Welcome to true people of facts and positive actions to take for the benefit of the human kind.
This is an action I want to take. All the discussions must be done about actions to take to achieve a change, to substitute the evil systems, to protect the planet, the environment, the defenseless people, specially kids from rapers, and the like.
If you think you are a person of action and facts, instead of bla bla messages... You are welcome. Otherwise, it will be hard and hurting for you. You'd better keep out.
True spiritual growth is made with actions, with sacrifice, with inconditional service. No money makers or solicitors are allowed. I do not ask for money or any other kind of help.
The only thing I need is the same I give, not for me, but for those in need.

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  • *It's mostly for when I have to get my butt out of the house.*

    yep .... that was what I had to use it for .. and walk up and down a pool for god knows how long - and waking sticks - now I am on none ....... hope ur wheel chair has good gears ... my 90 y old friend on mountain here has a beauty and boy can she skittle round town :)))
  • Hi ManuHenrnz ..:) I thought it a good idea to copy past the last thread on Ben'S discussion to that u could finish off ur GRRRRR without being cut off due to obvious reasons ;) ...Plus ur words suit the discussion here ........ :)

    Duckliological Society !!!!! Quack !!!! :)

    ManuHernz Permalink Reply by ManuHernz 6 hours ago
    By the way, in this case I feel I'm not fighting women, but Draconian, Reptilian, Grey or Zeta Reticuli spirits in women's disguise.

    Leila Raven Permalink Reply by Leila Raven 5 hours ago
    Not only attacked by you, but de-humanized by you as well. Yet you see others as the monsters... and are unable to see yourself. Then listening to you self justify your actions. Perhaps others will join you on your witch hunt. I am not a woman, I'm something else! News to me, and something 'evil' in nature that must be fought... that's an old justification for dealing with those that don't support the beliefs of one who desires power. Ah, but she's a 'witch', 'devil', 'succubus', or in this case draconian, reptilian, grey or Zeta Reticuli. Not a woman at all. I'm sure however if I agreed with you and was a dedicated little soldier in your war of action, you would see me differently. Are all those who disagree with you automatically 'evil' 'aliens'?

    So how will you deal with our presence, us evil aliens in disguise. How will you silence my horrible mind control. Execution? There may be a lot of us who disagree with you, better build some fires to burn us witches on. I believe in more recent years ovens have been used as a quicker method.

    Ah Manuel, look WITHIN. Even if I were evil, you could not change the evil in me... you can only change yourself. If you provide a living example of peace, then we have a chance. As long as there are those willing to go to war, war will continue. Revenge, and punishment, and fighting, are not the ways to create heaven on earth.

    What you don't understand, is you are not fighting me, and not accusing me. Only yourself. Your actions don't actually 'touch' me in any way. Your words about me are not a reflection of me, only of yourself.

    People will judge me on the basis of the words I use. Not on the words you use for me.

    I am not being revealed by you, you are revealing yourself to others.

    We each reveal ourselves to others through our actions, others cannot reveal us, for others do not 'know' us. You do not know me. People will judge me on my actions, and you on yours.

    Even if I were so misjudged by everyone. It would make little difference. We can only be one way, true to ourselves. You either accept me as I truly am. Or you deny me. It is your choice what to accept, and what to deny, who to love, and who to persecute.

    These actions do not affect the nature of my soul.

    I would rather have my body raped and killed, than my soul. To be killed is to lose my material life, to attack another is to lose my spiritual life. For the nature of my spirit is not affected by the actions of others. Only the actions I choose to take in turn.

    Hmmm, material well being, or spiritual well being.
    Guess which one I value more?
    Live in Love
    my friend.

    ManuHernz Permalink Reply by ManuHernz 4 hours ago
    I don't need anybody to agree with me... I need to agree with all those who are "doing" something for All the people. I don't need moralists. I'm not looking for leadership as you accuse me. I'm looking to join to those projects in favor of freedom, transparency, justice, protection and defense of the innocent, etc. I'm tired of looking at myself and yourself just talking and talking. I'm tired of the hypocrite preachers. I think good leaders could be David Icke, Alex Jones, Alex Collier, Michael Moore, Jaques Fresco, Ben-Arion, and others, after knowing what their real goals are. That's why I ask, quest, and question. I don't care your opinion. I'm enough of opinions, too. I'll keep fighting! I never turn the other cheek, specially tyrants and manipulators, like all those false prophets deceiving the naive.

    ManuHernz Permalink Reply by ManuHernz 6 hours ago
    FIRST of all my message was not for you. SECOND why do you need to play the lawyer role?. THIRD what you just say here is a total contradiction of yours:
    "Love, compassion, trust, respect, are the keys to this" Your accusations mean the opposite.
    "Buddha respected and loved unconditionally our freedom to choose our own path". You should do the same.
    "We are each responsible for our own lives", great! wash your hands like the Christ crucifiers.
    "You can lead no man, until you can lead yourself." I'm not leading I'm asking for answers and actions.
    "I see my inaction as the greatest possible of actions." Yeah, nice job in taking action to accuse and defend like blind followers of peace in inaction.
    That's what I mean.
    You are inaction mongers, peace mongers, surrendering mongers, enslavement mongers.
    Keep preaching peace, love and light while tyrants kill your children, rape your daughters, massacre innocent people in other countries.
    Keep preaching while they torture your fellow humans, while they establish the MARTIAL LAW, while they feed the FEMA to enslave you and take all your rights.
    Great! enjoy your spiritual mind game while they quick your ass!!.
    Is this what you wanted me to answer? Ok. You want to fight? Ok. Keep accusing me. My questions were not for you. I'm debunking the Alpha Draconians with spiritual disguise. That's why they don't answer, but you, whom I never asked anything do it!
    Ok. You wanna keep fighting... I'm ready... I'm a warrior whenever I need to be and fight.
    Come on... I'm waiting for you! Pseudo light bearers. Is that what you want? HERE I am, the way you want me. I GOT YOU! Counter Attack!

    Leila Raven Permalink Reply by Leila Raven 6 hours ago
    You seem angry. I hope that is an incorrect assumption on my part, and you're not, and just coming across that way. I don't wish to bring anger to anyone, however, that was not my intent, and if you are angry, it is your choice. If so, hopefully you channel it into positive action. Anger held is damaging, it can be a positive resource if it empowers you to positive actions.

    It is amazing what you have read into my words. You see me as a hostile accuser? That is not my feeling inside. I wonder if what you are seeing is a projection of your self, not myself. For your 'debunking' comes across often as the actions as a hostile accuser. You seem very.. focused on this role in both self and others. Perhaps you would want to reflect on that some time in your life.

    My message was not really for you either. I feel you are not very open to hearing little of what I, or many others here, have to share. I hoped you might get it, but you didn't.

    However you are not the only person reading, and when I post in public it's a message to everyone, and everyone is free to reply, and to read, and to receive my message. I have the freedom to post on this thread a response to your messages here just as anyone else does.

    If you would like to send a private message to Ben, you need only do so.

    No, I did not think you would receive my message back to you. I am sad to find myself correct, and that the message was completely lost on you. I hope at least others reading on then can garner something positive from this exchange between us.

    Yes. I stand as accused by you, *laugh*
    I am a peace monger. *smile*
    I will take that one as a compliment my friend.

    I have no interest in fighting, you, or anyone else.
    I accuse you of nothing.

    I only share my own beliefs, ideas, and values.

    If you are intolerant of them, and they anger you, that is your response to own.

    Have fun with your debunking and fighting and your calls to action. I hope you achieve your desired results, wishes and dreams, as I wish that for us all.

    ManuHernz Permalink Reply by ManuHernz 4 hours ago
    Thanks for the animated pic. You know? I can't stand hipocrits. I just trust facts, good facts with no second thoughts.

    Leila Raven Permalink Reply by Leila Raven 2 hours ago
    You're welcome. I'm a very visual person.

    I am true to myself, anything else would be hypocritical.

    Being seen as a hypocrite to others, I can manage.
    Being truly false to myself, that I can not do.

    I have to be true to myself and to others. Whether they love me, hate me, or are indifferent for it. I cannot pretend to be something I am not.

    Not all people will like the nature of all other people. This is my nature.

    I definitely have no facts, only opinions concerning facts. :)

    I also have plenty of second, and third thoughts... and more.

    Like you, I need no one to agree with me... it will not change who I am, or my need to be here and share information and conversation with others in these forums.

    My agenda in being on this site is not be agreed with. In fact, despite being highly opinionated *laugh*, I usually discourage people to follow my beliefs, unless they just happen to also be their beliefs.

    I believe people should be true to their own nature first. So I try to council to look within, and follow self.

    My agenda in being on this site is just to share, to learn from other peoples opinions, to be influenced from shared knowledge and ideas, to support and be supported, to be inspired and to inspire. If everyone here thought and felt the same as me, I'd leave, there would be no point in discussing anything.

    I like that you express opinions that are contrary to my own when those opinions are not of a personal nature but when you're actually expressing your opinions about the state of current events, what needs to be done, etc.

    I find peoples beliefs that differ from mine interesting and stimulating. It makes me examine my own beliefs and take a closer look at them. Responding allows me to take those beliefs as I examine them and put them into language. I find the whole process of sharing meaningful. Both with peoples whose opinions are different than mine, and those whose are similar. It allow me more insight and growth, and I hope sometimes it does the same for others.

    If you are involved in a topic that interests me, and have something to say about a topic that interests me. If your opinion sparks an examination of my own beliefs, and causes me some growth and gives me ideas I want to share on that, then I will. Because it's on a public forum and I'm here to share with everyone. My response is not about 'you', it's about your ideas and what ideas and responses they have sparked in me, and wanting to start a conversation, not an argument, about that.

    So that is what I have done. To me, having a contrary belief, a different belief or even an opposing belief to someone is not being in opposition to them, or attacking them. You can respect a person, even if their beliefs do not align with your own.

    Don Baaska Permalink Reply by Don Baaska 4 hours ago
    Hi Leila & Manu

    Reading your posts reminds me of a time back in 1953 when I was sitting in a bar in Key West Florida. Next to me two shrimpers were having a heated argument and eventually went out side and beat each other bloody. I don't recall what the subject was but from where I was sitting they were both talking about the same thing but from different points of view like the 2 blind men argueing about what an elephant looked like after feeling different parts of its anatomy. At the time I concluded that it would be wonderful if I could experience anything without feeling like I had to respond---and just appreciate it,

    It was probably my first glimmer of awareness this lifetime.

    I appreciate both your viewpoints. I personally sometimes feel like I should probably do more to help raise other peoples awareness but then the old adage "you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink" comes to mind.

    The One created very many viewpoints. I feel that when I can experience all of them enlightenment will occur.

    Until then

    Love, B

    * Xfiles 821.mp3, 5.8 MB

    Leila Raven Permalink Reply by Leila Raven 3 hours ago
    So I do come across as 'arguing' then to others besides ManuHernz in this particular situation.

    Thank you for holding up this mirror for me Don Baaska, I will have to mind my language use and my words more carefully if people are perceiving me as coming from an accusative perspective when that is not my intention.

    I owe then apologies both to ManuHernz and to those reading on for perceived conflict.

    Conflict was never my intention. Only an attempt to share wisdoms... though I know I cannot slake the strongest of thirsts of a horse who fears the water of my wisdoms are poisons.

    I am happy you felt inclined to inject a response instead of just observing this time around, as it has been helpful to me. So I know my passion for my ideas, and my self confidence, can come across as being preachy, bossy, opinionated, judgmental, accusative, a know-it-all, self righteous, prideful, ego-invested, and arrogant. I have had that mirror lifted to me before. So I will make more mindfulness effort to express my ideas in a way that is more from compassionate being.

    Baaska, you remind me to remember the mirror reflects both ways in mine and ManuHernz interactions.

    Thank you. I too believe that it is through the diversity of embracing as many viewpoints as possible is the surest way to greater understanding. All of our perceptions are facets of the same gem...

    Live in Love

    ManuHernz Permalink Reply by ManuHernz 3 hours ago
    All those tales I already know. It's easy to say whatever while many children are starving, many innocent are being tortured by your government around the world. Mother Teresa said "It's easy to talk about hunger within 5 star hotels". You are like those who talk from a deluded spìrit light. I'm talking about the whole planet being carried to a deep abyss of contamination, pollution, slavery, etc. while you bla bla bla from a blind spirit like the mind games of negative ETs. Sometimes I think Billy Meier is right about Ashtar, but I don't even trust this Billy 'cos he himself is under the conditions of monetary system, this after reading the Statutes of his Semjase Silver Star org. Spiritual teachings mean nothing if simultaneously we keep mouth shut as accomplices of tyrants and their World Government to keep feeding the private Federal Reserve, which is the main monger of crisis, wars, masacres, weaponization of the Esarth and space, while you keep preaching and praying and ignoring...
    Is anybody there really doing something to stop these things? I think I debunked the Zeitgeist project, because they never answered again. Looks like they were just looking for money god.

    Leila Raven Permalink Reply by Leila Raven 2 hours ago
    You are making many assumptions about my own history, as well as my own present, that are unfounded.

    You only know what you see of me and others here in what we choose to share here. You do not know our personal struggles, our sacrifices, or what work we have done.

    I spend my time here doing what I feel is important. Just as you do. I even want the same things as you do, ultimately we have the same over-all goals. We also have a similar view of one another in that you feel my way to the goal is moving away from it and not toward it. I feel your way to the goal is moving away from it and not toward it.

    Do you see what Don Baaska was saying there in his analogy? We want the same results, we believe in different approaches. We have always been on the same side you and I Manuel, we always have been. It is you who see me in opposition.

    You see, I, and many others, really feel we are doing something, the only thing that can be done, to reach that goal. I do not see myself as preaching, I do not engage in prayer myself, and I try to ignore nothing.

    I am not your enemy, just as you 'fight' for our freedom, I 'love' for our freedom. We each see our way as the effective way.
    • Hello manuhernz .. just to let u know ... I am merely here picking up new info as I go along .. and yes .. I like to be the brat in ur class lol ;) not against what u believe in ... just ever so curious as to all that entails what u doo .. and poke here n there as u do :) .... it's been great fun debating with comical flavor .......
      • The universal and multiversal truth doesn't need any belief system. I'm not expressing my thoughts, I'm inviting people of true action, because I've been invited to act, but those who invite are not there to fight. Obviously, Alex Jones, Michael Moore, David Icke, Alex Collier are acting themselves their own style, but they don't have any specific platform. Billy Meier has his own platform with the Semjase Silver Star Center, but his statutes are conditioned by money. So, I'd like to meet people who are already organized around the world, because here in my city we are organized, but all the people around the world should get organized, not under the absolutism of any deluded leader, but self organized. Here in my city we don't have leaders, every one is a self-leader and has his/her own responsibility.
        I'm not here to talk, but to set strategies of organization with the power of reason, love, energy, spirituality, strength, power, force, frequency, etc. Not to be a leader but to get together with people of true action. If you're not of this kind, you'd better beat it. I'm not to waste my time. This is the last time I answer this long.
        • If you're not of this kind, you'd better beat it

          :) ... Dear seeker .... do u really have to bully ? u know u love to talk .. I have read ur convos :) many aspects I have seen u display, as have I many aspects/characters too and others .. and please .. humble a little dear and at least realise we r all doing our bit on this planet- some more than others who r more capable to do so etc ... some less due to whatever is happening in their life ... ... so ... don't be so hard on urself ____

          Stay in heart some more ;) u r cute when u do :)
          • I didn't say I my city is organized in full. I said we are working on it avoiding leadership. I participated in a community labor day as one of the actions to take, now we are more organized but not all the city, because there's lots of corruption still. but, comparing to other cities this is something good, this is our first step to change things for better. I'll upload a video on YouTube, its name is MingaCívicaDeLaLojanidad
          • Thanks I'll try, though I'm looking for answers, too; 'cos most channellers have different versions of the same thing. Ex. About Christ and his death and true name.
            • yep .. I see where u r coming from .... and can feel ur huge urge to really make a difference .. just that this also can cause strain when crackin' that whip all over ... and I know u know what I mean .... u r a very passionate person in regard to ur endeavors and the different channelers to me, are there for whoever wants to resonate with them just like the never ending religions all over the world ... people can make their own choices as to what resonates with them .. Eventually people work out ..... What Works for Them - and do their bit on this planet where they sense they can do so ....
          • Love u sis :) .... I could have given u my old wheel chair .. but I got rid of it as soon as i didn't need it :))) .... but I can send u a big astral squeezy HUG !!! :) for doing ur best with each new day and this is all we can ask of each other <3
  • :) Dear Bubble Head Senior :)

    Quote: *You should try, and I wish you can find your soulmate to do it. Thanks to it you can get new visions and redimension your spirit mind. Cheers! lovely ladies.*

    Don't be too quick to believe that one has to find a soul mate to experience this you share here lol ;) .....oh and by the way ....

    What happened to this thread being all about action and facts ... we now know ur love life ;) ... (don't bite) just stirring ;) .... If this is ur actin at present ... SHARE MORE !!! :D
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