I posted a discussion saying that the big first contact timeline is low probability event in the first half of 2010. As we have not had the cosmic convergence yet.  They did not like that and deleted the post and banned me. There was no reason given for this action taken.

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  • Just as I thought. No mass declocking in the first half of 2010. You must be somewhat disappointed. Mass decloaking It did not happen because there was not the wide spread intention bring the 5D world in to manifestation. Mass decloaking cannot be forced on us. We as a global collective have to create the intention to bring the 5D world in to manifestation.
    This is what the conscious convergence is about on July 18-17 2010

  • I'm in the banned club. They will delete you even if you aren't confrontational. All you have to do is be smart.
    • Yes, i did message Beth first but she did not reply. so i exposed them.
  • Well, I, for one, in-joy your sense of humor, Johnny. What's to be sooooooo serious about all the time? It isn't healthy IMO. You go, Johnny!!!
  • Hmmmmm, isn't freedom of speech great??? LOL First to thine own Self be True.
    • One more point I would like to make and then I'll shut up.

      Out of curiosity, I looked up the word "forum" in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, and here is what I found:
      forum - b: a public meeting place for open discussion; c: a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas. Sooooo, it would seem that it is inappropriate to call galactic roundtable a forum, huh? Stringent rules of what is allowed or acceptable for posting is NOT open discussion IMO. I'm certainly not inclined to join.

      My compliments to Ben Arion for allowing the openness of discussion that he allows here.....unless it gets too extreme. I'm in agreement with that....we need to keep the dissension to a minimum.
      • My sincere cudos and appreciation to Ben also. He has tolerated a lot of my rants and ramblings and always has treated everyone with respect and always makes everyone feel welcome and appreciated. He has had to step in and make some very difficult judgement calls on occasion but has always been fair when considering all the things that he has had to take into account. This forum makes me feel free to express myself and my true thoughts, the good, the bad and the ugly and I so appreciate this forum. more than any others I may visit.
  • Shelden Nidles first update for the year wrote: Welcome to year of contact!

    I've been following the protocal that he claims the Sirians have layed out for first contact and there's 9months of transitional government and other stuff before contact. So, going by that we would expect to see all this start to go down by april latest.

    How much credibility he has I dont' know. I have read his stuff for 10yrs and this is the first time he's ever used a date (2010).

    Taking a wait-n-see approach

  • I think the difference between the sites is, you can post your beliefs here and others can disagree with you. The ppl at GRT are often the ones making the posts that ppl disagree with. I don't know what they're writing over there these days but i would bet that since Mark has be absent there's a hell of a lot less "hold onto your hats!" style of claims and predictions. It was getting rediculous. I don't know where they were getting their info from but none of it ever eventuated. I could type a big list of examples....but....meh. Couldn't be bothered.

    They were getting themselves excited and saying what ever they had to to keep the vibe there. Maybe they meant well but in the end ppl just said "This is BS" and left or got banned.

    Having said that, I do like the intel they gather from accross the net. News stories etc. All the channelings and info from KOS is fiction.

  • It is not really that I am "afraid" of being banned over there, it is just that I have made some wonderful friendships over there of members that are not here on this forum, and when you are banned you do not get the chance to tell them you are no longer a member and have no chance to say goodbye or give them your personal email so as to not lose touch. That is all that I don't like about being banned, losing the sharing and the caring with people I am fond of. With that being said I think I will hop over there and give my personal email to all those who are my friends there and tell them if I suddenly become a fatality to please keep in touch. There.... now I am ready to be painlessly banned with no remorse if it so arises, haha. I agree that groups and forums are fun, but don't have a huge effect in the scheme of things, but I do enjoy the sharing of thoughts and comaradery very much. I am learning tolerance, give and take, compassion and many other things I needed to work on by being on a lot of forums so it has been a wonderful and uplifting growth experience for me.
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