


Immense Change For 2025 Energy Forecast By Emmanuel Dagher


We are in the process right now of internally and externally transcending every belief, habit and pattern that ever kept us looped in struggle and suffering.

In recent months, many of us have noticed a lot of internal and external shifts occurring, in our lives and on the world stage.


We’ve most likely also noticed that we’re being called to make big changes that weren’t on our radar until recently.


This is all leading to the immense changes that will impact us all, and take center stage in 2025, as they reshape the landscape of our personal and collective reality forever.


Transcending Limiting Patterns

As 2024 comes to completion, we have an opportunity to resolve old patterns and habits that have prevented us from living our best lives. Some of these patterns and habits include:


Choosing to operate from fear, survival, and victim consciousness

Choosing to operate from judgment of ourselves and others

Choosing to need the approval of others (giving away our power)


Choosing to believe that our way is the only way

Choosing to believe that prosperity and spirituality are separate (which immediately creates a lack consciousness)


Choosing to believe that we must censor or hide some part of ourselves

Choosing to partake in competition and struggle

Choosing to believe that we are separate in any way from the Universe and all of Life


All of these examples are patterns and habits that have nothing to do with who we are at our core; they are simply coping methods. The mind created these patterns and habits out of a need to be in control, and to feel safe.


We have the opportunity now to transcend the limiting habits we have been attaching ourselves to, most likely for a really long time.


We also have the opportunity to embrace new patterns and habits that support us with being our freest, healthiest, happiest, and most authentic selves.


Whatever you have been allowing to cause you angst—a strain in a relationship, or attachments to people, places, experiences, beliefs, or anything keeping you fearful and in lack—now is the time to bring it into the light, and to finally heal and resolve it.


When we are no longer distracted by patterns and habits that hold us back, we are free to be open and available to live our lives to the fullest, allowing all of life’s blessings to wash over all our experiences.


Video Link: The End Of The World As We Knew It



A Time to Embrace Presence


With so much change coming soon, this is an excellent time to focus and strengthen our practice of being anchored in the present moment, as often as we can.


When we align ourselves with the present, we operate from our most sovereign and empowered self.


Anchoring ourselves in the present allows us to be open to miracles, insights, opportunities, synchronicities, and blessings that we may otherwise not have noticed.


Anchoring ourselves in the present moment allows us to transcend the illusions of time.

It’s from this space of no-time (a place of non-attachment) that our greatest, most desired intentions can manifest.


Here are some simple things we can do to anchor ourselves in the present:


Spending more time exploring and enjoying Nature, such as walking or standing on the Earth in shoes that are not rubber-soled


Affirming either silently or out loud, during every action we take throughout the day, that we are taking that action in that moment, bringing mindfulness into everything we do (“I am sweeping this floor, right now!”)


Expressing gratitude often throughout the day




Being more physically active, by dancing, stretching, exercising, etc.


Doing Breathwork


Being fully aware of our five senses—taking quiet moments to notice the sounds, shapes, colors, tastes, textures, and scents all around us


Listening to music that makes us feel good


Smiling and looking into the eyes of the people we encounter throughout the day


It’s in the present moment that most of our freedom is experienced, because we are no longer bound to the illusions and habits of the past or worries about the future.


Consciously choosing to embrace the present leads to a life full of grace, flow, fulfillment, wisdom, and ease.


Support and Love


As this year comes to completion, this is an excellent time to reflect and get clear on what we’d like more of in our lives.


Here are some questions to ask ourselves, to get greater clarity on what we want to create more of:


“What does my life look like when I am at peace and happy?”

“What are some things I enjoyed doing as a child that I can integrate into my life now?”

“What actions or situations feel expansive and good to me?”


Answering these questions can help us get clear on what we really want to experience more of.


Once we have that clarity, it becomes easier to take action, and to ask for support.


Most of us hesitate to ask for support from others, either because we’re unclear on the kind of support we desire, or because we were conditioned to believe that getting what we want takes something away from someone else, creating a burden for them.


There’s also the belief that, “If I ask for help from others, they’ll expect me to return the favor.”


Life is about sharing this human experience with our sisters and brothers. And an important aspect of the human experience is being part of a community.


We are here to share our blessings with one another. If you are surrounded by people who do not want to support or help you, it’s usually a reflection of how you’ve been treating yourself or others.


Are you generous with your support towards yourself and others? Do you offer support to others without expecting anything in return?


Does it feel easy and fun for you to share your blessings with the world?


When you can fully answer “yes” to these questions, you will notice that support is abundantly available in your life.


When we express what we desire with the Universe and those around us by asking for support, we open ourselves up to receiving opportunities we might not have had a chance to experience otherwise.


The Universe wants to give us everything we’ve ever desired for ourselves. It’s just a matter of how open we are to receiving it.


If you ever find yourself feeling unsupported, find an opportunity to support someone else, even if it’s someone you don’t know very well.


This act of kindness will shift the energies for you.

It will open your mind, eyes, and heart to knowing that life is much more than hiding or separating ourselves from others.


It’s about living, loving, and sharing our gifts and our presence openly.


Video Link: A New Vision For 2025 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoDArmKeJa8&t=10s


The Magic of the Season


Often, this time of year offers a unique glimpse into what direction we are moving in as a whole, in our collective consciousness.


This happens most easily this time of year, when most people are more open to the magic and wonder that is available to us at any time of year—it’s simply that that magic is celebrated in much bigger ways during the holidays.


This open-hearted feeling often allows people to put aside their differences, while practicing more kindness, care, and compassion.


Because of this, each year during this season, we all move up another step on the ladder of consciousness. We begin to move further out of the world of separation, and into a world of peace, love, and respect for all life.


If you are someone who has closed yourself off from the extra magic available to us this time of year, don’t be too hard on yourself! Just know that if you desire it, it’s available to you.


During this holiday season, let’s love and adore the three-year-old child within us, giving them everything they’ve ever wanted from us.


This is the aspect of us that just wants to be loved, accepted, nurtured, and that just wants to explore and play. We as adults now get to offer this support to our inner child, and to make all their dreams come true.


Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!

Until next time,

With gratitude,




Video Link:  How To Be Activated In Love & Truth For 2025







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