I Just Cant Eat Anymore..

I feel so much sadness and stress that its affected me badly. I just cant eat anymore and I feel so sad, just very deeply sad. Im trying to be optimistic but its very hard and I have to force myself to do things and really I would rather just sleep.

Earlier this week I met a man who I thought was nice, he came with the British Navy to Cape Canaveral FL in a submarine from St Marys GA. He told me it was his first time in America and that he was from Scotland. I really liked spending time with him and I felt so much happiness but something happened that changed everything. Suddenly he stops speaking to me and a whole week goes by which makes me turn into a nervous wreck. I couldnt get ahold of him and I tried calling and texting him, even visiting where he lived and heard nothing. Finally, I get a text from him saying leave me alone and that was very unusual since we had a good connection and strong friendship. He told me he was sorry for treating me this way but he had to because he was falling for me. Then when I tried to talk with him about it he began to yell at me "go!" "leave now!" and it really hurt my feelings. I asked him why he was doing this and he continued to say mean things to me and now I havnt heard anything. I dont understand why this is happening. I even feel like I love him and its so sad. Now I cant stop thinking about him and how sad I feel. I miss him so much. 

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  • so in less than a week you were emailing him and texting him and going to his house looking for him?

    did you talk to him about new age stuff?

    did you tell him you have cervical cancer?

    how did a whole week go by with no contact if you only met him erlier last week?

  • Don't take that guys actions personally. He may be bipolar (or some other mental issue) or possibly just lying to you and finally got a conscience about it. Know that you are a perfect, beautiful person inside and out and move on. 



  • kugel.jpg
    Eat --- It's good for you.

  •     Well, Sarah, it's quite possible that he has a girlfriend back in England that he's committed to.  Obviously he must have issues of his own, perhaps in the area of self control and/or commitment.   Be grateful for the exchange/communion you did have and move on.  If the guy exhibits such callous behaviour as you describe, you should be pleased to be "rid of him".  Maybe he felt you were "too needy", demanding of his company, a "clinging vine"?   Human nature is ever unpredictable.  Have you ever let down someone else romance wise or otherwise?  Examine yourself and see what behavior of your own may have contributed to the impasse.  Rest assured that you will meet him again in some realm, at least, as doubtlessly, you have met him before.  Frequently meeting soul mates can bring up issues/mirrors/reflections/projections that are just too much for some to handle.  I was with my twin flame many years ago in Hawaii for only a week when she up and left, without a word, leaving all of her stuff behind.  Fear of facing oneself (and the issues brought up in a close relationship) can make a person "escape on the run".  You may look back on this experience in future as a pivotal moment that gave you the impetus to change your mode of thinking and doing.  Fasting is good for your health generally, by the way.  

  • Hi Sarah,

    The same thing happened to me to me and my twin flame, 2 years ago - it's tough - it's hurtful, i know.

    The best way i came to handle it is give it over to God or All That Is or just trust and faith!

    Get rid of the "pain body". You don't need to feel the pain (It took me a year to figure that out - just turn it off).

    He is just feeling very vulnerable right now and has conflicting thoughts.

    You both have to learn to make yourself happy! You can not count on someone else outside of you to make you happy.

    Good luck - watch some Abraham Hicks or your favorite comedy and get happy!!!

    (try and youtube the "stages of a twin flame relationship" and "soul mates and twin flames".  These are the hardest relationship traumas to deal with - twin flame.  Or go to soul mates and twin flame group on this site. There's an article called "how do i know i found my twin flame".) When the time is right he should come back - wait patiently.

    Love and best wishes, John

  • The bad news: nothing is permanent.  The good news: nothing is permanent.


  • Smoke  pot and get the muchies --- Thats a good way to wanna eat.

  • I got used to it.
    Now if another day goes by and we still talk I consider it an amazing friendship.

  • Hi Sarah! I had a similar experience many years ago. A lady that I met in Japan befriended me in unbelievable ways for about 2 weeks. Then on my way to visit her one night, she did the exact same thing! She began yelling and screaming at me as if i had done something bad to her, telling me she didn't know me and to leave her alone. I never saw her again. Now about eating, I had mentioned before that I never understood the emphasis some people put on food and gathering to eat it, other than just for nutrition. I feel it should be somewhat of a private affair, much like using the restroom. I have never been big on eating other than for nutrition but I've NEVER made such a big deal about it. When I was younger, I told some of my friends how I felt about eating and "food" itself and how I wished that there was another more "instant" way we could revitalize ourselves. For a long time afterwards, I was the laughing stock of my friends. Now, i see that I'm not alone in my thoughts.

    • Light Warrior:  The only thing my mother enjoyed doing with her body was EATING.  She didn't enjoy her body AT ALL and used it like a MACHINE.  (She didn't even swing her arms when she walked - just TOTALLY ROBOTIC)  That's why I've never made that big of a deal of eating either - I like things PLAIN.  Eat the same things over and over again day after day.  Agree with you about the bathroom thing (thought that I was the only one who thought that).

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