Check out John Lydon (AKA "Johnny Rotten") wearing a suit and tie for an interview. Click for 5-minute video.
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Check out John Lydon (AKA "Johnny Rotten") wearing a suit and tie for an interview. Click for 5-minute video.
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Pet Rock that's rubbish, a handfull of muslims gathering outside Buckingham Palace is hardly threathening to take over England! You're so Islamophobic and anti muslim, it's all that christian religious conditioning you have going on in your head. All of you Trump devotees sound deeply troubled with a serious case of xenophobia swirling around in your tiny minds!!! What are you all so arfaid of? You haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, do you?
HEY LUKE: Here's what U.S. law says. Maybe you should declare all U.S. laws to be xenophobic.
Reply by Malcolm on Thursday
"HEY LUKE: Here's what U.S. law says. Maybe you should declare all U.S. laws to be xenophobic."
Well, for all I know, all U.S. laws could be xenophobic, I don't know, but in this instance Malcolm, I am refering to ACC Trump devotees such as yourself and your counterparts, because it's blatently obvious by the bullshit you all post in here regarding immigrants in the U.S. and how you support Trumps anti immigrant stance. By the way, you frequently tell me and others that we "change the subject", well I beg your pardon but isn't that what you are doing in this instance?, trying to steer rhe conversation in another direction? .. I digress!
Donald Trump speaks about banning muslims, tightening boarder control and building a wall, and all of a sudden you support that, which speaks volumes about where you are all "at" in your heads. You hang onto the ignorant words of "one delusional man" and you back him to the hilt, no matter how f@cked up his ideas are. The frustrating part of it all is your complete lack of understanding and apparently zero compassion for all the lives affected by Trumps xenephobic rhetoric, and not just that, what about all of the wildlife who are facing a most certain death and complete destruction to their habitat if Trumps boarder wall goes ahead?
Regarding the wall, it will:
1. Be impossible to build in certain areas, especially along large parts the Rio Grande, (which is like the Grand Canyon).
2. If construction of the wall goes ahead, It will create massive discord between people, highten tensions, create a surge in violence and spark massive protests (agains’t that wall) all over the USA and no doubt, abroad.
3. It will mean lawsuits involving American landowners, because before Donald Trump can build his promised wall between the US and Mexico, he will have to take private property from thousands of US citizens – a land grab that is expected to prompt years of legal battles, cost tens of millions in taxpayer dollars and delay construction, (which is a good thing), it will also anger Mexican landowners, destroy their families, and basically widen the illusary notion of devide and rule.
4. It will destroy the wildlife living along the boarder, many animals will die, all because of one stupid idiots pipe dream.
The fact you disregard all of this says so much about the level you are on in your brain, and as regards the wall in particular, then especially darkstar who wants the wall to be big, big, big! If you people support that and you show no regard or compassion for the people whose lives will be affected and the wildlfe whose lives will be put into total danger, if you disregard these facts, then f@ck you! All I see amonge you Trump devotees is ignorance, on so many levels, not least the fact I see a bunch of deeply conditioned, xenophobic, white supremacist, alt-right, gun loving racist gobshites!!... How you can speak about being "spiritual" yet champion a narcissistic xenophobe and fuel a global far-right surge is a contradiction that spells out confusion, your national pride makes no sense, all it does is reveal your own paranoid thoughts and fears about other "nationals", but that is evident amonge you people and has been for ages.Trump is an ignorant bozo but he has brought out the worst in people, and in the case of ACC Trump devotees, you reveal yourselves as all of the above!
It is said that before humanity can evolve mentally and return to the fifth dimension and into the Golden Age, there must First be a Complete Separation between Man and God.
Perhaps This is It?
The World certainly feels like it's on that particular path at the moment.
Could it be that The Age of Separation is upon us, and that the Age of Inclusion would therefore also be quite close? :)
I think it's both occuring simultaneously, it's just that the illusion of separation will naturally come to an end because those on the separation path can only pull the rubber band back so far until it snaps, the moment they let go, it returns to it's natural shape. The same analogy can be used about rubber johnnies, I've had one or two of them snap in the past, it's a long story :)
Just to remind all of you Trump devotees (yet again) how mind numbingly ignorant of the facts Donald Trump is, as he takes "stupid" to the next level.
BREAKING: Trump Advises Ireland To Leave The UK
The President tweeted the mildly-controversial remarks after a 3am NBC News report claimed Trump was left “angered” and “embarrassed” by the Irish PM’s speech St Patrick’s Day speech at the White House. The thinly-veiled attack on anti-immigration views, received worldwide praise but some suggested Trump was less than impressed.
“Fake news, totally fake news, I thought it was a great speech,” began the first of Trump‘s 6 tweets on the issue, adding that Kenny’s words had “really made [him] think”.
“You know the Irish wouldn’t need to come here illegally if they had their own country,” he declared. “Isn’t it time they break away from the UK once and for all?”
He added that it was his understanding that “not one single person” in the Republic had voted in favour of Brexit.
“Ireland’s being dragged out of the EU and the UK won’t even let them have another referendum. I mean honestly why do Ireland want to stay a second longer?” he asked, before adding, “I guess they just really love being British.”
“Now believe me I know how scary it is running a country, when you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing, but the Irish must believe they can govern themselves.” – Trump
Reaction to the U.S. President’s comments was overwhelming with Twitter crashing on the Emerald Isle within minutes. Riots that have broken out in major cities across Ireland, are in support of Trump’s ground-breaking idea, The White House later claimed.
“They can call it ‘Great Ireland’ or the ‘United States of Ireland’ #MakeIrelandIrishAgain,” read Trump’s final tweet, signalling his willingness to work as an advisor for the brand new country, adding he’s “sure” Britain will be “totally cool about the whole thing”.
“Now believe me I know how scary it is running a country, when you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing!" Donald Trump.
Hey Malcolm.. Ever get the feelng you've been cheated???
you are beating your head against the brick wall , explaining such simple facts of multyculturism to those Trump devotees. their parents and grand parents were once illegal immigrants but now its unexceptable.they are so blinded by their hatred , co0mmon sense no longer applies to them................
Michael is right, Feather. There's no point in offering something of value to those who know no value, who do not appreciate it and who would sooner take it and rip it to shreds. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces."