We need to remain strong we are about to see the ugliest part of history repeat itself like never before! Please know what the plans are from the Dark ones so we may prepare and carry more love and light in our hearts for all the humans that will be caught off guard with the coming events we must face-it is imminent in order for Mother Earth and all souls scheduled for D5 transition....To complete your mission and be able to Ascend you must take your body with you,you cannot die at a FEMA camp...also do not allow anyone to implant you with the RFID chip implant that Obama is said to make manditory around March 2013 DO NOT LET THEM IMPLANT you it will interfere with your Crystal encode in your DNA because it works on the Electro- magnetic resonance field and your personal energy field it is another form of enslavement! Beware!!!! Watch and see you decide....
Do you know what's going on? Open your mind This is really scary whether it is really a training video or not look at the system/Government and make up your own mind! They are controlling us.
WOW people watch what is going on now behind your backs!!!!!This is scary
HAARP- I have been talking about this for years now I have a video for those who still don't know what's going on-Knowledge is the Key!
Gullotines and coffins in America why???
RFID micro chipping for all humans NOT a good idea
Remember that LOVE is more powerful than FEAR ,you never really" die" so do not be afraid .
The Star seeds that are here are mainly Pleaidien Starseeds that have come here from D5 and are here to assist ALL souls that are scheduled to transition to D5 it is what WE have come for and there are many of US here on your Earth at this critical time -It is an exciting Cosmic event!
We have travelled from the dimension you will be going too, where you manifest your thoughts instantly,just like in your "Dream world". if you are here most likely you are one of the lucky souls that gets to graduate , for many Star seeds we get to go HOME and re unite with our real off world family and friends..,
We have Massive Mother Ships and Starfleets/Family here cloaked above US ready to evacuate Shan incase of emergency that includes problems due to Polar shift,Nuclear war, or too many other "Laws of the Universe" being broken, by the dark ones/Illuminati/Reptilians /Government NWO whatever label you wish to use this is all the same entity and will not be allowed to interfere this heavily with Humanity's Free Will..It is against all Galactic Federation Laws ..Disclosure does not need to be annoounced by our Government to happen...Keep LOVE in your hearts at all times no matter what and you will be ok .. I promise Ashtar Command is here always they have many light warriors and wayseers here it is OUR time to Overcome the darkness, the Lies and The FEAR here.....Love and Light
Much love, enlightenment and personal power to all
believing we are all alone and on our own is very small,egotistical and brainless, I agree..all you have to do is check out the massive UFO sightings why are they here?and how can you deem someone a lier when you cannot provide evidence to show they are wrong? whats the cube by the sun? orbiting around ? too much evidence is hard to disqualify I am afraid...and yes it does suck only being able to use 4% of our human brains,much of the information is received in spirit states,via astral projection, and dream world...which is much better and not limited to the mind of a pea....
I love the illuminati.......
I almost joined but couldnt get hired,
I got stuck with this ashtar gig instead.
I'm just too high of a security risk...
cause I gotta big mouth.......
Yes you my divine sister have the correct answer in my opinion...this is a cosmic event and can anyone tell me they are not ready for it? I really want to go home ..so I am like " let's get this show on the road"...
Ok... and the rest of the world ?
The others that are not americans will be saved or they are irrelevant ?
I agree with this part. Some know that this events must happen and is not the first time that we "lived" this...
All is how it should be.
I agree with this too.
I have one more question.
Are people (ncluding "starseeds" here) supposed to wait for these ecents to caught them in the middle or are they supposed to gather togeher and act in some way ?
Be Love !
"Are people (ncluding "starseeds" here) supposed to wait for these ecents to caught them in the middle or are they supposed to gather togeher and act in some way ?"
The answer to that question will be delivered to your dreams, so.. Pay close attention to your dreams always.
All other info you may recieve by text or whatever 3D-method will probably be false.
It has nothing to do with the americans or any of the Earth labels everyone has down here..It has to do with each and every individual's soul Contract and depending what "yours" is will decide if your soul is ready to Ascend to D4 ,D5, D7 beyond ? or to be re incarnated in another 3d .. I cannot tell you or anyone as I am not a Keeper of Akashic Records and do not have authority to speculate on such ...it depends on who you are ,it is never Irrelevant..everything is relivant and there are no coincidences ..
.I would never think that way I believe We ALL are really ONE and the lesson for all of US is to figure it out and start living it..if we all treated each other like we want to be treated we could live an amazing life but we have this feeling of seperation that seems to be destroying us...and we have this power tripping reptilian race trying to take over our shit...and re create Nazi history WTF>>??? We are all waiting for certain events to happen, you will know what to do when the time comes-it is encoded in your soul.
for those who don't believe- I have no clue what to tell you??ummm insanity is bliss at that point? so you might want to check into the Alaska FEMA camp I hear they got a mental ward that accepts 2 million souls scary scary scary...but sadly true..If you know a Starseed stay with them and also there are many that will want to cme with US and just walk into the blue light beams of the Mother ships..plenty of space for all who wish to come ..We are not the Illuminati you don't need a ticket to get on this ark baby no worries, mate..It will be ok...