I have a blood infection

I have been very sick for weeks and nothing my doctor gave me was working. I went to a hospital today and found out I have bacteria in my blood and have to take a very strong antibiotic. I have fevers, chills, coughing, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, and feel very weak and tired. Its very hard for me to recover from this illness and I found out the medication will cause me to feel more nausea and experience more dizziness and diarrhea. I really dont know whats going to happen to me and I hope I do get better. I just wanted to ask for comforting energy. 

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  •  several years back I had walking pneumonia, I had went to the dr. and gotten many different series of antibiotics. after 7 month's of continued ever increasing resilient strains of this bacteria I was on deaths door. A friend came and made some concentrated astragulus tea. (not from the root) but from the leaves. she gave me 3 cups a day for about 3=4 days. It was so strong it tingled in my mouth. She told me her grandmother (native American) used it to clean her blood and body from bacteria and that it was a strong medicinal herb. after 5 days I felt so much better that I felt human again. after 7 days. I was cured. no more infection in the lungs and everything was gone in my blood. :) please if you can get some astragulus. Try to buy it loose leaf not commercial blend. Boil it with about 50% water to 50% leaf content,  until it is very dark in color. then drink it 3 times a day for 3-4 days or until you feel energetically better. :) sending you light!!

  • I see lots of you guys are showing purple images when it comes to healing, I though the healing color was green :P can someone explain me this?

    btw, I'm not expert in healing /distant healing, but you have my support and prays, is all I know. Hope it helps and you get better <3 nyan.

    • Green is my favorite color :) Resonating with the healing energies of Green Tara, Goddess of Compassion, nature heals, conquers over any obstacle to survive..

      Sarah, are you feeling these uplifting healing energies? They are real, and you started something that the whole world can benefit from. Activate all that we are, feel it, know it, we are working together :)

      Much love and all the good energies in existence to you, may you feel free, perfect, now smile and know that we're with you!

  • I have MRSA, so I know what you're going through. The meds made me sicker, so I've been recovering since then. Still no cure, but I'm fighting it. Don't let yourself get sick. I know it takes a lot of willpower, however I've learned through years of infections and near death experiences, (this was due to my depression and pill popping problem.. I was in a lot of pain, and I'm still working to find means to completely heal and never have pain again. Luck strikes me as one who suffers for other's pain. It is my reflecting world on how others live. I am strong for you, for I am also going through sickness. As much as I hate admitting it, I think we all were put here to experience the worst so that we stuck together when times get at the worst, and support eachother during hard times.

    It's nice to know you're there, however it'd be nice to end whatever it is keeping us feeling like this. IDK. Kinda sucks.

    I hope you're okay.. I really feel for ya because we've all been through something or another. It's really not fair. I believe we've all moved so far along that we are beyond anything...

    But ya.. Humor ... Is literally the BEST thing holding us together.. Jokes make ya laugh.. Then it's easier to move on and waste more time thinking about how all of this concluded us all to some big joke called life..

    • Sending YOU healing energy.. Feel it in the music, flow and feel it uplift your soul, feel your body aligning with perfect health, feeling you, becoming one with the infinite energies of love and harmony. You will feel the increase as we all unite and focus on healing. I'm already feeling a difference. Laugh it through. We're all here. Love! Laugh :) Smile ^,^

      • I am sorry to hear you have MRSA

        love and light to you as well....have you checked out adam dreamhealer? He has FANTASTIC visualizations techniques.....I wish you well.

        *be well*

  • Hello Sarah, In addition to the marvelous healing energy coming your way from your friends, you may try to be aware of what you take into your body; if anything.  If you're drinking soda or sweet drinks, or sweets of any type, you may want to stop for a while.  Also, no red meat and pork.  Gather your protien from yogurt or cheese or peanut butter for a bit; you may not even feel like eating those but you do need to keep something going in.  The body works overtime digesting hard foods (meats, pasta, heavy fiberous veggies) and sugars and can also keep you feeling drained instead of infused with Light.  To enhance cleansing the blood, take in red foods, watermelon, beets, cranberries and cranberry juice, grape juice, grapes, red apples, red potatoes, etc.  Yogurt might be beneficial too since it has good live bacteria in it.  Light foods (meaning: foods grown in sunlight) will be the most beneficial to you rather than manufactured foods.   With diarrhea, please take in as much Gatorade or Power Plus drinks to up your electrolytes, infant brand electrolyte popsicles or real fruit juice popsicles would be good too, a start if you can't keep anything down.  Maybe you could eat some pudding or mashed potatoes when you take your medication, so the meds aren't so harsh on your tummy. I'm sure you're already doing that..   How does that old saying go?  Starve a cold, feed a fever?  Maybe you don't feel like eating but, if you keep pushing good things in, the toxins WILL come out. 

    Blessings be upon you Sarah, may you be bathed in the comfort of Divine White Healing Light and Love, may the God and Goddess surround you in pure healing energy, flow through your Chakras, cleanisng your body, your molecular structure, your heart and your spirit from the inside out, releasing the negative energies that has settled within.  There ARE guides and angels who are with you now and do surround you, who have bathed you in their healing energy along with the energy from your friends and family who also surrounded you in their Love. 

    The negative energies that had pulled you down are now dissipating out of your body and out of your home for it canNOT dwell where there is Light.  May that energy be released, dissipated/transmuted/ cleansed and returned to the All in Purity, to be used in future for positive results. Divine Pure Light fills your domain, healing, replacing, transmuting, balancing.  Protecting.  Encouraging.      In All That IS..

    Blessed Be in Peace.    Selena. 

  • Sarah my dear, many apologies for your suffering. My name is Lewis. I am here to help spread the word of alternate technolgy health care systems and advanced life energy tech. You must listen and take me seriously. Blood electrification is your cure. You must purchase a blood electrification device. I own one. I use it on myself and others with the most amazing results.. you fill find peace of mind and Also u must drink monotomic silver and or gold. Bob becks zapper. Google look all this info you shall find peace of mind. Take action and trust me. Electrophysics medicine. Hope this helps. You are not alone and do not fear. I understand and much love and universal love.
    Peace and understanding. Message me for guidence and further help. You are not alone x
  • See that?  Always get a second or third opinion especially when it comes to health matters

  • Reiki Sara, Reiki!!! it could be helpful!



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