OK listen things are starting to get a little crazy with all the ufo sightings, the collapsing economy, the wars (and those on the horizon) 

I understand to some degree even though some might admit it we're all a little afraid deep down inside. It is the very nature of the unknown, it terrifies us

But this desire to know the unknown can not allow us to fall for all the old traps that others have tripped in the past

The federation, Ashtar, and all of these other guys sound so nice and wonderful and fantastic and beautiful but we can not put all our eggs in one "possibly" fictitious basket

I DO know that their is something up in the sky and whether or not its the government or outside forces has yet to be seen

I am getting worried that this desire for us all to know the truth is leading us all down the path of just following another dogma and another religion that none of us, if we are honest with ourselves, want to be a part of

We don't need "Priests" from Telos, we don't need a savior, we don't need to be dictated to and protected, we don't need any of this...

WE JUST NEED EACH OTHER... it's that simple

DO NOT give your power away thinking someone is going to save you and make everything all better because that is how we got here in the first place. It's time for all of us to learn from our mistakes or be doomed to repeat them

That being said there is a real ray of hope to be seen. It's not some far off ship, or distant planet, or star being of unimaginable "light"


we are our own saviors, we are the heroes and we need not look any farther because our time is now. 

I don't believe in them... I just believe in ME

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  • Follow the middle way and there you will find enlightenment. Be universal love--radiating towards no one object or person in particular but, like the sun, shining on everything in its path.
  • Kevin, let me ask you this....are we not ONE??? No matter what form energy takes, surely you know in your heart that as you 'believe' in yourself, (((is that the physical?? >>illusionary self))) that whatever it is that you project...WE ALL are apart of. If there is only unconditional LOVE, can you not embrace that??? HEARTFELT love is what intertwines us...here on Gaia AS WELL AS throughout the galaxies.
  • Feel the love in your heart, then look up and call to your own ship. Try it sometime- you might be surprised with what comes to you on request.
  • I feel that the love of all your responses here could rival even the tallest mountains

    Love to you Brothers and Sisters :D
  • I do believe.... but not in the ideas that some people talk about. I believe in myself... and what speaks to my inner soul.

    Do I believe someone or something is out there that will save me? Who knows, but I understand more than anything I need to save myself... And how is that accomplished for me? By wanting to see the truth in what "is". By feeling what's real... and by learning from my experiences.

    Life has shown me things that are unique to my own learning "experience", there is no way I would want to push that onto someone else.... but if people are open I do try and share that with other people.

    But... I do believe there are good forces out in the Universe, they have helped me save myself many times... And of coarse I am the master of that to a certain degree, so I have also played a major role in my current transformation, and I assume that it will continue to be that way as times become more and more "intense"....


  • Yes of course we just need us. What this world needs is one big Creator Source Love Light enema. Seriosly I check this web site almost everyday, just to see useless channelings of this going on that going on. Look over here look over their. Raising our vibration will help, but we do need a little outside help as well. Just us and thinking positive wont bring down the dark cabal seriously it wont. Thinking positive will not bring Nikola Tesla's Ideas and proven experiments off the black shelf. Thinking positive will not bring about energy devices that tap into the Quantum vaccuum. It is Actions backed by Positive thoughts that will. And in Mass. So I think when we ask for a little outside help a nudge to get the snowbal falling down the right side of the hill is ok. We shouldn't sit here debating over who is wrong who is right, let soak in this info and not that. I can say this with high esteem if not for higher mangment and Yes they are real and watching. If not for them none of us and I mean none of us would be here at all. I say I will for sure hang my huge banner back up " GOT LOVE". Cause where exactly is the love. Inside and it radiates out. So spread it help people turn their own lights on. and they inturn help others. For it is time for the dark cabal to let go and they are but it isn't with out a fight they will not win. Did we really think it would be any other way. Believe In the One that is all which is you and everything. For source let you have the experience you so desired. Be well and Namaste'
    • Could not have said it any better myself

      Love to you brother
  • "I don't believe in them... I just believe in ME"

    I will be to busy getting on my own ship to bother with theirs :-)

    Great message.
  • Thank you for stating that. Being new here, I look around the site and see alot of people looking towards the sky once more just like our ancestors and hoping to be saved. Though it is all well and good to talk about possibility and such I hope that most people don't forget that what is in the sky is no more important then what lies within. It is all you, ascencion is completely within yourself. Looking outside of yourself constantly seeking answers only leads you further from the truth.
  • Why how is it fictitious if some of us are really ET's incarnated ;)?

    Trust your heart my friend, FEAR is not natural, it is an illusion. ~*
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