I realy dont like how people these days are saying how the world is going to end or that something bad is going to happen on 2012.people I dont think that we were and are here to just ALL die 1 daywe were told that we are going to evolve on 2012 not die then evolve if you you wish think negativeif you want BE positiveLove and peace

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  • Every time the same thing ....do not confuse soul with body....Die??????
    • I agree with you Cedric. We do not DIE.....Had two NDE's (being clinically dead and revived) and believe me when I say that "dying" is like a glorious awakening, all of a sudden you are free of your body and soaring to new heights never dreamed off. I was the most joyful and peaceful thing I have ever encountered and my passed love ones were there to greet me, but they all told me it was not my time, and the next thing I knew I was back in my body madder than hell because I did not want to leave where ever I was and I knew instantaniously that my family left behind were going to be ok without me.......but it was just not the end of my life's agenda I guess....Ask anyone who has been clinically dead on an occasion or more and medically brought back. What happens at passing is the you do NOT want to come back to the living state........Most of us who have NDEs were disappointed when revived back to the state calling being alive. Only in death can you really be truly alive....that is how I felt, not that I am suggesting everyone go out and off themselves, just do not put so much fear in dying......It is greatly underrated as an experience because of people fearing the unknown. I do not fear death per se, just the living part that gets difficult, lol.
  • Sometimes doors need to be closed in order to open new ones!!! We may end in order to begin!!! Wouldn't that be beautiful!!!!! End all fear and everyone can live in love!!!!
  • theres no foolin a fool..

    foolie, fool, fool-fool.. :p

    Your beauty has just inspired me to kill myself...

    Thanks :)
  • opophnnno
  • HEY!

    If I wanna kill myself over Hailys Comet, I will, ok bud? Sheesh. Celestial bodies are some serious shit brah!
  • It should be march 28, not april he he he hehe, my bad, but 'my' Ashter Command is malfunctioning, so I cant edit my original post, I cant join groups or add friends, I cant write comment's or reply to forum posts, only post new forum post's???????

    Anyway, it was MARCH 28 2009, below is the statement :

    ‘Owing to sidereal and solar days, the conjoined people of earth saw the oceans overflow at about Noon at Universal Time on March 28, 2009. The joined resonance was no further seen by us.’ (We separated as a species.) ‘We have the ability to decide to remain together.’

    Again, Be Blessed...and Be Good
  • Well, according to Eagles Disobey (D.Burisch & M.McDowell) the world ended at noon (universal time), 28 of April.....this year (2009).

    That is, if you have no questions to the validity of their info. This "happening" was supposedly handed to Burisch by an alien from the future, and belongs to the saga of different timelines. As it is, we are still here, which, according to the timeline theory (or should I say their timeline theory), we are now on a different timeline.

    According to the timeline we didn't "choose", big sections of the earth should right now reside under water.

    For those interested in reading the whole bit, go here : http://neweaglesforum.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=announcement&am...

    Personally, I have no opinion about Eagles Disobey thingy as it does not relate at all to anything I know. What I know is not important either xept that it entails a "bright" future for everyone. How bright and how soon, well Ladies and Gent's...that is up to each and everyone of us.

    Is there magic involved?

    Sure thing! Depending on what you will term magic. What today may seem like magic, may be seen as mundane tomorrow.
    If there is anything at all that matter's regarding future events, the only thing that matter's is your perception and xpectations of it. The decition and the outcome is yours, and the only way to further xplain what it really is, is by the simplest analogy: reality is a dream.

    So what will you dream for tomorrow?

    Certainly, there are some who will dream of a disasterous future, some will just continue with what always was (to them) while yet some will continue and evolve into a much brighter "dream". And all of this is well within the boundaries of free will and no judgment is passed on any of the choises.

    Me think's, the smartest thing anyone could do, would be to understand the nature of reality.

    Even high ranking scientist (talking about those who actually study it....not the repeaters) will tell you that there are no objective reality, and this is not new sciense, it is just that the "repeaters" only repeat what they've been told/tought and most of the time dont have a clue what they are talking about (they have a clue about what they have been told, but they dont know what they "know", they assume what they've been told is correct, but they dont 'know' heh he hehehe.....get it?)....and rest assure, there are many "scientists" who are repeaters, these are the ones you read articles by in "sciense" magazines, they are the ones who create your educational material for school etc. So, if you wanna know something, always go to the source, dont wayste your time with wannabe's and repeaters, their function seems to be to "muddy the waters"....go to the source.

    So, put down your book's about Planet X and whatnot (you can pick 'em up later if you can verify that the world is indeed solid), and get to the heart of the issue....reality!

    Be Blessed...and Be Good
  • Hey, don't worry, honey! The lemming-like belief that the world, or human civilization, or whatever, has a definite and precise conclusion has been with us for two thousand years or more. To begin with the focus was on the Second Coming; latterly it’s been on all sorts of New Age speculation, usually based on the Mayan Calendar or Nostradamus or similar rubbish.

    I know for a certainty that the world is going to end; our world is going to end. I can’t say when, I can’t say how; but it will end at some point in the distant, yes, distant, future. I do not believe that 2012 has any significance whatsoever. If I did I would not be wasting my time writing this, or coming here to speculate over the significance of a date in the very near future. I’m only twenty-two. If I really thought that the world was going to end by the time I’m twenty-six I would be out partying today and every day, rather than just the weekends! If nothing matters everything, yes, everything, is permissible. :-))

    Ample make this bed.
    Make this bed with awe;
    In it wait till judgment break
    Excellent and fair.

    Be its mattress straight,
    Be its pillow round;
    Let no sunrise' yellow noise
    Interrupt this ground.

    This is not Judgment Day only morning. morning excellent and fair. :-)
  • no one likes to think of the 2012 factorof the shift happening and how those who are of the dark forces are using it to push thier own evil ageendas and this is why we are to continue are mission as lightbringers to rally as many of those who wish to see the light and ascend it.If they choose not to then that will will be there choice , You lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink". the world must be purged of the evil that has manipulated and contaminated it for thousands of years . I dont say this to scare anyone but it is what is meant to happen. thats is why we are to live our lives to the fullest and love like we have never loved before. The shifts will happen polar and conscious.whether we want to believe it or not.
    Let go of the fear you have, do this by embracing it and releasing it.replace it with feeling of love and acceptance
    Death is apart of this life and it is nothing to fear, because life begins at death we shift to the next plane.
    Focus on living and loving ,Focus on the now, tomarrow will take care of itself.

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