Master Kuthumi



On July 7th, 2012, we enter into the Seventh Initiatory Gateway of Light through the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom and the Overlighting of Master Kuthumi, Archangels Jophiel and Constance, and Elohim Apollo and Lumina. Through this sacred Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom, we complete the seventh initiation, esoterically referred to as The Ascension, set to occur for all Humanity on December 21st 2012. This initiation takes us into the New Earth Templates of Light as we experience this Now reality through zero point; the no time, no space fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love and the Photonic Rays of Light. Having completed the first and second ascension waves through the awakening of 144 000 Light workers, we are now able to experience the Christed Timelines and a deeper integration of the sacred geometries and keycodes of Light within the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love. As such, we come together collectively now to assist others in the ascension process while continuing our individual ascension process of clearing, transmuting and embracing all aspects of ourselves in Divine Love through the radiance of the Cosmic Flame of eternal Divine Love and One Heart of All That Is.  


In this seventh initiation, The Ascension, we are initiated into the Order of Melchizedek. To start with, we are invited into the Crystalline City and Vortex of Light above The Tor, in Glastonbury, England, radiating and reflecting the essence of Divine Love for all Life on this Earth Plane. We further bring a focus to the radiance of our own Hearts and the collective Heart of all Humanity as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, as we as we align through our Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun into the Center of Creation. We also connect to the Higher Light of all Humanity, the Group I Am Avatar Body of Light, and merge with and share our magnificence and preciousness as wayshowers, teachers, healers and facilitators in this new Golden Age of Light.  From here, we enter into Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat within the middle earth and through the remembrance of ourselves in parallel realities as Initiates of Light, we are initiated into the Order of Melchizedek and commence our journey from this point forward through the Right Eye of Horus, the Higher Mind, hieroglyphic and immortal teachings of Light.


July the 7th starts with the Ancient Egyptian New Year, a day in which Sirius is sighted rising before the Sun, and it further a pivotal point in the activation of the dormant DNA to the remembrance of the teachings of Light from On High through the Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius as we lift ourselves in vibrational attunement into this dimension of Light.


July 17th takes us into New Earth Day, a moment in time when the vortices, sacred sites and Crystalline Cities of Light amplify the New Earth Templates and the radiance of the One Heart, as we activate the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within our Hearts through the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom and the collective Higher Light of all Humanity, the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light. We have been working on our individual ascension process, and now is the time when we are able to connect into the Monadic Core Group of Light and through our combined Divine, unconditional Love, truly experience ourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.


From a Qabalistic perspective, we now experience the upper supernal triad of the Tree of Life, as it related to the Monadic levels of consciousness of our individual Higher Light, our Beloved I Am Presence. Through the integration of these three Sephirah, Kether, The Crown, Chokmah, Wisdom and Binah, Understanding, we experience our garments of Light, our I AM Avatar Blueprint and Adam Kadmon Body of Light.


Imagine if you will, that we are witnessing the birth of Creation. God, in Its Wisdom and Magnificence, Has created an infinite number of Multi-Universes, Universes, Galaxies and Solar Systems, and this is referred to in the Tree of Life as Ain Soph Aur, or Negative Existence. Through Its Divine emanations, Kether, The Crown, the first Sephirah of the ten Sephiroth, and our Mother/Father God for this Cosmic day come into existence along the Central Pillar of Mildness and Equilibrium. Kether, representing the Spiritual experience of "Union with God" further emanates the Divine Light of Creation, and this emanation was so abundant, it overflowed to form the Sphere of Chokmah, on the upper right-hand side of the tree, representing wisdom and Light, the Divine Masculine Principle and the Spiritual experience of "the vision of God face to face". Chokmah, represented along the Pillar of Mercy, in turn filled the following Sephirah of Binah, on the upper left-hand side of the tree, along the Pillar of Severity. Binah represents understanding and justice. Binah further represents the Divine Feminine Principle of Creation, and the Spiritual experience "vision of sorrow".  These first three Sephiroth form the upper supernal triad to the Tree of Life, and are related to the Monadic levels of consciousness of our Higher Light and the merging of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine archetypes within, taking us into our Divine Selves.


Additionally we anchor the seventh Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs through the spinal column, to be activated on July the 21st, while focusing on the clearing and Light integration within our 13 body chakra system and that of Mother's Earth Light Body through her 13 primarily vortices and chakras.


The key to integrating this beautiful Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom is through our connection to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and our Beloved I Am Presence. As we truly experience Self Love, we recognize the magnificence and Divinity of our Selves, and through this reflection, allow others to experience the radiance of their own Divinity, their own magnificence and preciousness as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.


This is the time of new beginnings with the ability to mould our realities and experience a deeper level of Self Love for ourselves and a deeper level of Divine Love for all Life. We are in essence coming home through the remembrance of ourselves as Initiates of Light, Master Beings of Divine Love and co-creators to the Company of Heaven, shaping our collective realities in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness as we step into our bodies of Light, our I Am Avatar Bodies of Light, with the ability to activate our Light Bodies/Merkabas and that of Mother Earth's. And so it is.

~ Invocation to the Seventh Initiatory Gateway of Light ~

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


I now call forth to Master Kuthumi

to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,

into the Crystalline City of Light above the Tor in Glastonbury,

so I may undergo this seventh initiation, The Ascension,

and experience my Self in Self Love,

so I may assist all Life to experience the radiance of the One Heart of Divine Love, the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am ready to step into Self Mastery and truly be of Service in Love to Mother Earth and all her Life,

I am ready to lift all veils of illusion and remember my Self as an Initiate of Light,

I am ready to undergo my initiation into the Order of Melchizedek,

 I am ready to travel through the Right Eye of Horus and the Tree of Life,

I am ready to truly know my Self through the Center of Creation as a transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

and eternal Student of Life.


I now find my Self in this Ascension Seat and Vortex of Divine Love above the Tor,

surrounded in a beautiful Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom.

I now experience the Photonic Rays of Light, spinning the sub-atomic particles in my body beyond the speed of common light into the New Earth Templates of Divine Love.

I now actualize the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light with my Heart,

experiencing a deep sense of Self Love for my Self and Divine Love for all Life.


I now lift my Self in vibrational attunement into the etheric of Sirius and the remembrance of these teachings of Light through the Great White Lodge.

As the dormant DNA is now activated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow,

I bring through the keycodes of wisdom and knowledge of my Self as an Initiate of Light.

As I align to the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.

I now link with the Light Workers, Star Seeded Ones and all those awakened in heart and mind.

Together we connect into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,

the Highest Light of all Humanity,

sharing our Divine Love as transfiguring Flames of Divine Love,

and receiving this radiance and Divine Love from one another and all Life at a Higher Light level.


I now experience the New Earth Templates of Divine Love, and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

I now take these encodings of Light through the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love,

wrapping the Earth and all her Life is this beautiful Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom,

and allowing all Life to potentially experience Self Love and the Radiance of the One Heart of All That Is.


I now anchor the seventh major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.                                                                                          

  I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.



I now find my Self within Lord Melchizedek's Golden Chamber Ascension Seat in the middle Earth.

Surrounded by the many Legions of Light from On High,

I am welcomed and embraced as an Initiate of Light.

As I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,

and bask in the Cosmic Flame of eternal Divine Love,

my Planetary Light Quotient is raised to a level of between 92-99%.

And now, Lord Melchizedek appears before me,

and places his Rod of Initiation on my heart chakra,

and the Hierophants hat upon my head,

welcoming me to the sacred Order of Melchizedek.

I now find my Self back in my sacred space,

grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am now surrounded in this beautiful Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom,

and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,

Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.

I open my Heart to my Self and others,

I surrender my Self to Divine Love.

I Am Wisdom

I Am Light

I Am the magnificence of Creation through Service in Love,

I Am an Initiate of Light to the Order of Melchizedek.


Music by Micheal Hammer 

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek 


 The Elders on the Seventh Initiatory Gateway of Light

Mp3 download 


Lord Melchizedek

Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now and indeed in this sacred month of July 2012.  From a linear perspective, of course, there are six months to go to this third ascension wave, December the 21st 2012, in which the potential of all Life is amplified through this Initiatory Gateway of Light and has the possibility to ascend into these fifth dimensional energies of Divine Love.  For yourselves, sweet one, the first and second ascension waves have occurred  and the awakening of the 144,000 Light Beings takes you into this matrix of Divine Love through the awakening your own keycodes at a cellular level within your body.  This Initiatory Gateway in particular, through the Seventh Initiation of The Ascension and the Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom activates a deeper level of Self Love within yourselves and indeed a deeper level of Divine Love for all Life. 


Sweet ones, the last six months have indeed been very challenging. For as more Light has come on to this earthplane, so a greater level of shadow is amplified, both personally and collectively.  And while this continues, sweet ones, on both a personal and planetary level as the old structures are dismantled to make way for the New Earth Templates of Divine Love, you will find a grace and ease experienced within yourselves as you gather in momentum towards this pivotal Now moment of December the 21st 2012.  In essence through this Initiatory Gateway, sweet ones, you have the ability to take on a deeper level of the experience of truly knowing yourselves through the One Heart of All That Is, and of activating the dormant DNA to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow to allow for the memories and unfoldings of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Initiates of Light.  Further to this, you are raising your Light Quotient and this initiation takes you into a 92-99% Planetary Light Quotient and it is experienced by the amount of Crystalline Light held within the body and radiated out through you and the Center of Divine Love.


Additionally, sweet ones, this initiation takes you back into re-initiation, so to speak, of the Order of Melchizedek.  You have all belonged to this order in parallel realities. Those of you listening to this recording and partaking in these initiations have a level of remembrance of yourselves as Initiates of Light through the timelines in particular of ancient Egypt, Atlantis, Lemuria, and the Mayan and Aztec cultures.  So what this initiation further brings for you is the ability to lift the veils of illusion, to take on a deeper level of your service role, and to experience many of your Ascended Master gifts, simply through your connection to the Order of Melchizedek and the many Beings of Light from On High.  This is time when you move from the Left Eye of Horus into the Right Eye of Horus, the Higher Mind, hieroglyphic, immortal and tantric teachings of Light.  We take you through these teachings, sweet ones, from the sense and knowing of yourselves as Divine Beings of Light, experiencing in this Now the merging and integration of your Beloved I Am Presence and the creating of your I AM Avatar Blueprints of Light, your Adam Kadmon Bodies of Light.  Further to this, you have the ability to build your Light Bodies/Merkabas through the sacred geometries within the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love and through the sacred geometries within your bodies, starting from the original Divine eight-cell blueprint and the shape of the star tetrahedron. There is further a focus now in assisting in the ascension process for others, sweet ones. This is done initially at a Higher Light level as you connect into the Monadic consciousness of the Higher Light of all humanity, the Group I AM Avatar Blueprint, this collective consciousness of Light.  As you connect with the Legions upon Legions of Light, the starseeded ones and lightworkers, you experience a deeper level of these New Earth Templates of Divine Love and assist and create change not only on this earthplane but also through the Monadic consciousness of all humanity. And indeed, sweet ones, we truly honor you as these Initiates of Light, for your service work to Mother Earth and all her Life.  There has been a focus on the transcending of the dualities of humanity through the etheric grid of Mother Earth and lifting the consciousness of humanity through the Crystalline Grid of Divine Love; and now as your Light Quotient is lifted and the Light Quotient of Mother Earth is further lifted, as the kundalini energy moves from chakra to chakra through your bodies and through the sacred vortices and Crystalline Cities of Light on and around Mother Earth, you come into a merging of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light within yourselves brought about in this Now moment sweet one, through the Tree of  Life, the supernal, metaphysical triangle of Kether, Chokman, and Binah. We will talk to you a little more about this, sweet ones, but what we wish to do now, is to lift you dimensionally through the experience of the first nine breaths of the Light Body/Merkaba activation. The first nine of the nineteen breath Light Body/Merkaba activation. For you are shifting dimensionally and what you are experiencing are many multidimensional realities and the dimensional shift in frequency consciousness through vibrational attunement to the higher dimensions.  This nine breath portal activation, sweet ones, will take you further into connecting to the nine dimensions available to humanity and through this, to the nine dimensions leading into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


So just get yourselves comfortably relaxed now, sitting on a chair, your feet on the floor or lying down with a cushion under your knees, grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God.  Wonderful.  As you merge with your Beloved I AM Presence, you call now upon all the Beings of Light from On High you personally acknowledge as well as you Master Guides and Guardian Angel.  Now we will repeat each breath and ask you to do the breath following the initial instruction.  On each of these nine breaths you inhale to the count of seven and exhale to the count of seven. On this first breath now, you inhale and exhale to the count of seven as you bring a focus to a first dimensional portal 2.4 feet below your body and your connection to Mother Earth. On the second breath, bring your focus to a second dimensional portal, your perineum center and your connection to the realm of nature spirit intelligence.  On the third breath now, bring your focus to a third dimensional portal, your crown chakra, connecting you to the earthplane, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha, and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy of this dimension.  On the fourth breath, focus on the fourth dimensional portal, found just above your crown chakra and your connection to your Primal Soul of the Light, the Sun Helios and Vesta. On your fifth breath now, bring your focus to a fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above you head, connecting you to the Pleiades and to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.  On the sixth breath now, bring you focus to the sixth dimensional portal 2.4 feet above the crown chakra connecting you to the Higher Self of the Light, to Sirius, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and Melchior the Galactic Logos.  On the seventh breath now, bring your focus to a seventh dimensional portal 3 feet above the crown chakra and your connection to Andromeda and the Andromedan Intergalactic beings of the Light. On your eight breath now, bring your focus to an eight dimensional portal 5.4 feet above your crown chakra and your connection to the Kingdoms of Light within Orion, Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos and the Brotherhood of the Light. On the ninth breath now, bring your focus to the ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above your head and your connection to a Spiritual Portal in Omega Orion to your Christed Overself of the Light, your Beloved I AM Presence, the Mahatma, to Mother/Father God and indeed sweet ones, to the Center of Creation. Experience the radiance of your heart sweet ones; experience the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.  You may still be transmuting and clearing, healing and releasing sweet ones. Just hug and Love yourselves. Forgive and let go sweet ones. Truly trust and surrender to the Divine. Embrace yourselves through the Center of Divine Love and these Beings of Light from On High. You are this precious and magnificent Being of Light and where you are in your forward evolution, where you are on your personal ascension process is completely perfect and where you are meant to be.

This ascension process is indeed about lifting yourselves vibrationally into the higher dimensions and experiencing the New Earth Templates of Divine Love. It is further about grounding these energies as a co-creator to the Company of Heaven and knowing the each reality you choose is one that is self created. From the people, the places and indeed, even the furnishings around you, these are self created realities played out in this school of learning.  It is to envision with certainty the knowing of Heaven on Earth, the knowing of yourselves as Initiates of Light. For you are being given the great honor of again being initiated into the Order of Melchizedek and experiencing many of these teachings of Light from On High, given only to those who are able to wield and mould their realities in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.  And this is you, sweet ones.  


Shortly we will take you into this Crystalline City of Light within the Tor but prior to doing this, we will focus very briefly on an understanding of the Qabalah. This sacred doctrine of Light which in fact goes back long before that of the Jewish tradition.  The Qabalah, the secret doctrine of Holy Spiritual teachings was taught to the ancient Egyptians by the Order of Melchizedek and later the Essenes taught these teachings to their initiates according to the level of Christed Consciousness awareness at the time.  Now part of these teachings sweet ones through the Tree of Life brings about the emanating, radiating frequencies of Light of the first seven rays, and the system of energy that we have taken you through for these first seven initiations has been based on working through the Tree of Life.  On the completion of this initiation, sweet ones, you are ready to work with the energy system of Jacobs Ladder for the higher earthly rays and the initiations through the rest of the year, rays eight through twelve. And following your ascension process, you can start to work with the cosmic rays and a new energy system through Jacobs ladder II. Traditionally when the Tree of Life is explained to initiates they are taken on a journey of creation from a third dimensional perspective where the Tree of Life includes the twelve signs of the zodiac, the seven consciousness planets in your solar system and four elements of air, water, fire and earth.  The Tree of Life further contains within it twenty-two paths leading to Solar Christ Consciousness. And further hidden with the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet, considered to embrace the whole creation, is another key to the fifth dimensional Templates of Divine Love.  From the year to 2013 you start to work with the embrace and Overlighting of Helios and Vesta and the first cosmic ray, that of Solar Service, a combination of all twelve earthly rays amplified through the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom.  And it is in the seventh initiation through the sacred Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom that you have a deeper understanding of the Qabalah, The Tree of Life and the related Sephiroth. Although this energy system is incomplete, sweet ones, Binah, Understanding, and Chokmah, Wisdom, represent your seventh initiation. Kether, The Crown, is ephemeral in nature and at this point has no definition.  However you have entered into Aleph or Alpha, the commencement of truly coming home; your journey back into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. Aleph is depicted by the symbol of a person with one hand reaching upward towards God and the other reaching outward to humanity and you sweet Beings of Light are taking the Divine Love of Mother/Father God and extending this outward to humanity through Service in Love in assisting in this ascension process.  So in the completion of this initiation, what would be useful is to work with all ten Sephiroth in the Tree of Life and indeed the eleventh hidden Sephirah, Daath. In this Now moment we take you into an understanding simply of Binah and Chokmah through the connection to the related Archangels and a deeper understanding of the essence of your Divine Self through the merging of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine archetypes of Light within. Chokmah represents the Divine Masculine archetype of Light, sweet ones, Wisdom.  The Archangel related to this Sephirah is Tzaphkiel. Binah. Understanding, the Divine Feminine archetype is represented by Ratziel.   Tzaphkiel meaning "Secrets of God" reveals the Divine mysteries and Higher Mind teachings and brings into this Now the teachings of the Right Eye of Horus.  Ratziel is the Divine Feminine aspect of creation, emanating unconditional Divine Love, forgiveness, non judgment and compassion. 


Sweet ones, to call upon these two Archangels, what you wish to do is create a magical circle of Light.  This magical circle of Light takes you into a sacred space, although of course in this Now you are in the sacred space of Divine Love. To create this magical circle, you point North with your right hand and invoke the first letter of the words of power, used through the four letters that spell the name of the creator in Hebrew YDVH. You now invoke the first letter Yud. As you turn to face East now, and point your right hand to the East, invoke the second letter Hay. And now turn to face South and point your right hand there and invoke the third letter Vuv. And now as you face West, you point your right hand invoking the fourth letter Hay. As you come back to facing North you now state "I am within this sacred space, this magical circle of Light and I now call forth to Archangel Tzaphkiel and Archangel Ratziel to join me in this sacred space, to assist me to come into a deeper level of wisdom of the Higher Mind teachings of Light".  Wonderful. Tzaphkiel is known to have written the Book of Wisdom revealing all earthly and cosmic secrets and gave this book to Adam as he left the Garden of Eden.  As you receive these keycodes of Light now, you further find yourself linking through your sixth dimensional portal 2.4 feet above the crown chakra to the etheric of Sirius, to the teachings of the Great White Lodge and now to your eight dimensional portal 5.4 feet above the crown chakra to the kingdoms of Light within Orion and to the Ashram of the Order of Melchizedek.  You now repeat to yourself: "Through the blessings and Light of these sacred Archangels within the spheres of Chokmah, Wisdom, and Binah, Understanding, I merge with my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes within, experiencing my Self as this transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light. I now activate the keycodes of wisdom and knowledge through the Center of Creation from these Ashrams and Cities of Light within the inner planes. I am here to be of Service in Love. I choose to assist all Life, all humanity in this Ascension process so that together we may experience Heaven on Earth and the New Templates of Divine Love".  Now feel your heart activated through your Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light as you connect now through the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.  Wonderful. This alignment of Light brings in a Pillar of Light and Antakarana, and through this Antakarana, a florescent tube of Light, connects you to all nine dimensions and into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.  As you find yourself now within the Crystalline City of Light above the Tor in Glastonbury you are surrounded by your family and friends of the Light and this beautiful Blue Flame of Love-Wisdom, taking you into a deeper level of Self Love and Self nurturing. You now activate your creative gifts to a deeper level, as you experience your heart within the One Heart of All Creation, in the Center of Divine Love. 


Master Kuthumi comes forward to welcome you and embrace you. And now you are embraced by the Archangels of the second ray, Jophiel and Constance and Elohim Apollo and Lumina. Master Kuthumi now anchors the qualities of strength, patience and endurance, intuition, clear intelligence, radiance, faithfulness, and Divine Love through your heart chakra.  And now you merge with the magical images associated with the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom, that of a beautiful naked woman and a mighty, crowned and throned king. Wonderful. You are creative, loving, sacred and precious, transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.  Know this to be your reality and your truth, sweet ones. Have a sense of embracing the Divine aspects within your Self now, of Self Love and Self nurturing, merging now once more with the Divine Masculine archetype of Light, of wisdom and empowerment, and experiencing the Higher Mind teachings of Light.  And now with your family and friends of the Light you are taken into Lord Melchizedek Golden Ascension Seat in the Middle Earth. All the Masters of Light come to welcome you. The Rays Masters, the inner plane Ascended Masters from Shamballa, Legions upon Legions of Light from On High, the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light, the Christed ET's, the Archangels and Angels. Wonderful. You hear the beautiful, sweet chanting of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, 'Tsebayoth, Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God of Host, Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, 'Tsebayoth, Holy, Holy, Holy  is the Lord God of Host.  You merge once more with your Beloved I AM Presence, and now you simply spend time with these sacred Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light, honoring and embracing you as a member to the Brotherhood of the Light and a disciple to the Order of Melchizedek. Lift the veils of illusion, allow these memories to come through, sweet ones, of yourselves as Initiates of Light, as Lord Melchizedek now comes forward, welcoming you to his Ascension Seat and into the Order of Melchizedek   Your Planetary Light Quotient is raised to a level up between 92-99% as you connect to the Group I AM  Avatar Consciousness of Light, and to the lightworkers and starseeded ones and all the Beings of Light from On High and from here, and to the Radiance of the One Heart of All Creation in the knowing of yourselves as Melchizedek ambassadors of Light. Wonderful, sweet ones. In your time, in your own time, this initiation will take place and the appropriate keycodes, Light frequencies and sacred geometries will be activated through your Divine Body of Light. 


We thank you for your service work. We honor you and we bless you, and indeed we are delighted to be co-creating with you as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and Initiates of Light.


And with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Zulma




For invocations and channelings on previous initiatory Gateways of Light, please view 




Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network 

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  • Thanks for the post!

  • That was awesome truly good.

  • I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this message

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