Too many people are now having tattoos and piercings on their natural body and they think they look very smart but no they dont as they look like reptilians.
About Tattoos:
- Does the tattoo further spiritual consciousness?..NO
- Does the tattoo defile the body as the temple of the divine?...YES
- Is the tattoo intended as a private symbol of personal conviction?...NOT NEEDED EITHER WAY
- Is the tattoo a body modification intended as a public display to attract attention? YES JUST PLAIN SHOW OFF
Guru Gobind Singh Ji :
"hookah hajaamat halaalo haraam baarise hinaa karad roo siya pham". meaning, dont do huka (smoking or any other drugs), hajamat (cutting hair or any other hair), halalo (no halaal meat or any other meat), haram (bad actions or any other ill acts), bareesh (to colour) hena (mehndi or tatoo ink) karad rooh (to do on the body) siya pham (or the hair).
so.. dont do any (1) drugs, (2) any hair removal, (3) any meat, (4) any other bad things including (5) colouring hair or the body. this therefore includes tatoos.
Conclusion Tattoos and piercings not needed really..keep body as it is