• Global Currency Reset in motion
• Revaluation will include 198 world currencies
• The Restoration of the Republic is on the horizon
News | July 16, 2013 | UPDATED: July 17, 2013 Reported by Scott Mowry |
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We are standing on the precipice of a brave new world. We are witnessing the turning of the tide. And we are seeing the pivotal battle for humanity's future reaching a very decisive moment. And the word from the front lines is –– the people have won!World currencies spinning up for revaluation. | |
Realize this –– all is transmuting now. All is transcending now. All is transforming now in the most spectacular ways one can possibly imagine. And all is coming together in perfect alignment and agreement. From the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), to the United States Treasury (UST), to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to the BRICS alliance, to the major US banks, all the while with China and the Chinese elders standing watch pushing and prodding them forward. Never giving up. Never letting the key players rest until the job gets done. The Chinese have a reputation for being very thorough and very patient, hence perhaps another rationale why we have seen some delays. Along with the Chinese elders, these key players include: new US Treasury Secretary, Jack Lew; IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde; Russian President Vladimir Putin; and newly-elected Chinese President, Xi Jingping. A Chinese delegation met recently with Secretary Lew in Washington, DC to resolve any last minute issues with the Global Currency Reset on July 10th and by all accounts the meeting went exceedingly well. Do not underestimate what we are now seeing. It is nothing short of miraculous. This crazy, insane world of seven billion diverse people is coming together. Co-operating like never before. Aligning like never before. Becoming one like never before. One heart. One mind. One human family. THE RESTORATION OF THE REPUBLIC Soon, just as Iraq and many other countries are arising from the dead, so too will the United States of America. The restoration of our Republic is at hand. Once the Global Currency Reset is firmly established, many other trillions of dollars will begin to be repaid to countries, governments and people through a variety of established programs such as the World Global Settlements (WGS), the Global Collateral Accounts and vast array of other prosperity programs. The end result will be the largest transfer of wealth in the entire history of the world. This transfer of wealth will be nothing short of mind-boggling with as much as $4 quadrillion (that's right, quadrillion $) changing hands. Perhaps simultaneously or shortly thereafter, the United States will begin its amazing and spectacular regeneration. A constitutional government will re-emerge, a monstrous federal bureaucracy will be severely reduced, taxes will disappear (save for a minor sales tax on non-essential items), the military will be totally downsized and transformed, the justice systems will be overhauled and corrupt politicians, both current and former, will be arrested. Granted, all of these changes will not happen instantaneously and may take time to fully enact, yet nonetheless, these will be just the beginning! Many more equally profound changes will follow. Your television and your computer screens will be overflowing with the true history of the world as hours and hours of re-education material will be broadcast to inform the general public of the great changes being instituted. Reports suggest as much as forty hours of material has already been prepared. It promises to be must-see-TV for the ages.
THE GOLDEN $100 BILL And understand this renaissance of the US is already well underway. It is happening right now! The privately-owned Federal Reserve, soon to be rolled into the US Treasury, has announced long ago it will be issuing new money beginning on October 8, 2013. There has even been a brand new website created to showcase this new money at: www.newmoney.gov. The initial designs feature a great deal of extremely prominent and very obvious gold symbolism. Plenty of reports are suggesting the current Federal Reserve Note (FRN) will be replaced by either a new Treasury Note (TRN) or a new Treasury Bill very, very soon. In fact, some have reported the 100 year charter of the Fed which began in 1913 expired in January of this year. Although the preliminary designs of the new money still contain the words "Federal Reserve Note," they may remain there for the time being so as not to alarm the general population just yet.
Unity the Movie
As the full weight of what is transpiring is absorbed into your consciousness, it will be life-changing on every level of existence. Gone will be the days of living in survival from paycheck to paycheck as abundance and freedom sweep the planet. The euphoria will be unstoppable and unending. And it will last all throughout your life. All of this may sound like some kind of wild and crazy dream. And indeed it is. It is a dream of those who have dared to dream the unthinkable. That ordinary men and women could live in a time of peace, brotherhood and prosperity for all in what can only be described as the true Golden Age for humanity. And it will last for at least the next 1,000 years. That Golden Age has been unfolding for nearly two years now, since October 28, 2011. Although admittedly rather painfully slowly thus far, when the Global Currency Reset is finally completed, it will herald a great shift of the matrix. An acceleration in the evolution of the human race will come into the awareness of nearly everyone on the planet. And there will be a great and grand celebration. Have patience. Have faith. And stay vigilant. Expect many miracles and blessings to be forthcoming in your life beginning right now. It is your destiny and it is your birthright. There is nothing to fear and positively everything to gain. You might expect to have to pinch yourself a time or two as you wonder, "is this really happening??" And yes, it really, really is happening. And it has really begun right now!© 2013 MR Productions, LLC | All rights reserved
Great to read about many changes coming "soon". In Galactic perspective it can take several years, may be hundreds of years. We are tired of waiting... We really want to feel and see these changes!! Let them be everywhere in the Earth. Namaste.
PS If my posts 'dissappear' guys as with what happened yesterday, please know, agents at work remotely outside this website, this shit has happened to me at different sites on and off for years... I'm changing my firewalls... again... I wont go into it all but Mr Ed has been made aware of situation... I didnt delete my hard work and thoughts of the last few days... apologies to Ben-Arion and the Admin team here if they thought that I had... but this stuff happens... these devils follow me around... Jai...