The Galactic Federation of Light and The Galactic Federation are NOT THE SAME as stated on some sites so we all need to know which one to follow that are most benevolent to us

Some Questions to be answered

1 Who are they?

2 Where do the come from?

3 Why are they not united...what is their differences..are they against each other?

4 How many star systems belong to each?

5 Which ones are the best to follow?

6 Why are they here...what are their motives?

7 Who are their best Contacts that we should follow?

8 Which Federation Spaceships should we willingly go if offered by chance?

Looking back in our history we have been manipulated a number of times and we are still vulnerable





This post is so important that it should be given an entire day’s worth of consideration and comment. It is THAT vital.

For a very long time I was confused about just exactly who is the Galactic Federation and who is the Galactic Federation of Light. The distinction between these two groups needs to be made clear and then announced very loudly on the spiritual blogs.

The Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of Light ARE NOT THE SAME ENTITY. This cannot be stressed enough! THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!

The spiritual blogs are chock full of messages that have arrived from both of these groups, but the blog owners usually aren’t diligent enough to point out the different origins. That is a huge mistake, in my opinion.

Inelia Benz and Adamu from the Zingdad website have stated in the past that the Galactic Federation of Light is a service-to-self entity that resides in the duality polarity realm. They exist in the light vs. dark game playing dimension and have said many times that they would like to recruit humans for duty on board some of their ships.

Kauilapele, from Hawaii, has an excellent blog with many readers and recently discontinued any messages from Greg Giles. Why? Because Greg channels the Galactic Federation of Light and I believe Kauilapele recognized and understood that this group is not acting in the best interests of humanity.

Adamu on the Zingdad website spells out in perfect detail and magnificent imagery what choices we will have at ascension. I cannot stress and emphasize enough how beneficial it would be for all lightworkers to listen to Adamu’s words.

Our choices at ascension are as follows:

1. Remain in 3rd density life
2. Choose a service-to-others role
3. Choose a service-to-self role
4. Ascend with earth into unity consciousness

It’s that easy and what everyone needs to understand is that the Galactic Federation of Light exists in the STO/STS plane of existence. They do not exist in unity consciousness! And they have admitted to this several times.

So, the above post is critical and quite important. Earth is jumping from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension with no stop in-between, but the groups that are helping us do not all exist in the 5th dimension. That’s why we have to be careful when we choose to heed advice from any entity.

I long ago stopped reading anything from the Galactic Federation of Light and I’m not the only lightworker who has done the same.

Pay attention fellow lightworkers:

The Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation of Light are NOT THE SAME ENTITY. My advice to any blog owners is to start making this distinction when posting any messages.

Go to Zingdad’s website and listen to Adamu! Please! His message to all of us is only 30 minutes of your time. It will be one of the best, if not THE best, informational video you’ve ever watched. Its importance cannot be overemphasized.

again below another comment

I agree with MV very strongly…and this is sooo important! I realized long ago about Sheldan Nidle’s messages as I saw certain things coming from his being in a video interview I saw of him last year. Secondly, Greg Giles messages, I and another good friend ,saw clearly through his messages as well. GFL and Galactic Federation of Planets are two compelely different groups. Pleiadian and Andromedan/Arcturian are also seperate from GFL. I feel that it is imperative for people to learn this asap and know who they might be dealing with if they are not informed. We have been through enough and it would be a shame to me mislead AGAIN wouldn’t it?


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  • Dawn… firstly I’ am not a child, and I do not live in fear, nor do I judge…I simply asked for proof as did many others, give me more than words,

    Masters of light, the divine plan etc, I have known much of this since I was 6 years old it is nothing new to me, what is interesting….though is the planets that they are supposedly from and the kinds of things they are supposed to be going to do /have done etc…


    Yet ‘my friends’ have always given me answers to my questions with honestly and integrity, though lol, you have to ask the right questions in the manner that you wish to get the fullest impact and impart of info. Otherwise you can end up feeling a bit confused, I learnt that over time and adapted my questions to get the desired result.


    My questions were not answered, why not??? Proof was not produced, why not???


    I was not rude, nor was I being unreasonable in my manner…I was a little concerned that possibly things were a little misleading but that does not make me bad…


    And Dawn dear, you know nothing about me neither…..though I will enlighten you and Drekx Omega on this:


    The following reply post was put on a thread that ‘Ben’ himself started you must bear in mind I had just joined and did not know much about this site….


    Hi Ben….I’ve seen had…First Contact…when I was 6 years old, I called them to me, even though I did not realise I was able to do this, one thing I’m really pleased about (which used to worry me when I first heard it) that we don’t/wont die just to be ‘saved’ ok! I was just a kid but when other adults talk about things like that you kinda believe them…when I finally asked them ‘my friends’ about it they explained the whole thing to me and I have been involved in finalising some of the plans/events ever since.

    Anyway though I’d post this info because I wanted to ‘pass on’ some knowledge and share with others who will meet them soon and because you seem to have some insight and I just wondered if you know them yourself ?


    They are about 9/11 feet tall and skinny. There are 6 of them that are – 9- foot tall and 6 – 11 foot tall, 12 of these ones in total. There are others that I will refer to as guardians, stewards and guides are of varing sizes though mostly tall, the guides are human looking, so most people tend to identify with them better. All of them are gentle creatures and it is their wholeness that they do not do harm,

    The 12 are very similar in apperance, they all have a skin like covering, it chages colours regularly like a octopus/chameleon but with luminosity , like dancing lights, sometimes sparkles like they have a load of glitter on them. The body is quite skinny ‘ like if there was a breath of wind they’d blow over’ that kind of skinny and they don’t have bones but they still remain upright, the head is ‘perched’ on a fairly thin neck which moves about like a birds, quite commical really , the facial features, well they do have large eyes that change colour from bright light blue hue white to dark blue/black, however they have explained to me that the eyes are not black , it is just humans are unable to ‘see’ in that ‘light spectrum’ so we can only percieve it as black. They see you, I mean that they can see your energies/ soul, they see beyound what they see, so it’s a bit like see/feel. Not sure how to explain this??? Anyway moving on…They do not have any ears like us, they have a row of sensory bumps at the base of the neck in the middle at the front. There is no nose but they do have spiral ‘gill like’ structures with feather like filaments that move (undulated) all the time about mid way down on the torso, however they are not used for breathing, these structures ‘in basics’ detect and interprets frequecies and vibrations that all life and inanimate objects emit. All of these systems work together to ‘create a picture’ of their surroundings and to communicate.

    That’s a very simple explaination, here is another thing they never stay still, you know like a little ‘aimless’ moving all over the place and they move really silently, seem to almost glide, they can be a little distracting when I’m concentrating on a problem, to the point where I’ve had to ask them to ‘bog off’ and do their wandering somewhere else.

    Oddly.. they don’t actually mind, they usually just smile at me and do a little bow and then disperse, oh yeh and pat me on the head.. which kinda irks me sometimes and they know it does too.

      ‘Archangels, Angels, Jinns, even demons etc’.. that’s what religion would call them I suppose, as I don’t subscribe to any religion I would not do this…but… Collective…Aanliyah a’jinns has with time become pronounced as ‘angels and aliens etc’ Aanliyah a’jinn and D’eajainn companions…the whole…The G’aod’h they do have laws rules vows oaths directives and protocols that they all adhere to…they have such unprecedented knowledge and unlimited potential, collective in harmony and understanding

    Their names are actually made up of tones-notes and frequency-vibrations, as such humans would not be able to recreate the exactness of the name but to help us each name has been given a letter of the English alphabet as I am English, if you were from another country etc then it would be matched to what ever letter you spoke… that is why there are so many pronunciations of their names in our history.. the names ‘manifests’ in many ways as does the spellings, the country you come from, dialects and accents all can and will influence the ‘original’ and over time became miss spelt/ altered etc to the accepted forms that we have now etc.. all of them correct and yet incorrect .. in either case they really don’t care, they really don’t mind at all what name they are refered to… It is all of your own free will…

    Any way here are their names…

    Uaeriazeleonni graydeone lyet

    Qzslandalpheone H'xzaniele graydeone lyet

    Grybriearle  Tzradkyelee graydeone lyet

    Queazaer Peolariaus graydeone lyet

    Aezraeli Maitheous graydeone lyet

    Nemys’ys  Zolytayre  S’xoularyus  graydeone lyet

    There are ‘etheric energy’ beings, I’ve seen these very tall yellow/white glowing ‘shapes’ they are usually around Aanliyah a’jinns they tend to avoid direct physical human contact as their energy frequency is so much different and higher (pure energy) than ours that we would disintegrate with contact. They are extremely loving and like I said before they don’t do harm but they will and do assist us. 

    *aegis aerc significance* g’aod’h

    I actually have regular contact with them,  not always in the physical, they use a lot other methods and means to leave messages and or to prompt me to do something.. but whatever they ask or say it is always of my own free will whether I act upon it. Yes there are quite a lot of other people that have contact with them, most of these usually tend to be more for the guides because they are human looking. People as a whole have an innate part that prevents them from identifing adequately with something wholly alien and vastly more intellegent than themselves, a kind of complex, so that’s where the guides come in and after a while of been in and around the guardians and the stewards this does evenually fade.

    You can ask them any questions you like, they will always answer them, but if you don’t ask the correct question, you will not get the answer you truelly wanted. I got this, but it can be annoying as well and believe me they can irk me sometimes with their philosophical abstract airy fairy ways, So it really is a case of asking the right person, the right question, in the right way.

    They can and do find you, this I’ve learnt over time and they are expert at doing this, there is no right or wrong way to get their attention. Remember they can see your energies and beyond, what they consider adaquate substantial exceptional are categorised into groups and given the required assistance to further themselves. All are quite a diverse mix of peoples. We all know of each other in varying degrees, some I know quite well others only as aquintences and ther are others that I do not know yet.


    I’m always/usually in the Esoteric matrix chamber ‘room’ with our honorary ambassador and consul,…S’zehav a’tekern luf’viathan & Onni S’xai viere Y’ai Adonai and of course their entourage (disciples as they call them). I’ve seen other people in this room and I always find time to talk to some of them, even though when we are all in this ‘room’ it’s because we are discussing important events or updating each other on the progress on the Extinction protocols and the advanced contingency directives.

    Sometimes I’m with the Prism network group in either case I’m usually with the tall ‘ blokes’ and a couple of the others from the E.M chamber, as we are the ones who are coordinating the task forces which will implement the protocols and directives in the event of catastrophic earth event.

    There are 2 million of us all over the globe, thankfully not all at the same time in the room otherwise I think my head would spin, so at some point in time I will be in this main group who are the advocate’s to the ground forces. That said I do have some contact with ‘others who are in the fellowship’ category, though I only know a few of these people.
    Anyway… I haven’t seen them for a while, (the Aanliyah a’jinns) although S’zehav a’tekern luf’viathan and Onni S’xai viere Y’ai Adonai have told me not to worry too much about this, as at the moment they are very busy perfecting the ‘shield’ because after the last few solar flares that have been occurring the results on its effectiveness has been encouraging.

    This is good news to the ‘others’ and me as we’ve been working on this project for 20 odd years…though the Aanliyah a’jinns have been with this a lot longer than any of us, we are given ‘rights’ to participate in this as its our planet.

    They/we are creating a ‘shield’ beyond our atmosphere, the intention is to form a barrier away from Earth that will deflect /absorb /polarise de-polarise /neutralise slow down frequency of particles atoms…. etc but the important thing to be aware of, this has been attempted before on another planet ‘it failed’ with 80% loss of lifeforms, at the time they could only accommodate 20% of life. However, since then ‘learning and adaptation’ has been the main criteria and creating a large enough ‘place’ to accommodate much more of this planet’s (plants animals insect… etc) and 2 million people.

    Now this has to be ‘planet’ sized…obviously…and yet needed to be ‘invisible’ to the human race…in the past it was not a problem, now in this age, era… because of ‘human demeanour’ they moved the whole thing so that it is constantly at the opposite side of the sun in relation to the Earth and its orbit so it is never visible to us.

    Now because I have joined this forum there is every possibility (well more than likely actually) that ‘secruity’ will be monitoring me to keep me safe, as they were not very convinced that this is one of my best idea’s but as it is entirely of my own free will, they will not interfere or stop me, however it could prove to be constructive and productive for others on this forum, 

    let's talk.... all the best for now


    To date I have not received a reply…I’m probably not likely too neither…


    The reasons I joined this group are as follows:


    In order to inspire and facilitate a greater learning chapter with the emphasizes on how they evoke emotions, how they impact meaning in a variety of ways, I have produced innumerable amounts of material that have embodied a wide variety of subject matter and many of my inspirations, are thoughts away from the mundane into tranquility and understanding. A dramatic evolution that has occurred, within me, since I started exploring new materials and concepts far from what might have been imagined by even the most perceptive. As this ‘art’ emerged from the boundaries of defined aesthetics to the complex initiatives of individual patterns and codes with new intentions and motivations, it is possible to see the growth and development not only of my understanding and me but also of my personality.
    Given the ability to see subtle reality has meant a tremendous degree of responsibility; I am a highly sensitive person (empath), as humility and sincerity are mostly prismatic terminated by pyramidal and other facets, Inner vision is second nature to me and I think nothing of it; it is ‘nothing special’ to me. As I know that it is the result of work achieved in previous teachings the one unequivocal discipline is that I use it solely for my mission; to further allow my understanding and that I may yet further evolve
    I have however, come to appreciate the enormous potential of such implements to reach a large number of other like minded individuals who had otherwise received a simplified and unified view of the world. I have since developed a heart-felt commitment to correspond to a mass of people/believers and I have quickly adapted my mode of communiqué to the nature of those around me and as such I wish to mobilise and utilise many resources.
    The complex and multifaceted nature of my thinking and practice challenges anyone’s understanding of logic and the role of the ‘individual’ me becoming much more inflexible and unbreakable,
    My wish is to fluidly translate some of my discoveries and perceptions into reader friendly concepts. Without of course any incongruous claims but yet maintaining the deep-seated paradox of the purpose, to a ‘collective’ of mind set individuals whom will act with courage and decorum when the ‘call’ is issued
    (but I will not suggest that anyone endorses me or my use of the information), as I will alter, transform, or build upon this work, so that I may distribute the resulting endeavour only with authenticity, knowing what the implications are, and how the value of this relates to the current situation, the understandings and/or misunderstandings of events. I may risk everything to create this, risk failure, rejection and criticism, I will not get public acclaim nor do I want or demand it, but those who do not value and protect free speech, risk even more than that. My willingness to take those risks, and face the consequences, speaks not only to my courage but also to the indomitable desire for freedom and justice that is inside every being.


  • There have been so many messages of the Galactic Federation of Light coming from so many different sources that it becomes a bit confusing who and what message to believe ...some are not even actually from the GFL but just the channellers higher self... I was told by a genuine ground crew member that Ashtar Sheran of the Ashtar Command which is part of the GFL does not channel messages to humans but only send out emergency telepathic transmissions to selected ground crew members and this has to be very important Yet we find so many messages stating channeled from Ashtar Sheran ...all this adds to confusion
    • My advice is to check our OFFICIAL GFL/Spiritual Hierarchy updates posted by Sheldan Nidle....That's


      Treat that other website you emailed me, with a large pinch of salt...For anyone to claim that the GFL and GF are different and in opposition, is the height of mischief...

      It would be as absurd as for someone to erroneously suggest that the United States is not the same as the USA....LOL  ;-)

  • The whole idea of forums is to discuss.. Read comments and the draw your own conclusion..I found a few sites saying that the GFL and GF are not the same so it confused me a bit and it is bound to confuse others who stumble on this sites so I posted this with some evidence and then I wait and see other peoples views... When I post a forum it does not mean I wholly agree with it but maybe partly or not at all but I like to see other peoples comments as there is always chance of picking up some good points...At least now you know better and have this issue cleared
    • Thanks Ravinder, my friend....If you don't mind, I decided to answer your legit concerns on a discussion of my own, rather than enter this, your forum here....

      Ben himself has endorsed my forum at the link below and you are more than welcome to contribute.....I did originally reply here, but received several ill-mannered responses from others here, who you are probably aware of....responses similar to the way Dawn was treated here.

      So I removed my comments, including answers to your query and produced a discussion at this link:

    • I understand why this was posted for, and it would be nice if Ben had cleared a lot of things like this on his site here, so that people aren't so confused as to what this site is all about

      A lot of members come here thinking it is about sharing there own experiences on things, and sharing there own Path, they don't realize that they have to follow certain things in order to stay on top with some of these postings here 

      There really would be so much less confusion if it had said on top of the site, exactly what Drekx had given a good watered down idea of what this site is about, and where the learnings are coming from

      You have other starseeds joining this site here, who are from other Star Nations, other than Sirius B, or anything like that for that matter, so it would be really good if Ben would say this is a website here, and this is what the GFL represents, and what my wishes are for this site 

      I mean if freedom of speech is promoted on here fine, but don't mislead other Starseeds who are from other home Planets besides Sirius B, because that just adds in more confusion to the pot, not everyone who is a Starseed is going to be drawn to things like Sirius B, and the findings of the Blue Lodge 

      Some would just really rather share there own experiences without any expectations 

      I hope you understand what I mean on  this 

      Bless the Nite


  • How the fuck is this Fear Mongering????? I would like to know how this is Fear Mongering??? Wondering about a simple thing, such as the GF and GFL being one and the same, how is this negative even???
    Do you realize than, if we all had questions on here about something, we would be fearing things and putting out fear towards others. This was a simple question, and yet you are on here saying how bad and horrible this is for even asking such a thing

    Dam, you must be a perfect Lightworker than, if you have no questions in life about things like this

    You say that this is Fear Mongering, but going around posting articles about Mass Arrests, and saying things about the Cabal being hauled away, or removed off of the Planet, is also Fear Mongering things as well

    Ravinder had a simple question, and I'm not sure as to why this had turned out to be a big deal for, that he had asked this question, as anyone else on this site here would of asked the same thing at some point

    Bless the Nite


    • Its because, people seem to have replaced the word questioning, with the word fear, and disbelief with negativity, when in reality, both are just questioning and disbelief in something, when you dont have first hand proof, is just plain old common sense!

      If a child gets to a certain age, then asks their parents if santa is real, you dont say to them:

      Stop being so negative, why are you fearful!!!

      They simply want to know the truth!

      • It's the stupidest thing I have ever heard of, to sit there and kick someone out of a group, just because they had asked a simple question about something that may not be true or maybe true. 

        Than they say it is all fear mongering things, but they are putting fear into the person who had asked the question, and no you wouldn't tell a child to stop being so negative if they had asked if Santa was real

        It's like if you are going to be mad at someone at least let it be a good one, and not some small stupid thing like a question about the GF and GFL being one and the same 

        Bless the Nite


  • Hi Dawn....Bob Dean!! nice litttle story but thats all it is, glad he lived though....after nearly dying a lot of people turn to religion and or cults...nowt wrong with this natural reaction.  i have been pulled back from the brink twice, seen some weird stuff but fortuantley i stayed grounded, never been a believer to any religion/ cult dogma. My own thoughts are diverse taking all things into account, if they resonate in my heart and soul then it will have a place in my entire being.


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