
I have two letters written in February and March 2012 shown below. The first letter needs to be shared (actually it needs to go viral) so the second letter gets to the designated person.

Once this happens, disclosure will occur (NESARA, sentient beings, arrest of the cabal, the New Age and more) because all is written in the book including the closing of banks and bankruptcy of Federal Reserve.

The book was published in August 2012 so it is not about publishing a book. It is about everyone joining in unity to share a letter.

Thank you for allowing this to be posted and I thank all the beautiful souls for making these letters viral.

February 24, 2012

To All the Beautiful Souls on this Planet,

I finished the book “Dreams are Reality.” I have attached passages for your perusal. This manuscript needs to be in the hands of Louise Hay at Hay Publishing on February 29, 2012.

Louise Hay is a renowned global author and her publishing company was chosen for two reasons. First, she speaks about the power of thoughts and positive affirmations in all of her books.

In fact, her reference guide explains how negative mental patterns create disease and that is the premise of my book.

I have learned techniques to help people release negative mental patterns so they could self-heal quickly.

All is revealed in the book. Second, Louise Hay is spiritual so she understands that everyone is Divine.

The gravity of the earth is decreasing and as a result people will have fewer thoughts; it has already started.

Those who are achieving inner peace through meditation and yoga will be happy with this transition.

However, the majority of the population will be distraught, depressed and suicidal. “Dreams Are Reality” will help these people move to higher consciousness rapidly.

I started this book on January 19th and my intuition says the manuscript will be at Hay House on February 29th.

This may sound ludicrous, but I have seen miracles occur before when the impossible became real. In 2000, I and a few other individuals were instrumental in creating enough media and political noise to get a bill fast tracked through the legislation.

This bill enabled organizations renting from churches in New Jersey the ability to continue their businesses.

Archives in newspapers and network news broadcasts will validate this statement. Moreover, this happened in one month.

I also wrote a 180 page proposal for a potential elementary charter school in less than 3 months.

The New Jersey Board of Educationhttp://couponcp-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png liked the curriculum and we passed all interviews until the final interview; at that point True Potential was denied funding.

I know the strength of thoughts especially when many people have the same intensity.

A friend reminded me about the book “Six Degrees of Separation” by John Guare.

The idea behind this book is that we are approximately six steps away from any person on earth.

He says networking is the key because it provides a chain to connect two people in six steps or less.

I am asking you to read the excerpts. If you believe what is written in those pages are true, please send this letter and the attachment to your friends and colleagues.

Right now, I am solo, but with the help of all of you, we could help create a planet of love, peace, grace, compassion, bliss and healing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. In 1776, Dickinson wrote “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”

These seven words became the motto for America. Please help Dreams Are Reality become the motto for the entire world.

Vanaja Ananda.

March 8, 2012

Ms. Louise Hay
Hay House, Inc.
P.O. Box 5100
Carlsbad, California 92018-5100

Dear Louise Hay,

If you are reading this letter, then I know people have finally joined together in unity and our world will soon be a place of peace, love, compassion, grace, bliss and healing.

I am thrilled! I have been trying to show people the power they possess inside when thoughts are reprogrammed.

More important, I was teaching them about the strength of collective consciousness when people pray for a cause together. In this case, the cause is to help mankind.

I have written a book titled “Dreams Are Reality.”

This book describes in detail the negative emotional patterns trapped in my subconscious and the techniques I used to reprogram these limiting beliefs.

Of course, among the techniques is your book “Heal Your Body” which I always carry in my purse.

Dreams Are Reality refers to similarities between various religions and the meaning behind the phrase “everyone is divine and we are all one.”

I speak about angels, Ascended Masters and enlightened beings currently on the planet available to help anyone who asks.

In addition, I explain neuroscience concepts and how they relate to our thought patterns, specifically the fight or flight mode.

Furthermore, the story unfolds to demonstrate the love by a disciple for her Avatar.

The trust, faith and surrendering to the divine was the inspiration to pursue the dream to help mankind against all adversity and ostracism from society.

This love is so beyond any lust; it is pure unconditional love. That love has transmitted to the world.

The best part is the ending because everybody stands together as one and puts other people’s fears above their own by sharing a letter from beings in other dimensions.

When this occurred, we sent the message to the divine that we are ready for the transformation into the 4th and 5th dimension!

I have attached the original letter that went out to all the beautiful souls on this planet. I also attached the passages that were included with that letter.

Please let me know when you would like to see the manuscript which will help people overcome the fear and shock they may be experiencing in 2012.

The answers to help people reprogram their negative thoughts are all in Dreams Are Reality.

Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for having a beautiful soul and showing me the power of positive affirmations.

I am eternally grateful. I can be reached at xxxxxx or via email at pew2104@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Regards,

Vanaja Ananda

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