This whole focus on love while you're in physical torment is utter sh!t!! Why should we pretend to not feel what we're actually feeling in this tormented thiird dimension, after all it is all part of experience!!! But who in their right mind would choose to experience utter heart felt torment like this????
Take this 3rd dimensional illusary reality and stick it where the second sun don't shine!!
I've truly had enough of this FUCKED UP so-called reality!! And anyone who's out there who thinks they can tell me any different can either fuck right off or try and walk a mile in my shoes......Good luck to any one of you fucken pretenders!!
I honestly don't give a flying shit if I get Barred from here for posting this!! Goodluck to the lot of ye!
I'll probably see the majority in the next incarnation anyway, cos we're all just too biased and f*d up to giv e a shit.
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People who have been through hell, understand what it means to create heaven.... or atleast believe in it.
I wish you eternal happiness..... :) You deserve it :)
Not being allowed, we are earning it, earning it by working through our issues for ourselves to see what's important. It's never going to be handed to us, despite what those who listen to channels believe, it has always been about us learning how to bring peace to ourselves, by first figuring it out within our own "ego".
I hope you are able to work through your issues, don't think you are alone, I have things that people would look at as issues within my own life, to be honest the last 6 months of my life most people would have let destroy them and run them to suicide or something... but I already seen things the way I do now, not completely but I was already in love and a majority of my thoughts were grounded in peace of mind. Thus I dealt with them as they occurred. Heck I can honestly tell you in the last 2 months very dangerous people have openly discussed the possibility of killing me. I didn't even let that bother me, I am ready for death if that is what is to come. At the same time though I know that would never happen because I am of love & evil can not triumph over love. If your mind is in the right place no outside circumstance should keep you in a lower vibration because you are able to understand all aspects of the events taking place and as such you can take the lessons from them.
But it's obvious you are not ready for this sort of talk, so I will stop. Sorry. Goodluck with everything.
I'm just sick of sitting around listening to these OH SO ENLIGHTENED BEINGS, when all they spew is shit from 10 years or more ago, I don't care if they lived on the earth in days yonder, what matters is living on the earth now and making sense of all this shit that turns a hard working mans life completely upside down when all he's done is try to provide for his family as best as this pathetic world would allow him to, and all the while we have these fuckin morons bleeding the life blood out of not only them but our dear mother earth as well.
I say enough is enough and I'm sick to my stomach of all this love & light shit!! Enough talk big boys, time to roll out the big guns and show what kinda metal you're made of, cos here on earth "talk is cheap" :talk is talk and bullshit walks" Are ye "talking" or "walking" ?????