“Whoever does not close his ear to the lamentations of the miserable, nor his heart to gentle pity; whoever is the friend and brother of the unfortunate; whoever has a heart capable of love and friendship; whoever is steadfast in adversity, unwearied in the carrying out of whatever has been once engaged in, undaunted in the overcoming of difficulties; whoever does not mock and despise the weak; whose soul is susceptible of conceiving great designs, desirous of rising superior to all base motives, and of distinguishing itself by deeds of benevolence; whoever shuns idleness; whoever considers no knowledge as unessential which he may have the opportunity of acquiring, regarding the knowledge of mankind as his chief study; whoever, when truth and virtue are in question, despising the approbation of the multitude, is sufficiently courageous to follow the dictates of his own heart, – such a one is a proper candidate.”
“At the east of the world stands The Midnight Mountain. Eternally his light is performing. The human being’s eye can not see him, And still he is there.
Above the Midnight Mountain shines The Black Sun. The human being’s eye can not see her, And still she is there.
In the interior her light lights up. The brave and the just ones are secluded - Still the deity is with them.”
– Inscription of Babilu
“What speaks with one voice, yet walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet at the evening?”
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Rising Angels - Adam Weishaupt - Greater Mysteries I - First Class - Philosophical. world fashion
esiewtleW .ihposolihP - essalK etsrE - I neiretsyM eressörG - tpuah...
- _/_._()_. I.i. - Angels & Demons Rising - Hermes Trismegistus - Emerald Tablet
anidgaramS alubaT - sutsigemsirT semreH - gnisiR itanimullI - .i.i....
Rising Angels - Adam Weishaupt - Intro To Higher Mysteries II - Second degree - Docete.
.netecoD - eerged dnoceS - II seiretsyM rehgiH ot ortnI - tpuahsieW...
-. ()_._/_ II_ - Black Sun - Rising illuminati - Black Sun - _/_._()_. ii -
-- .i.i._()_._/_ - nuS kcalB - gnisiR itanimulli - ennoS ezrawhcS -...
Rising Angels - Adam Weishaupt - Higher Mysteries II - Second Class - Docete.
.netecoD - essalK etiewZ - II neiretsyM ereheoH - tpuahsieW mada - ...
- _/_._()_. I.i. - Angels & Demons Rising - In the nascent state - English
hsilgnE - idnecsan utats nI - gnisiR itanimullI - .i.i._()_._/_ -
Angels Rising - The Egyptian Book Of The Dead
daeD ehT fO kooB naitpygE ehT - gnisiR itanimullI
- _/_._()_. I.i. - Angels & Demons Rising - In the nascent state - German
hcstueD - idnecsan utats nI - gnisiR itanimullI - .i.i._()_._/_ -
Rising Angels - Wisdom of Qumran
narmuQ fo modsiW - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - Lady Isis - Goddess Of Magic
cigaM fO sseddoG - sisI ydaL - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - Lady Isis - goddess of magic
eigaM red nittöG - sisI ydaL - gnisiR itanimullI
Rising Angels - Wisdom from Qumran
narmuQ sua tiehsieW - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - Tiki Viracocha - The Bringer of Light
thgiL fo regnirB ehT - ahcocariV ikiT - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - Tiki Viracocha - Bringer of Light
sthciL sed regnirB - ahcocariV ikiT - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - Osiris - Lord of the Underworld
dlrowrednU eht fo droL - sirisO - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - Osiris - Lord of the underworld
tleWretnU red tsrüF - sirisO - gnisiR itanimullI
Angels Rising - The Golden Age
egA nedloG ehT - gnisiR itanimullI
- _/_._()_. I.i. - Rising Illuminati - Novus Ordo Seclorum - from ordo chao - illuminati ordo -
- itanimulli odro - oahc ba odro - murolces odro suvon -- gnisiR it...
I speak to you
be still
Know I am with you
I said to you when you were born
be still
Know I am with you
I spoke to you
at your first word
be still
Know I am with you
I spoke to you
at your first glance
be still
Know I am with you
I spoke to you
for your first thoughts
be still
Know I am with you
I spoke to you
when your first love
be still
Know I am with you
I spoke to you
suffering from your first
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
through the grass of the meadow
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
through the trees of the forests
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
through the valleys and hills
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
through the Holy Mountains
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
by rain and snow
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
by the waves of the sea
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
through the evening peace
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
by the glow of the sun
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
by the sparkle of the stars
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
by the storm and the cloud
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
by thunder and lightning
be still
Know I am with you
I speak to you
through the mysterious rainbow
be still
Know I am with you
I'll talk to you
when you're alone
be still
Know I am with you
I'll talk to you
through the wisdom of the ancients
be still
Know I am with you
I'll talk to you
at the end of time
be still
Know I am with you
I'll talk to you
if you saw my angel
be still
Know I am with you
I'll talk to you
be still
Know I am with you
Wisdom at Qumran
Hail, you prince of the underworld, you bull of those who were in it, you Harmachis image of Ra, You are a child of beautiful appearance, come to us in peace. You have cast off the disasters that you have expelled the evil, prince, come to us in peace.
O Un-nefer, lord of food, you head that you are of terrible majesty, You are God, president of the gods, if you flooded the country were all things created. You are gentler than the gods. The appearance of your body awakens the dead and the living, to live, O thou lord of food, you prince of green herbs, thou mighty Lord, You are the staff of life, you saved donors of gifts to the gods, and from the gloomy meals dead. Your soul flies to Ra, you shine in the twilight, you create the twilight, you wake up every day, Thou shalt rise on the left hand of Atmu forever. You are the glorious, the priest of Ra, and the company of the gods come unto thee, to give your face the flame, the reacheth over your enemies. We rejoice that you have gathered your bones, and your whole body recreate daily. Anubis come with the two sisters present (ie, Isis and Nephthys) to Dir beautiful things you have worried for you, and they bring along your limbs for you, and they are looking to put together the mutilated limbs of your body. Wipe the dirt on them that are with our hair, and bring us to the fact that we have no recollection of which caused the suffering of your.
Come with your feature from the "princes of the earth" that you put aside your quiver, and that you be at peace with us, O Lord. You become the heritage of the world, and the One God, and who fulfills the designs of the gods are explained. You summon all the gods, why come to your temple and be not afraid. O Ra (ie, Osiris), thou art beloved of Isis and Nephthys, may you forever rest in your home.
- Excerpt from "Songs of Isis and Nephthys," sung to Osiris
From the time before the Incas in their kingdoms to rule came, the Indians tell the following story:
A long time had not seen the sun people. Many prayers and vows were addressed to the gods, where they pleaded, they reflect the light vanished. There arose from the island of Titicaca, which lies in the large lake in the province of Colla, the sun in all its glory and all were full of joy.
And then came, they say, a white man of large stature, whose appearance and character elicited the highest admiration. And this man had supernatural powers, because he made mountains to plains and plains to high mountains, and he also had sources originate from the living rock.
When they saw his power, they called him "the creator and source of all things" and "Father of the Sun". Apart from these miracles is thus handed down, he performed even more, because he called people and animals into existence. In a word came out of his hand great benefits. And the man took his way northward, looking everywhere he went, like miracles. But then we saw him again.
It is said that he taught people how to live: that he spoke softly and lovingly to them and gave them to be good, inflicting harm or inconvenience anyone, but to love one another and to be merciful to everyone.
Mostly they called him Tiki-Viracocha, but in the province of Colla Tyapaca his name, but in other parts of the country Arnauan.
"Respect between people, between the living and the dead and to the environment"
- These were the commandments of the Creator God Viracocha, the creator god in human form.
another text from the illuminati website
Tabula Smaragdina Hermes Trismegistus I. I speak not fiction, but what is certain and most true. II. What is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below for performing the miracle of one thing. III. And as all things are produced from one, by the mediation of one, so all things are produced from this one thing by adaptation. IV. Its father is the sun; its mother was the moon, the wind carried it in its belly, its nurse is the earth. V. It is the cause of all perfection throughout the whole world. VI. Its power is perfect if it be changed into the earth. VII. Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, gently, and with judgment. VIII. It ascends from the earth to heaven, and descends again to Earth, thus you will possess the glory of the whole world and all obscurity will fly away. IX. This thing is the fortitude of all fortitude, because it overcomes all subtle things, and penetrates every solid thing. X. Thus are all things created. XI. Thence proceed wonderful adaptations which are produced in this way. XII. Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, possessing the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. XIII. What I had to say about the operations of the sun is complete. Sanctify speech of the Hermes Trismegistus: "Boundless darknesses were above the abyss and the water and a fine, intelligent spirit were from the divine power held in the chaos. There the holy light burst out and under the sand the elements came out of the moisture and all Gods looked at the fertile nature. Since the universe still was in disorder, the light elements arose and the heavier ones became than placed to basis under the wet sand, all things were through the fire separated and added around through that the spirit be arisen. And the sky appeared in seven rings and the Gods manifested in the figure of the stars with all their being attitudes and the stars were counted with the Gods who are in them. And the air covered the external ring which was moved from the God's spirit in his circuit. Every God fulfilled, according to his power, the work that was prescribed to him ... and they sowed the mankind in order to find out the divine creations and in order to show the vigour of the nature. And they beget the great number of the mankind in order to rule over everything under the sky and to recognize the good in order to grow and to increase. And they testified every incarnated human being soul through the course of the Gods of the changing stars in order to consider the sky the race of the heaven's gods, the divine compositions and the natural forces ... their life and their wisdom are at the origin in the unison with the course of the Gods of the changing stars.” Copyright © 2003 All rights reserved.
"At the east of the world stands
The Midnight Mountain.
This is a reference to the Arctic Point 103, the Blue Island, and Midnight Mountain. This is where Nazi Germany fled to during the war.
Eternally his light is performing.
The human being's eye can not see him,
And still he is there.
I assume a reference to Lucifer.
Above the Midnight Mountain shines
The Black Sun.
"As part of a secret international society engaged in defending the world against Jewish domination, the refugees abandoned the swastika and conventional German insignia. The symbol of the society was the Black Sun."
The human being's eye can not see her,
And still she is there.
The is the transcendent power of the third eye, or the five eyes of Buddhism. The her is likely Sophia.
In the interior her light lights up.
The brave and the just ones are secluded -
Still the deity is with them.”
A reference to the Illuminated ones or assented masters.
- Inscription of Balibu - Not sure on the author. This is a band and the above may be lyrics.
It is interesting to note, 666 is carbon, the element of life. 6 neutrons, 6 protons, 6 electrons. This is the carbon credit system of the new economy that will be used by the NWO. It originates in Europe and is primarily a function of Germany. Germany will rise to be the leader of "The Ten". This is the ten nations that will lead the Antichrist in the last days spoken of in Revelation and Danel. Germany is the beast and the 'mark' that will enslave the world as part of the revived Roman Empire.
I think I got the answer to the riddle. A baby walks on four feet, an adult walks on 2 feet, and an old man walks on 2 feet and a cane would be his 3rd foot. :P
"You have been looking throughout an
allochromatic glass; you have been snatching at soap-bubbles, you were thinking
that the hill, onto which the church of your village is standing, was the
highest mountain on earth, because it was your highest point of view; because
you stood at one unjustified place. Now rise here,onto the place here,
where We stand, and look out anew into the world – and astonish! A different,
new, wonderful world!"
Adam Weishaupt, founder of the
Bavarian illuminati
(Excerpt from the
Greater Mysteries Part I, written May 1787)