifesting/attracting which I KNOW we have. I've done it, and if I can do it, so can anyone else. It's a matter of concentration and letting go.
  • When the population of the planet will be of Light...there will be no need for Nesara, Mesara, or Tesara...
    Humanity will move beyond money then... will unite, and work for the betterment of each and every one on the planet, along with Animals, and Nature...
    • A BIG AMEN to that. Once people truly start to love and care for each other and realize what hurts one hurts all, then money will be a non issue because people will not need money, everyone will do what they can for the betterment of the whole without a price tag on it. People will not need to worship the pagan idol of money and the whole system of lies that has kept people entrapped for all of time.
  • OK, I think then we need a discussion on the internal "traps" that we manifest and allow us to create within ourselves, which disempower ourselves, and how we overcame them.

    -- I will start,
    The "Guru" viral meme.
    Cause: Expressing wisdom/understanding
    Projected by: Others either subscribing to the idea and giving away their power to you, or by "enlightened" people who see that and hence accuse of reating a following deliberately.
    Effect: Incapacitates our ability to express ourselves and what we have understood out of either internal fear or an inability to resolve the issue. If we express that we are not wanting to create a following, then those who follow generally become even more convinced you should have their power therby adding weight to the accuser's arguements.
    Inability to express ourselves damages us internally, but also prevents us from any action and disempowers us.
    The irony is that the most powerful (based on current state of being rather than a "measure" of how "good" you are) of us are then rendered inert.

    Resolution, carry on regardless. Make sure the people who follow recognise their own wisdom and deliberately through in "devils advocate" behavior (Deliberate mistakes, errors etc) to demonstrate the point you are trying to make while allowing others to come to the understanding themselves. Remind them you are only "human".
    • Oh, yes, Tom. When the Love of one's fellow man supercedes the Love of the Money God, then and only then will we have that Paradise on Earth that the Creator intended from the beginning. Money was "created" only as a convenience at a time when all humans knew was bartering. Perhaps we need to go back to the bartering system as a start?
    • I agree...
  • I totally agree about not buying into the Nesara story and about us not needing to turn to aliens or outside forces to save us from ourselves. Due to my own personal experiences with "outside forces" I am very leary of outside forces or intervention of any kind, even when it is said that this help is from benevolent "helpers". I guess at the end of the day I have a problem with having "blind faith" when it comes to outside intervention...that is just me. I guess my experiences have made me very leary and skeptical and less than trusting about certain things. And I do believe that there are new age channelers, educators, and just new agers in general that are manipulated by illuminati or the dark. I have no doubt about that.
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