is it counting down to an alignment of the planets and the stars? the collapse of the Euro (which Rothschild just recent made a bet on)? an attack on Syria? or another false flag attack? I still haven't figured it out... :P
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Interesting....the clock has moved!!!
I was just throwing out the interpretation with no clear direction. Used reply button at bottom of page in sheer laziness. Was not directed at you at all.
Omnilvx does have a homepage and application but I will not elaborate more. That's a personal journey.
I hope there wasn't a miscommunication. Even the negative takes time to materialize but without our added energy it will be less destructive...especially with the "seawalls" of love and light we are building to deflect the force. Emoticons make typed posts so much easier to interpret ;-)
This we do not know. Like a tsunami, maybe the energy is invisible to our "sensors" as of now. But as the momentum grows and it get's closer to the shores of consciousness it may become a tidal wave of epic proportions. Quite possibly an anti tsunami of the most positive energy ever experienced.
Time of arrival: 11:11AM 12/21/2012 !?! It's anybody's guess but this is my focus instead of the fear driven destructive side I've been prone to for so many years.
Absolutely!!!...and we have Ringside Seats!!!...Infinite Blessings...<3<3<3
The alignment comes @ 11:11 a.m. on December 21, 2012, on Friday Uranus goes into Aries conduct Pluto in Capricorn...The Revolution of Love is being brought on by Aries in Uranus...and the implosion of all existing structures like government, politics, and "power-over" structures of the world is being brought on by pluto in Capricorn...they are going to go down fighting for sure...but whom is yet to be seen...the media seems to be telling us it is with Iran I'm told...<3<3<3
Would that be 11:11 GMT? :)
No...GST!!! Galactic Standard Time. GST +11 on Earth LOL
I'm pretty sure the countdown was going to the University of Light website they were opening. :P