Why is it that every1 is always preaching Love & light and all the glorious aspects that go with it? when in actual fact everyone on here is SUFFERING with one kind of discrepancy or another??

This whole focus on love while you're in physical torment is utter sh!t!! Why should we pretend to not feel what we're actually feeling in this tormented thiird dimension, after all it is all part of experience!!! But who in their right mind would choose to experience utter heart felt torment like this????

Take this 3rd dimensional illusary reality and stick it where the second sun don't shine!!

I've truly had enough of this FUCKED UP so-called reality!! And anyone who's out there who thinks they can tell me any different can either fuck right off or try and walk a mile in my shoes......Good luck to any one of you fucken pretenders!!

I honestly don't give a flying shit if I get Barred from here for posting this!! Goodluck to the lot of ye!
I'll probably see the majority in the next incarnation anyway, cos we're all just too biased and f*d up to giv e a shit.

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  • This discussion is NOW CLOSED, because some of the posters here fail to notice the DATE at which it was posted and haven't fathomed for themselves that since it was posted and due to the amount of positive posts and advice I have received since posting this " rant " of mine, that I've put some of this advice into practice and have come out better for it. I must admit though that I was going through a very dark period in my life at the time of this post and because of the outstanding support I got from the memebers here, I have been able to notice where these energies originate from and work on them and transmute them as well.!!!!!
  • After reading all this "stuff" - I would comment it would be wise to observe- when I feel like it is" too hot in the kitchen" and things start to become negative we are probably getting a blast of higher frequency light.  There does seem to be a pattern to this.  I try to stay in my heart center. I ask for help, pray etc. This all sounds like people purging lower frequency issues. I do believe it gets better. It does pass through and do a kind of cleanse.
  • lol, thank you :)
  • If you were in a classroom and you were reading an assignment that you completed to the other students and then the other students were told to write down your specific problem,  not one would have any idea what that was.

    Please, don't tell us here.  I do know that 1.  life happens  2.  there is a Law of Attraction and with all that anger and pain inside of you, no matter how justified it may be, can only and will only bring you more distress of a similuar nature.

    For you and only you, find your special kind of help to clear it all up.  I can be done.  I would read a basic book by Abraham-Hicks on the LOA.  It helped me to release and rebuild and to find peace in the fact that the universe would deliver to me what I asked it to.  Once I learned how it was I was asking, I learned to do it co-creatively.


    Many Many Blessings to YOU

    • your comment is not welcome here, cos if you notice the date on this post you'll see it was a while back and I have since gotten enough valid advice to proclaim yours as invalid and immature.


      Aum to you to!

  • I'm with you einstein - especially today....I believe we all feel abandoned, rejected, betrayed, let down by pretty much every single avenue we have looked to, but my realization today is - everything is forced to leave us and dissappoint - for we no longer have the choice to look outside to something , as the healer of our pain!  We are solely responsible for this.  Your rage is like mine - at God itself for failing us - for not being able to MAKE us feel loved - but God too has had to fail us.  For we are god - and capable of making OURSELF God - we are the only ones who can do it.  By going thru the pain, and guilt, and shame, and rage, and sadness that we feel when we believe we are So Alone and Not Cared for or loved....we are convinced - and righteous about it.  We are adement that we are right that We aren't loved.

    I believe in this rage - we carve out the feeling body - to be able to receive the Feeling we are loved.  That this feeling we are NOT loved has been the way to believe and feel the Lie - so that one day we will surrender to feel the truth.  That we are.  And all the blaming and raging and hating OTHER for failing us to feel love - have been our carvers of the void in believing the lie - so we will have a vessel to finally  - one day - SOON i hope - be able to feel the truth - that we are responsible for telling ourselves.  No One else can do it

    So I too have hated all the "Love & Light" workers - for they too have greatly failed me. By promising me something - that they didn't deliver - but I free you "light" workers - from being incongruent - and allowing you to see the Dark, the Hate, the Evil, the Ragers,  as Light as  well - no Duality - for the dark has been essential - in order to Feel the Light - and if the light claims superiority to the dark - then it is incongruent - but if the pain we have felt - the dark ,has purpose - then The Light Workers will finally be felt - as truth - instead of incongruent.

  • Damn, someone after my own heart. lol I agree it gets rather ridiculus after a while. I'll give you a final analysis in a second. I been hounded by fallen angels for 40 yrs. Many times on sistes like this, when i tell the truth about many lies, i get visist from demons in my dreams that night, even shadows manifesting in my garage in fron t of me saying things like, "we are going tio kill you". Then they dissaopear in front of me as I am saying, I rebuke in Jesus name. That crap has been going on for 40 yrs now.  its cost me jobs, family, and sanity...

    I dont believe I volunteered for this, befeore i came to this planet. I think that is a lie from false guides. I think thier are a lot of lies going on here. This is not an experiemnet either. Its a rule by fallen angels, who are demented and cannot run a planet without being slavery, in one form or another. Humans could run this planet better than fallen angels, dracos, and grays...


    The point is dude, we need to be here to help others. I have been crazy too, pissed off, ect. But then theres moments when someone all off a sudden has shadow people appearing in the house, scaring them. So I tell her, it takes time, they feed on fear, dont get afraid and eventually they will go away. And they did go away after about 6 months. That was on UFO2U site. Ther were sevearl of us ther helping her thru this. And I took a hit myself for helping her. They came to me one night. I have been on abduction sites, and all kinds of sites. Helping as I can.

    I know it gets wearisome dowm here, the lies, the deciet, the horror, but we are stuck here, so -HEY.

    Dude if you need to vent, then please do so, I have to do it myself from time to time. I totally understand.

    Buts lets rememebr, we might have to apologize, if we go to far, I have had to do that before. But its all good dude, I get it!


     I think its more about mis information. You raised some good points. Ther seems to be a hodgepodge of wierd things here. Whe a site says thier is no right or wrong, then thier i sno direction anymore, its chaos. So it become impossible to instill integritry, ethics, morals and values, because ther is no right and wrong. YOU HAVE TO LOOK PAST THE OBVIOUS LIES,  and walk inside yourself, listen to your heart, and your conscious voice that says, hey-dont do that? Look to humans, to parents who love kids. Look to kids who laugh and play. Listen to them. look to activists who put their lives on the line everyday to expose the evil..  Their is something in humans that can never be killed, our free will.


    The bible says think on good things, whatsoever is clean, is holy, is nice, is good. Think on these things... I have to do that often to keep my sanity. I often loose it too, but I dont stay thier. That can and does drw down evil negative energys to possibly make it worse.

    The bible tells us, we do live in a bad world, but it gives us hope that some day, God and the Goddess will come back and KILL off the evil entitys and humans, who refuse to be kind, nutring and caring.  

    I'll get back on this subject again, its snowing like a demon out here in Missouri, and I need to get back home, from the library. Thank you so much for venting, and telling it like it is..loving you brother.. Dennis



  • well no one ever said life or well in other words reality was easy, Its true were not perfect and sometimes its true, we dont always have time to be with the whole light and love concept becausee the reality were living in doesnt give us much of a chance to do so, there are real problems that cant be solved with love and light but thats not what the focus is and love isnt a thought or action it is a state of being, still while your in this life, 3rd dimension, whatever you wanna say it is, in truth that has little importance (atleast to me) try and be as happy as you can try to love all you can, cursing saying its all bullshit wont make anything better and not saying that the other love thing WILL make it better but whats the point in wasting energy on feelings of anger, youll get upset disapointed frustrated it simply isnt worth it. your not on this website to follow anothers ideology or idea of perfect being, were all simply here to connect and share our thoughts, to just freely state and talk about issues that concern us without critique or resentment. Live your life the way that suits you best, the way that makes you happy and if you just wanna get out and screm I dont give a f*** then holy crap just do it. never deny your feelings, those are your truths they are what guide you and if you wanna be mad then be mad, dont pretend you arent, and then when you finally feel love and light and peace then you wont have to be posting anything on anywebsite no longer will you have to scream i dont give a f*** nor will you feel mad at life and others, in that moment i believe youll be so absorbed in that state that nothing will matter, not hate not anger not a broken car annd not even a wounded heart and then maybe all this concept will make sense, but still, that wont matter anymore, not saying this because I know, trust me im still struggling aswell, well, actually no im not, im simply going with the flow of how i feel, life is beautifull and love is all, i have nothing to pretend.

    peace and god bless you :) 

  • :)  ...say it like it is, why don't you!!!!  LOL

    You know I have to say you brought a wide smile to my face, there is nothing like being straight and to the point!

    You come from an interesting perspective and from your post having been through a lot of bot physical and emotional challenges!

    It is never easy to be hopeful and positive when your life is filled with poop!

    This however, is the very thing that many people in this site have managed to do and that is to find the good in all situations, through their difficulties and their challenges, through their physical pain etc.  We are not anything special we just know that by finding strength even in the worst situation rather than sitting on a pity potty, we can feel good about ourselves and those around us - including you!!! ;)

    Everyone in the world goes through the poop at times, no exception!  It not what happens to you, its how you deal with it!!  It is interesting that you seek to understand this positivity otherwise you wouldn't be here you would have left the site and not wait to be thrown off.

    Why should you be thrown off a site that is filled with love especially for those who are crying out for it as you clearly are.

    See if you can just look at thing in your life you can be grateful for and spend less time shouting and judging others when your being here prooves just how much you actually want what we have!!!

    Sending you love, my friend and a hope that one day you will find your peace!


  • Heh, good post, I like a person whom speaks what he feels. Life sucks, but that is why we learn. As to spouting funny things like colored light and such, I know nothing, just simplistic feelings that I can express. Life is kick ass but it surely wears one out, but don't get to pissed at others if they get silly in how they express themselves.  Also don't let life get you down. 

    I have soooo, many injuries and operations to keep me together, I am never without pain, yet I try and keep a smile. Try four joint replacements, broken back etc. Nope, I don't spout a lot of love, just a smile where it is needed, the other stuff is not me, nor you I expect.

    This last week, me at 71 spent with my step mom at 95, setting her up for long care. Now that is not such a new thing, but what is, I fell in love with some toothless, balding old ladies at this place.  They would figuratively kick ass if they could get out of their wheel chairs or walkers, what a spirit they have, I stand in awe. Flying back to Fl. Thursday and they all say they will miss me as I spent two meals a day with them. That means a lot more than attention from some meaningless young woman with half a brain. Nope, hang in there, life is constantly teaching, stay open and it is ok to feel pissed now and then, I do, but then forgive myself and keep going. Just for your information, when I get down to fl. I will jump on my racing sailing trimaran and chase dolphins around Charlotte harbor as well as other fast boats.  As I said, life is kick ass fun and it sucks now and then.

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