I.... I dont know what to say
the story.... I was implanted with a "special " egg by extraterrestrial last night, the tall blondes my race who created me, told me first was a girl and then a boy..." special" twins, this morning the boy was implanted
my bf spirit was like crazy saying in a sort of small time we would created those babies, I was not believing the extraterrestrial I was ever to have them... but a momento ago somethng AWSOME happened
two energy embrios showed up like small mini balls inside my belly and my bf confirmed I was pregnant, all my ANXIATY went to zero and my desires for junk food were GONE
I was told the past 5 or 3 years by contacts I channeled I was gonna have 2 kids from my bf but "done" by them with special qualities of their genetic program
IDK exactly when I wil have them but I will
we dont feel they will be taken and the et are really happy and said "ufff ok is done"
why I can feel my children etheric?... they were playing with me at work some time ago but I thought I was NUTS