These are the individuals I have questions for. Has anyone seen "Down The Rabbit Hole?" Or watch George Green or Phil Schneider on Youtube? Im not a skeptic (I used to be, years ago) Im just trying to see this connection with ascention/3rd demention/Armagedon/and The New Paradigm. Im preparing for some sufferinf soon to come. Ive seen some Pleiadian videos and Im a believer. This is why Ive downloaded the Handbook To a New Paradigm. I plan to read all 3 volumes very soon. If our opposers have a devious plan to coincide w/ a major disaster as an opportunity when we are most vulnerable, then what is this major disaster? Why is it such a secret? Is it Nuclear? Planet X? The Solar Flare? Or Ive even seen our chances for a Pole Rotation. Why cant we know more so we can better prepare to keep our children safe ? If you havent already read this look it up...its free. "Handbook For The New Paradigm." Im not selling anything....Im not in any way affiliated. Theres no need to sign up. Read it.....let me know what yall think :)
Like many modern minds, though i had always been open to spirituality i was always somewhat skeptical and always questioned the official Biblical version of God. Ex: If there's only Heaven and Hell and God and Satan, where does everyone else' beliefs fit in? What about Shiva, and Mohammad or Buddha, are they all in Hell because they're the wrong gods? Questions like that, but once i finished the Handbook i saw a much more logical structure to the universe that while still containing a Hierarchical structure it was one based on natural evolution and free will and that everyone who perceives, can perceive their reality differently ie, if a higher being came to you with a message from "God" it would appear as a familiar form, whether it be Jesus, or Buddha, hell even Zeus if that's what you believed in.
The Handbook was definitely a valuable find as it at least presents a "Unified Field Theory" that seems to bring all these factors together in an all inclusive way, god, demons, ghosts, aliens, planets, physics, dimensions, etc. My perspective definitely changed after reading those books and since i've learned how to look at information from a different viewpoint.