... is often to be heard after a love has gone.
Now it should be mentioned, that there are two strong forces connecting people:
love and hate. They are no opposite forces, hate is not the opposite from love.
The reason is this - love is a strong force binding people together, and so does hate.
As long as you hate someone, you are binded to him/her, you are not free.
You must think about him/her and are unable to let go.
Hate is somehow twisted love.
The opposite from love is not hate, but ignorance...
the opposite of love?
perhaps to stop pursuing the ability to recognize situations. . ?
(short-form = ignorance, etc etc)
Thats an interesting conclusion...I like it..
I heard the opposite from LOVE is FEAR.
There is only Love or fear!
Everything is energy.
Darkness isn´t completely lack of light , just a different level of light.
The opposite to love towards others are STS (service to self) and not STO
the opposite of love and hate is INDIFFERENCE not ignorance, when you are quoting things my gr 12 english teacher had said 20 years ago at least get it right
eh no bodys perfect
i agree that hate binds you,( or better creates attachments in you).... but i dont agree that hate is twisted love, or that ignorance is the opposite of love...
of course depends on whats your definition of "ignorance"..
hate is an emotion/feeling... while "ignorance", is a state of being..u can be ignorant while u are both in hate, or in love...