I love SEX and MONEY - Do you???

Hello to ALL :)
As the title suggests..."I love sex and money!" :) I figure the answer to this question is a personal one thats specific to each one of us. This is why I'm curious to learn from others on this.

For years I fought with myself, accepted the World doctrine that Sex was a 'dirty' or behind doors exploit. Yet the bigger me was always asking the question...how can that which is of ultimate creation be the hidden/unseen act that the World wants it to be? How can something that makes you feel so good, so connected...be bad? As such, I checked out the Kama Sutra and Tantric vibe, and in these I may find 'happy homes' to justify and elevate my sensual needs. But in my time of now, I choose to see the beauty in the act, the connection. I chose to recognise the energy that is. A distinct 3D to whatever D affair, that can connect, expand, heal and create. Something that is unique to us, unique to THIS experience. Being honest, I look at my past sexual encounters and I always see love. Yep....lust, desire and other sensual wants have been involved...but always with love as the final dominator. So yes...for me I love sex, just as sex loves me. A sharing, a connection...a naked blessing in disguise.

Now I could chat on this for a long time but I'll try to hold back :) Root of all evil...I think not! Rather something of beauty, another tool for the journey. Something to play with, something that helps to create, to nourish and to dream with. I KNOW there is always enough to go around yet they teach the opposite. Always a double barrell with money...you need it, yet you don't(?)

So, as said...SEX and MONEY...do you 'love' them? :)

Current Tune:
Plan B - 'Prayin'

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    • Quote:) Without money as well as sex, we are irritable, cranky, explosive creatures.

      hahahaha .. from life experience ... Nope !!! I actually have felt better without sex for so long !!!!!!! I found it a burden in the end ............ and money ??/ hah !!! I learned the hard way like many ...and have been as broke as hell .. even no food for days lol :) and still as happy as .. I found that happiness was in being free - left alone emotionally :)))))))) and mentally ... thus the no money and no sex .. was has is great . and I have enough to enjoy life in the smallness .. and look forward to sex when it is right .. that is if ever as I am doing dandy fine how I am .. So we r all different -- depends on the trails in life we have led ;)))) .. <3 RJK

      p.s // OH !! and I look forward to more money to do the things I know I would like to do that do take more money to do so ... all in all .. life is great no matter <3
    • Am with you :) As much as I've learned to love money, I know I won't shed a tear once it's gone. Now sex on the other hand....mmm! ;) But truthfully, as you said...integrity is key, all these tools for self are only what we choose them to be.

    • Yep...I'm in agreement with all that you said. You made an intresting point about sex once being celebrated, being part of our higher spiritual awareness. Figure that as the feminine aspect was quashed by the men in dresses, the sexual element was too. And yep...sex and money are more or less nothing on their own, it's what we bring to the table that transforms them for better or for worse. Took me a while to work this out, but once noted, I now my find myself free to play as I like.

      • sorry .. :) prefer to connect tantric streaks and recieve give a higher orgasmic tweek .. coz I am sure carnal sex can be entwined with it all ... lol as can mind sex .. emotional etc etc etc .. many forms of sex ... like simply eating strawberries can be a sensual/sexual experience lol ;) sensuality is apt to bleed into sexuality streaks in any way we choose .. best to be all with another in similar tastes to how perceiving this subject in life ....
  • Quote by Darlok:Katt.. I am not only blaming you, but every sluttawhore, cyber/e-romeo, pimp & player that puts out for the sake of sex itself.. They will all be punshied according to their defect and sins. It is true that everyone is responsible for their own salvation but it is only through God's grace that a soul becomes sober and is able to reawaken to it's divinity

    And Katt, you are evil! as am I. The difference between you, me and most of people in the world is that I know the barbaric nature of my mind (Ego) and know how to tap below it's foundation, toward God's Love, to overthrow and rid myself of it forever. You are unaware of this process.

    And you are a tool then because you practice sexual intercourse with people whom God did not approve of. This was the error of Sophia as well. You, are only partially responsible for this F*cked up behavior because alot of it falls on your parents and the way you were brought up...

    I will judge you along with every human, angel, god, lord, ET who has not attained perfection by the time the Universe ascends into higher light. Although you might think I am harsh in my judgements, rest assured that I will show great pity and compassion for all souls who come before my throne, including yours Katt.

    As for Jesus.. Trust me when I say this but he had lots of problems with forgiveness that is why he stressed and taught so much about it.
    Jesus, before his enlightenment also knew his Mind's evil intent and nature and that is why he pursued a relationship with his Monad/God before the one with Mary. This is what everyone should strive to do First establish a connection with God who in return will show you your perfect consort. You do not do this Katt! You are drunk and that is your problem.

    Jesus was a gentle soul who fell in love with a Slore and was heart broken when the Love was not returned, and that is why he turned to God for healing of his troubled contrite heart.

    Btw, what in the world is a priestess of Ishtar? Sacred sexual rites? Ahuh? Are u in some kind of a cult where u have sex on an altar, cuz i've heard about wackjobs like that.

    THIS has to be the worst bit of slander I have ever read ... I have copy/ pasted so that you cannot delete your words darlok.

    I do not know what is going on in your head ... NOR care to know ... .. but U ain't no saint nor GOD to judge that heavy .. do U really think U r mentally/emtionally equipped to talk in regard this discussion? NO .. (in MY opinion) .... In fact ... U have to be the first here in AC that I am saying to .. i am going to ASK BEN to REMOVE U ......
  • Katt, my truths are not personal but Universal as they revolve & make up Divine Law. The Torah with all it's commandments/mitzvahs is inscribed onto my heart and when I awaken the Christ within (which i have not done yet) I will know all the mysteries of God from beginning to end..

    Some answers to your post:

    Katt, I pity women like you because they will die without knowing God. You think differently than I do because your thoughts are not aligned with the will of your maker!

    I do not know nor care what Isthar is. Mary M was a whore that had sex with men which were not right for her in the eyes of God, PERIOD!

    You reap what you sow as Jesus said and if people like you knew the consequences of their actions (what awaits them after death) they would quickly correct & change their ways. Anyway Fuck em! LOL

    And finally!!!
    I judge, and righteously so! and all that exists will be subjected onto me!!
  • Love them both but have neither! Currently unemployed and an obese spouse. Sad but true.
  • Love them both but have neither! Currently unemployed and an obese spouse. Sad but true.
  • Nothing in and of itself is 'evil' or wrong. Only when you use something to hurt yourself or another - is when it becomes negative and creates karma.

    Earth is our playground. Live, love and enjoy. Do what you will, but harm none.
    • :))) repeat !!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

      Earth is our playground. Live, love and enjoy. Do what you will, but harm none.
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