I love you but I must be honest...

This is NOT a channelling for those of you who will jump immediately to that conclusion when you start reading. This actually started out as a letter to my un-awakened friends because I felt such great frustration that they wouldn't want to be free, something for them to hold on to when we part ways soon.  In the process of writing, I realised there are many who would benefit from this. I will not answer any questions or post in the discussion, that is for you guys not for me :) Its a long read, but its worth it. Feel free to share with others, please give credit though and share it exactly as it is with my pen-name at the end. 

Dear Beloved Friend,

As you know, for some time now I have been researching what are deemed to be conspiracy theories. To be perfectly honest, you have been fed the biggest, most amazingly constructed bullshit conspiracy theory your entire life. You live this ‘theory’.  Everything you know is a lie. Every action you make unconsciously supports those who enslave you, yet you don’t even realise you have a chain around your neck, gradually tightening. Its easier for you to believe that I’m the nutty one, that I’m the quirky one when I’m actually the one looking for and FINDING THE REAL TRUTH.

Truth always comes out, how many times have you heard me say that? ALWAYS! If you don’t look for the truth, it will hurt you when it finds you. It will find you, I guarantee you that. Open your eyes. Life is a lot less scary with your eyes open. You can choose your own footing, find your own path. Or are you too lazy to do so? Is that too hard?


You say you don’t want to hear about it, that you don’t care if there is a solar flare that rips the magnetosphere to smithereens or a meteorite crashes into the sea and causes a tsunami that floods the earth a few times over. You don't even want to acknowledge that a pole shift could happen when the poles have been moving quickly for the last hundred years or so. You say you don’t want to know that you’re being enslaved, that your masters are poisoning you and your children right down to your DNA to keep you here in servitude FOREVER.

How long is forever? Well your soul has been here for a few thousand years and obviously doesn’t want to leave, or you would open your eyes to see that the key to unlock your chains is already in your hand. Forever is a long time. Forever is until the end of this experiment. My guess stands at about 15,000 years already served on this planet, aren’t you sick of being a slave? Or does it work for you? Do you prefer when another makes your decisions for you? (hint hint, its been that way for some time now, choosing what colour to paint your bedroom wall is NOT an example of free choice. Choosing what happens to your soul, what side you are on – that is an exercise in free will)

Make up your own mind, least your mind be made up for you. If you don’t choose, the Powers that Be will choose for you the way you have already granted them permission to. They do NOT make my decisions, I am conscious and awake and I USE MY FREE WILL. I have my shield, I have my wings, I have my sword. I’m ready. What do you have? A chain around your neck, an energy tap into your soul where those of the Dark can, will and do gather your energy whenever they please and a Light heart too afraid to recognize itself. You give away your energy and you hold on to that chain so tightly because you’re afraid to open your eyes.

You’re all very good at being the human they want you to be. I’m not, I never have been. To them, I’ve always been something they force into a mould. I’m not afraid of being stuck in a mould but I prefer not to be, and I know now that I don’t have to be and that I never wanted to be. Look at your mould. Notice its walls made of iPods and technology, to distract you with all the pretty colours and sounds that you get to ‘choose’. Notice its floor made of concrete and plastic, because you’ve been lead to believe that man-made products are better than nature. Notice your job, boring and lifeless with no real hope of ever progressing yet you stay there because you don’t know any better. You’ve got to pay your bills somehow right? Notice the food you have, it is brightly coloured but plastic looking – it looks like plastic and tastes like plastic because it IS plastic. Notice the water in the jug, it is clear and looks like water but tastes like chemicals – that’s because it is chemicals, they’re medicating you to keep you asleep so that you don’t even notice you have eyes to open. Notice the window they gave you to look out of, a way to look down on those below you and be jealous of and angry with those above you. To remind you of your place and to keep you there, forever fearful. You can see other people in their boxes, like bees in a hive. But notice there are no real bees, there are no flowers, there are no gardens, there are no animals, there are no trees, there is no sky, there is not even a puddle from last nights rain – there is no rain. There is just you, your box and others exactly like you competing for a better box in a cycle of unhappiness and slavery in an underground world that you chose to enter because you allowed them to think for you. You work all day and all night to keep your box the way you think it should be, the way they program you to think because you don’t want to use your brain, they use it for you. Do you really want that? Do you really want to walk on plastic and concrete that blisters your feet when you could be walking comfortably barefoot on the grass?

Notice what your choices are. You get many choices – what colours to paint your box, what to fill your box with and how it is arranged, where to put the window in your box, where to put the door. Even where the box itself is placed, you get a certain degree of choice. But is that really choice? In order to get your box, you gave up nature. More to the point, you allowed it to be taken from you because you didn’t think to ask about it. You gave up flowers, birds singing in the morning, fishing on a hot day, the grass beneath your feet, the bluest sky after the most beautiful sunrise, the accomplishment of eating a carrot that you grew yourself, a bonfire with friends in winter. Can you have a bonfire in your box with your friends? No you can’t, you’re not allowed to as it will burn your box and all of the boxes around you. You aren’t even allowed a candle in your box, it is deemed too dangerous and will deplete the small amount of recycled oxygen available to you. Your ‘friends’ would have no interest in visiting you anyway, they’re too busy trying to get a better box than you have and prove they’re better than you. What about a pot-plant? No, there are no plants as there are no bees to pollinate the plants (allowing reproduction) and the light of your box is of the wrong UV frequency to allow a plant to grow. Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t – they made the conditions such that you can’t even grow a vegetable to feed your hunger, never mind they never taught you how to grow it.

Nature harms your box and your neighbours box just by being itself. How?? The Powers that Be can control you but they can’t control nature. Take nature away, and soon they will successfully program you to forget that there ever anything good about nature. The Powers that Be control everything because you let them. You have been brainwashed, programmed just like a computer to believe that you make choices but you don’t, you make day-to-day decisions in a system that makes your choices for you.

When did the nature go? How did you not even notice that? You didn’t notice because you didn’t look, you didn’t look because you trusted your slave masters to do that for you. They twisted the story, made nature into the bad guy and then laughed as you all turned your backs on the only thing that will save you.  The civil disaster that will put you underground was of their making, not of natures making.

They give you something with one hand and take away so much more with the other.  Your eyes are closed so tightly that you cannot clearly see what they have actually given you and what they have taken away. I ask you this about your box because that is exactly what you will get if they have their way. They will take nature away from you and call it a seismic catastrophe, an act of God. They will nuke the planet and force all of you to live underground, in your brightly coloured boxes never to see the sky again, never to swim in the ocean again, never to breathe fresh un-recycled air again.

They will control everything about you, what you eat, how you eat it, what you breathe, when you sleep, when you wake, where you work, how much you work, how much you pay to work, how much medication is forced on you in underhanded ways etc. Should you try to escape this system, they will simply remove you, drain your energy and you disappear, forgotten. There will be billions of you, you’re just a number and you don’t count.

So go ahead and try to tell me I’m wrong. Try to tell me this isn’t already happening – all you need to do is look around you to see its happening. Try to call me crazy. I would call you crazy for not opening your eyes and being so f*cken irresponsible with the gift of your soul.


I love you WAYYYYY too much to not warn you. You get to choose what you believe, you get to choose whether you keep your eyes closed or whether to open them. You have seen what I have been through, you have watched this journey just as I have watched yours. I love you so much for everything you have done to help along this journey, I love you too much to let you become just another drone without at least warning you about what will happen.  You get to chose from here. Are you going to open your eyes? Or are you going to keep them closed and let them lead you to slavery for the rest of your souls life. That is a long long time. Time runs linear on Earth, it doesn’t work that way in the rest of the Universe. But if you want to stay on Earth, living like that for the next 40 billion years or so until this Universe is reformed into another and all of this Universes souls return to the Source as the equivalent energy exchange for those new souls who will go into the new Universe. And that’s my guess, it could be longer than 40 billion years? That’s 40,000,000,000 years. You’ve been here approximately 10,000-15,000 years already? (perhaps more as I am using abstract numbers) Are you really sure you want to sign up with them for that long?

There are consequences to your actions. Remember this quote – the unintentional consequences of intentional actions. You didn’t mean to keep your eyes closed but it was easier that way, as a result you have signed up to the rest of eternity in an underground hell OF YOUR OWN MAKING. Sound like fun? Seriously? F#ck that.

Lets take the average lifespan of a New Zealander in 2013 and lets take it straight from Google. A male will live for about 78 years and a female for about 82 years. Lets divide those by 40 billion, that will be the amount of lifetimes you will have to go through this for, in this form, on this planet, under your slave masters. A male will have 487,804,878 lifetimes upon this planet (by the way, your soul is neither male nor female so you could keep reincarnating as either but we will continue with the example). A female will have about 512,820,512 lifetimes on this planet. Count from the decimal place if the number makes no sense to you. 4 plus 10 zeroes - do you really want a few million lifetimes here? If you do, that is absolutely fine and I will see you back at the Source 40 billion years from now, although I daresay your energy will be very much diminished and in a completely different form by then.

Personally, I chose to fly free. I chose to do the soul work to remove myself from this existence. I chose to live in the Light with my heart free, my eyes open and my soul soaring. I love being like this and wouldn’t give it up for anyone. I have lived in hell, just as you are, and I choose not to take part in that anymore. I CHOSE TO BE FREE. It was an easy decision to make. I chose to do my part to help those around me help themselves, if they want to. I chose to help myself become who I always was; the programming we all share clouded that for far too long. You can too. Just open your eyes. Everything that you need to open your eyes is already there, everything that you need to help yourself once your eyes are open is already there. The Universe provides EVERYTHING that you need to pass this test – to the finest detail. You just need to ask, you just need to want to and you just need to choose to.

How do I open my eyes, you say? Listen to your heart and ignore the logic in your brain from speaking. The logic will speak loudly, tell you that you're crazy and to go back to the status quo because that is where you fit The logic is your programming, it is afraid of your heart because it knows how powerful your heart is and that you can easily remove the program. Its afraid for its own survival, just as you’re afraid for yours so you put your faith in your government to protect you, in religion to protect you, to deal with the difficult things when you actually have the power within you to help – we each just need to do our part. When you open your eyes, you will see that your heart is your driving force and your compass and that logic is only a small part of it.

I know this is a big pill to swallow. It is hard to accept that everything about your existence here is a lie. That you weren’t actually born to be a slave to taxes and banks and then die old, sick and miserable. Even your history, your religious documents have been doctored to enforce your programming. But ask your heart if it is true? In all honesty, there will be some among you who are meant to go through that, it is within your souls contract with the Source Of All. There are some of the Light who are meant to experience that, but that doesn’t mean that all need to be dragged through it. Your Light will change being there; it will be used in ways that Light shouldn’t be used. Eventually, there will not be enough of your soul energy to keep your soul going so you will return to the Source, much diminished and different. The point is how do you want to return home? In tatters or whole and happy?

All around you are signs of what is going on. The earthquakes, the storms, the fires, the tornadoes. Never in recorded history, has this ever happened before. Just because it isn’t recorded doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened before. Old legends of the Fall of Atlantis, the great flood in the bible, the indigenous legends about Gods who dwelt with man and tended the tree of life; they aren’t stories to laugh at, they paint a far more accurate history of man than anything you would ever learn at school or University (I say that with a University degree in History). Yet they are laughed at and dismissed as silly old cultural tales. Why? Because it doesn’t suit the powers that be to encourage looking into ones history the right way. Why? Because if you don’t know your history, you WILL repeat it. They want you to repeat it without learning the lessons in the hopes to keep you here forever in fear and under their control. Fear of death, fear of the paranormal, fear of aliens and that which you do not recognize, fear of lack of control, fear you can’t make ends meet and will lose your house, fear that you aren’t good enough for your partner, fear that you are not good enough for yourself, fear that you will always be alone and unaccepted. Keeping you in fear diminishes your Light and gives them a way to take from you in a very permanent manner.

The truth is that there is NOTHING to fear, not even fear itself. Fear is a lack of acknowledgement, when you face that fear head on and acknowledge it, learn the lesson it is teaching you then there is no fear, only understanding. With understanding comes wisdom and the ability to see the big picture for what it is, scary bits and funny bits, the whole picture. When you see that picture, know and accept your place in it, appropriately use your support network of guides to help you overcome the obstacles you placed in front of yourself to learn, when you accept everything the way it is because you are at peace with yourself, when you allow another their experience to learn, there is no fear and there is also no circumstance whatsoever that can bring back that fear. Unless you choose it of course, but now that you’re enlightened, why would you? Why would you repeat lessons you don’t need to repeat?

We are each a part of a whole. That whole – the Source as I call it – wants to learn about itself. In this Universe, particularly this world, it wanted to learn about duality – the power of positive and negative forces on creation. That is why we have Light and Dark, love and hate, kindness and cruelty and it is why we are each capable of great kindness and unfathomable cruelty. It is one big huge experiment in which the Source is finding out about itself through our experiences. When each soul ascends back to the Source, we bring with us a vast multitude of experience. Each and every single experience is just as important as the next and the one previous. Our job is to experience, and to allow another to experience. This is why I am warning you of this but I do not in any way expect you to make a decision and change just for me. Don't change for me, it must be for you in accordance with what your heart tells you. If you read this and think “codswallop, what a load of bulls*it”, that is absolutely fine because you’re allowed your experience. If you chuck me in a mental ward for telling you the Truth because it threatened your beliefs and that scared you then you have not allowed me my experience therefore your own experience will suffer for it. However, if you think ‘codswallop Lisafer, thanks for telling me but I think differently’ then that is fine because we have both allowed the other their experience. You believing what you will and me believing what I will takes nothing away from each other whatsoever; in fact it is an act of reciprocal giving, which results in good karma for you who are still in the karma game.

You can do this. You can open your eyes. You can change the world; to do so, you must first be part of the world, not just of it. Make conscious decisions and rewrite your own future by doing so. Write the darkness out of your future, and consciously choose to bring Light into it. Where there is Light, all is exposed and shadows become ever so obvious.

But the time to choose is now. You don’t have much time left to choose. So choose and show the Universe that you have chosen and what you have chosen by your actions.

You can’t just pray for a clean world when your own backyard is full of rubbish; clean your backyard and show the Universe how you want your world to look. (by backyard, I mean your soul by the way). Be the change to see the change. There are many among you who want to but don’t know how. That is because you’re still living in fear, clinging onto that which is given to you by those who control you. The old paradigm is shifting, if you can’t see it then you aren’t part of it. It is basically as simple as that. It isn’t too late. Yet. But sometime soon it will be.

So are you going to follow the drones to the hive underground the way you think you should or are you going to follow your heart, part from the crowd to live in Light and make your own garden with your own bees in the sunlight?

You don’t need to tell me what you decide. You don’t need my approval to do what is right for you; you will not receive judgment from me on your decision because I allow you your experience and judging is not going to help you learn. Just do what is right for you, follow your heart into the Light and happiness – the initial cleansing might feel tough but truth be told you ARE going through it anyway. Notice how things are pretty hectic in life right now? That just when one drama ends another begins? And the cycles look like they’re never-ending? That’s the Universe trying to open your eyes so that you can see your life lessons for what they are – not torture but lessons. It hurts so much because you’re keeping your eyes closed and lying to yourself. Where there is Light, there is no pain or fear or control because there is understanding. Pain is a response to a stimulus- it tells you in a very strong manner that something is wrong. How about instead of attempting to quash that pain (its only gets stronger if you ignore it, you know that), how about you ask it what is wrong? Listen with your heart, it will point you in the exact direction of where your pain is, look it in the eye and ask it to show you the lesson. It will tell you when you invite it into the Light, it only wants to be acknowledged after all. Listen to the pain but you don’t have to be the pain. Accept its response, whatever the response and however illogical, thank it for helping you to learn and then show it that you’re conscious, in control and that it doesn’t need to come back by not putting yourself in the same situation again – show it that you don’t need to repeat the lesson.  When you learn your life lessons with open eyes and an open heart, there is no pain. There might be initial pain when you realise a relationship isn’t what you thought it was for example, but that pain goes when you see the lesson you have learned and you move on. Lessons are light and easy to carry, pain is heavy and hard to carry for a reason – you aren’t meant to take it with you despite what your programming says.  It is not time that heals all, but the lessons that come with time if you decide against initial learning – the clarity you get from hindsight is the lesson showing itself to you.

It is not my place to teach you your lessons; that is your job. Its not my place to do your souls work for you, why would I take such a great accomplishment away from you? More to the point, why would I take that away from myself? The happiness you find within yourself when you finally recognize your own Light, how could I take that from you and from myself? You’re here to shine and shine as brightly as you can, doing your work for you not only diminishes my Light but it also diminishes yours. I don’t work for the Powers that Be and never will; I couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to you, to myself or to the Source. That kind of betrayal holds no call to me; I chose not to put myself through that experience as I have learned my lessons with it. The lessons you learn, the experiences you have are yours to take back to the Source – not mine. We are each part of the same whole but none can do another’s work for them – we are not ants, where one dies and there is another to take their place carrying the crumb back to the nest. We are each important, our individual experiences are important and our journey back to the Source with them is important.

When we each do our part, when we each clear and learn, we allow and encourage those around us to do the same. When we all head toward the Light with the same goal of clearing and learning on our own path, we are capable of anything. Each one of us with a soul has been given a great gift (not all humans have a soul but that’s a different story and a product of the Powers that Be). Not everything gets what we have – a consciousness. To look at the stars and wonder where we came from, to feel the connection to the one that gave us the spark of life and wonder where they are, who they are - not every creature gets that. The gift we have been given has been misused for so long that there are those who just don’t need a soul any more. Why would you need a soul when you live in a brightly coloured box in a nest with others exactly the same as you with no spiritual goals or journey to speak of? You don’t, so your soul energy will get taken away from you in the manner of your choosing – through fear and control, taken by the Powers that Be to continue the paradigm you have agreed to be part of with them. Can you see that by not consciously choosing, you have already chosen? Can you see that by not exercising your consciousness, you will lose it?

I love you enough to know what you have and how special that is. To see you flourish, grow, evolve and shine is what I hope for you, it is what I want for you although what you want for yourself is what you will get. You’re far far too special to be wasting your soul on something that does not appreciate you the way it should, on something that uses you as a commodity then throws you away when you no longer serve its purpose.

Please do yourself a favour and give yourself the gift of choice. The minor sacrifice of opening your eyes is all you need to do; I KNOW that you’re strong enough to open your eyes, do you share the same faith that I have in you? Or do you choose fear because it is easy and comfortable? As the Light takes the Darkness and transmutes it into harmony, be the alchemist not the pain. The Universe only takes what you no longer need – nothing more. The feeling of ‘what else can it possibly take’ is a lesson that you need to look into. I have had that feeling so many times in this process of awakening, sometimes I still feel that. I feel that because those parts of me the Light is transmuting are scared by the Light, they haven’t been in the Light before. There is nothing to be afraid of and the more I journey the more that point is well proven. Be strong, call yourself and all of your parts into the Light and watch the process happening – it already is.

Our planet is moving on, She has also been misused the way that each souled being has been misused. You can choose to accompany her into the Light, as I have, or you can choose to accompany your masters further into the Dark. Either way you must make a choice – if you don’t, the Universe will accept that you like being in the Dark and will give you harsher lessons to remind you of what you gave up, which is your soul. Your actions choose for you just as much as the intentions you put out. You can think you’re in the Light but if you live life with no active change then you are still under the control of your Dark masters and you allow them to make your decision for you by being passive. You must apply what you have learned.  When your intentions, your energy and your actions are aligned, you create. Do you want to create a wonderful space in the Universe for yourself to shine ever so brightly or do you want to give that away by not truly believing it to be possible?

The Universe with all of its cycles and mystery loves you, the Source of All loves you, I love you. Do you love yourself enough to truly love yourself? Do you love yourself enough to give yourself the biggest gift you could ever give yourself? That gift is so so much better than that Maserati you have dreamed about for years; do you recognize its value? Or is the lie that you’re living too easy to ever want to leave? I guarantee you this, it is not as easy as you think it is, nor will it ever get any easier. Living a lie is a horrible existence; to properly lie, you must lie to others, to yourself and waste a lot of your souls wonderful shiny energy on that lie. You transmute your Light into darkness by continuing the lie – can you see how being passive with this is actually playing right into their hands? 

Please recognize how special you really are. Please recognize that you’re a bright shiny Light, and that your Light energy is for you to continue shining, the lessons are to find ways of shining brighter. You were not placed here to be diminished. You were not placed here to be tortured, abused, lied to, stolen from or boxed in. You are here to evolve, to expand, and to shine your Light as brightly as you possibly can so that you can truly be Human, here in this School called Earth. You are here to shine for yourself, not for others. When we each shine brightly, there is no room for darkness. When we each shine brightly, even the darkness doesn’t want to be darkness anymore; it wants to return with us to the Source, enlightened and free. You have everything you need to shine brightly; the Universe has provided it for you just like it always has and always will. All you need to do is choose to shine.

I love you forever, regardless of your decision, just as the Source and every molecule of this entire Universe and every other Universe outside of this one. The only energy that continues forever is Love, regardless of time, space or dimension. Even in the depths of that darkness to which you will descend by not choosing, you will still be loved.  Do you want to be part of that which is part of you or are you still too scared? I know you have the courage, I know you have the faith, I know you have the bravery, and I know you have the Light. You have everything you need to shine brightly my soul family.

The decision is yours.


Eternal Love and Light


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  • It surprises me that words well written in expression and spirit these days go unnoticed yet dribble of no significance negative or  of no benefit get more negative dribble attached,this makes no sense to me as good advice is ignored and yet many lessons can be learnt from them....speak your truths always and be true to self...


  • I agree with almost everything you've said, but I would rather live in a more technologically advanced (but still eco-friendly) area than in nature.  I hope that doesn't offend you.

  • isn't this too many words for what is really a subject matter of expression in silence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a curious thought.

    • Oh if we all lived in silence it would be such a boring world with no spirit or energies,I love the sound of peoples voices,their gifts of speaking loud n proudly in full expression it shows me who they really are inside, their soul sours..silence isnt as golden as many may think..just my opinion..

      • at times words lead to unwarranted confusion because of their interpretation due limitation (rather confinement) of intellectual capability.
        i find fewer words more thought stirring.

  • Powerful letter Lisafer. I would share it if it became necessary.

    I'm hoping that the world will start changing rapidly now, with announcements such as today the Queen being pronounced guilty of murder and Pope Benedict guilty of pedophile rackets. The church is even being brought to justice for terrifying people with talk of a hell that doesn't exist! This is huge! 

    David Wilcock said that eventually the media will have to come on board, because to ignore all of this misses out on what the media adores - DRAMA! Then people start to wake up and start asking questions. I'm hoping that the domino effect will be so powerful when we are freed from the cabal, learning about the truth about history, spirituality, galactics, other dimensions, the truth about our false emotions, the decision on what to do about it will be a no brainer for everyone.

    If it doesn't eventuate this way, if it becomes necessary to do something like this, I would pass this around. 

  • know I said I wouldn't post but I just found this and its far too apt to not share.


    just in case you don't actually believe that nasty little picture of truth that I painted about the boxes you will live in, the picture is now painted by someone who lives like you do, where you do.

    Lol thanks Vlada love you too! Damn straight I'm a tall poppy, no one will cut me off at the knees this time! Go for gold on the sharing, these words are not to be kept quietly :)

  • I love you to bits fellow Kiwi!!...I'm passing this forward chick..your words stand tall and strong like tall poppies in a field on paradise its called Terra..Mauh..

  • tumblr_lv5e2u5eDe1qa59bo.gif

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