8110370873?profile=originalIn 2010, I had started a job working at a major company as a “manager” and with great pay and great benefits. I really needed this job, but wasn’t too happy that I was back in the corporate arena.  I had heard that the group that I had originally been to Mt Shasta with were going back to be on the Mountain in July.

My heart felt heavy, as I so wanted to go, but my body was tied down to a job. I had even checked the prices of the airplane tickets, just to play with the possibility. They were too expensive and this brought me relief, since it gave me another reason as to why I couldn’t be in Mt Shasta.

I let it go. I let go of the “have-to-be-there” desire; but, it kept gnawing at me.  I went to work every day, feeling constricted about having to be “corporate” and my spirit wanting to soar like an eagle. I was now involved in rigorous training for the management position I had been hired for. I had even made peace with the fact that this was the way it was going to be.  I was in a new career and it was all good. To prove this to myself, I had gone shopping for new work attire the day before the day when “it” happened.

I had come into the training room that morning, as I had all the morning before that for two months-worth of training, when all of a sudden I get the download. I was being beckoned to go to Mt Shasta.

The problem was that there were only three days left before the group was to be at Mt Shasta and I had neither plane ticket nor a lot of money to buy one. So, I quickly dismiss the download as nonsense; I figured it was my subconscious talking to me, my deep-seeded desire to escape the mundane and go to that place that transcends all time and space – Mt Shasta.  

Just as I am on the computer in the training room, practicing one of the job skills, the communication comes in even stronger. It was saying to get the tickets now. Well, I began to laugh inside.  I couldn’t afford the plane fare back when I had originally started to inquire about it a month before. Now it was only three days before I had to fly and I knew the cost would be prohibitive. The tickets a month before were over $380 each way to Sacramento airport and back.

I get the communication again:  “Get the tickets now!”

So, instead of completing my lesson on the computer, I type Southwest.com on the address bar. I put the dates and the destination and the time of travel. I wait for  the “astronomical” number to appear that will tell me the cost and that would again settle that and my little inner child voice would have to go back to the room of the subconscious once again…. But, there it was – the price of the airline ticket was staring at me in electronic form, coming from the screen of a training monitor. It was $173 each way! Oh my Gosh, I thought. I parked my mind and went with the flow; and, without hesitation, I pulled out my credit card, right in the middle of the training room, and paid for the tickets.

Then, I get the download again:  “Rent a car!”

“Oh, my”, I thought.  Now, I find myself back in Google, searching for a car rental place. I find the least expensive one for $395 + tax for a week. I book it, because now I know that I’m being beckoned to go to the mountain for some specific reason unbeknownst to me at the moment.  When I get the confirmation online for the car rental, I realize that the price that it had quoted me was not what I was seeing on my confirmation email. The price was much higher. So, I excuse myself from the training room and go into one of the stalls in the bathroom to make the call to the customer service department of the car rental company. I don’t know why I chose a stall. I guess I felt it was more private….

I explain to the customer service man that the price that appeared on my confirmation email  was not the price I had booked it at online and that I couldn’t afford paying more. The customer service representative was very apologetic. He said, don’t worry, we’ll resolve this for you.

After some silence he says, “I was able to get that price down for you, it’ll be $173 including tax for the seven days”. He didn’t see my expression in the bathroom stall – but my mouth was wide open, as my jaw dropped. Not only was the price cheaper, it was the same price and number that I was paying for the airline ticket! OK, “they” my Beloved Host of Heaven, had gotten my attention. I’m now out of the stall and back in the hallway, not wanting to go into the training room, my heart racing, knowing something much bigger than myself or my thinking was happening. So I start wondering, “Now what….?” “How do I get out of the obligation of this job and the training and just take off to Mt Shasta….?”

The download was back: “Let go…”

I let go of my thinking and allowed the flow that was happening. I find myself at the Human Resources Managers office. I know I told him that I had to speak with him and that it was very important. It was like a dream or a haze. My mind was parked somewhere, and I wasn’t thinking. I’m just “allowing”.

I know that I am speaking, but the details are not there. Then next thing I recall is that the Human resources Manager is saying, “OK, no problem. Just let your manager know what’s going on.”

 I remember that my body got up and moved across time and space – I’ll call it the hallway, and into my manager’s office. I sat down and know that there was conversation that went on and that my mouth was moving, uttering words that made the manager pay close attention. Then she said, “OK well let us know when you’re back. Call us in two weeks.”

 My body got up. I moved through the hallway, into the training room, where my arms carried my personal belongings. I opened the door of the building and found myself outside. I got in my car, started the engine and drove away. As I was in the middle of the expressway, heading home, I snapped out of it and cried in Joy - I was free! I would soon be physically on my “beloved” mountain.

When I have visited Mt. Shasta in other occasions, there has never been a time when I have not encountered an Ascended Master that materializes in front of me, or have had the privilege of experiencing lessons that are so obvious and in my face that I laugh out loud. I have also experienced fairies in human form, large blue orbs, the Violet Flame and other wonders of a realm that is not readily perceived by the human eye. I have also been privileged to capture many of these amazing events with my camera.

I arrived at Sacramento Airport around 7PM in late July. It’s the first time I have traveled there alone. I get into my rental car and head north towards Mt. Shasta for a four hour drive. I play very beautiful, high-vibrational music. All along, I chant Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth under my breath.  

Three hours into the drive, it is night time and very dark outside. I’m getting closer to the Mountain because I recognize the vibration of Mt Shasta. The road begins to curve around the mountain and the grade of inclination of the road is becoming steeper. The curves are becoming sharper and the night is all consuming. I keep saying the Kodoish mantra, unceasingly.

Then, I suddenly smell flowers. I start sniffing to make sure I indeed smell this. I notice it’s getting stronger. I then sense a presence. I start thinking to myself, “Is it Mother Mary…?” Then, I realize that I didn’t smell roses, which is the smell I have noticed when I have had an encounter with her. So, I ask the presence: “Who are you….?” She says, “Mary, Mary Magdalene.”  It took me by surprise, because she is not a Master I normally work with.

Of course, I start crying – because I always do in their presence, which was not a good thing considering the fact that I was driving in pitch darkness, with curves and steep inclinations. Then she says she was there to guide me through this part of the journey.

She stayed with me for a whole hour, until I got to the front door of my friend’s house, that sits right in the mountain. I was to be staying with her while I was there.  I told my friend what had happened and she got goose bumps and her crown chakra lit up. We were both in tears of joy. So, this was my first encounter to Shasta this time around – a special escort from Mary Magdalene. What a way to start it. I couldn’t wait for the rest of the surprises that awaited me!

The next day, my friend had business to conduct in town, so I took it upon myself to go up the mountain by myself to pray and meditate. There was still snow up on the top. I treaded through it and found myself a private place on top of a rock and sat down. I meditated for a while. After about an hour, I headed to a meadow on Bunny Flats where I could see the Mountain Peak. I walked to the meadow and proceeded to walk further up, as the terrain gradually sloped up. I then broke down in tears, asking the Masters to protect my loved ones. I asked them to help them “see” and that I couldn’t do it anymore.

Several of the Ascended ones came – ones not known to most and ones that I didn’t readily recognize. Of course, I was crying even more, since they heard my call and there they were! They told me to stop the worrying. They further told me that I was not to try to convince anyone anymore. They told me that the protection of my loved ones was in their hands and for me to release this burden to them and that “they” had control of it. They promised their protection. So, now I’m balling. I’m balling because of their kindness, their compassion, their mercy, their love and their “Service to others” and that the “others” was ME!  I was up there balling like a little girl for what seemed like hours. Then, calm came over me and I Knew it was done! The burden I had carried all those years was gone. I knew that my beloved Host of Heaven had my burden and they had taken care of everything!

I come down the mountain, get in the car and head for the little town of Shasta. I stop at a small supermarket to get something to eat, not realizing I look like a raccoon from wet and runny mascara.  I called my friend on my cell phone as I’m getting out of the car to tell her about my experience. My eyes were puffy from the crying and I had a pounding headache. I walk up to the front of the store, with the cellphone glued to my ear, as a mid-thirties, homeless man, standing adjacent to the doors of the store starts talking to me, interrupting my conversation. He loudly asks me for money. I snap at him and tell him that he is rude in interrupting my telephone conversation. I ignore him and walk by him. Then it suddenly hits me, as the doors of the store part open, and I walk into the store. I quickly turn around to see the man one more time, to make sure my hunch was correct - and he was gone, nowhere to be found. I immediately go outside to find him. It was a small parking lot, not that many cars. He had vanished into thin air!  “Oh, my God”, I think to myself. “I didn’t pass this test….” I knew that I knew that I knew that it was a Master disguised, giving me a lesson, as often happens in Mt Shasta. I have never forgotten that Lesson:  One never knows which stranger is really an Ascended Being or Guide in disguise, providing us with a lesson.  I messed that one royally; but, there was no judgment from those providing the lesson, because it’s all done with love, gently and with compassion. I realized the lesson immediately – it was so in my face and yet it was so beautiful.

The next day, my friend takes me around town and I do some errands with her. We’re always giggly when we’re together, as if we were drunk with a special “elixir”. So, we decide to go camping on Mt Shasta and we go rent a tent. After we had it in her van, she says to me: “Do you want to see the hotel where Guy Ballard stayed when he first met St. Germain?” “Oh, my Gosh”, I say to her, “are you kidding me?” This is bigger than going to Disney World as a child. “Yes,” I say. I had read all the “I AM” green books when I was younger and had had many experiences with St Germain, and so we go to the small town of McCloud where our Beloved St Germain would often visit Guy Ballard in his hotel room.

When we get there, the main road where the hotel is at is blocked off due to an antique car show that is taking place right on the street. We go around through back roads and find a parking space. We walk two blocks towards the hotel.


The street is lined up with antique cars of different models and years, parked at the curb. People gather on the sidewalk or sit on the ground drinking beer, eating hotdogs and pork rinds. 

My friend points to a building and says, “There it is”. She then points to the second floor corner window and tells me that that was the room where Guy Ballard stayed at.


I begin to shake with so much Joy. I take out my camera and begin to take pictures of the room where our Beloved St Germain made his presence numerous of times.

Then, I notice something funny happening, as I’m taking the pictures. I put down the camera and call my friend. “Look at the windows”, I say to her. “They’re turning violet”.  My friend looks and yells, “Oh My God!”

“It’s the Violet Flame”, I say to her. “St Germain is here, manifesting the Violet Flame!” The more we look at the windows, the more violet the windows become. My friend and I keep saying over and over again, “We love you St Germain, if this is you, please let us know.


Then the violet color begins taking over every window in the top floor. The windows have shades that are drawn, yet the violet color is coming from behind it and goes in front of it and then out through the window pane. It keeps getting stronger and stronger.



We are like two little girls discovering fairies under a tree – we are really giddy and loud and screaming with Joy. The people all around us have this look on their face like we’re crazy looking up at the window, taking pictures and screaming. They watch us as if we are a “freak”, side show at a circus, as they drink their beers and eat their pork rinds.

My friend and I wanted to go into the former hotel to see what was in the top floor. The hotel had been turned into a Museum. We try to open the door of the museum in order to go in, yet it is closed. My friend now goes to the side of the building to take more pictures but I stay behind.


Then the door to the Museum opens up and a burly-looking man steps out. I go up to him to talk to him. I introduce myself and ask him what is on the second floor. He says it is a theater. I ask him if there is anyone upstairs at this moment. He says that there is no one in the building now. I ask him if there is any special lighting that is up there like purple or violet lights. He says that there is no colored lights – no red, green yellow, blue or purple – no colored lights.  I must have looked real stupid because I wore  a huge grin on my face and the man probably thought I was insane.

So, we get back in the car, my friend and I, chatting, giggly, and high on St Germain. We leave to go back home and get some food and supplies for camping. Then, we leave around 7 PM to go to Ascension Rock. When we get there it is getting darker and the mosquitoes are seeing us as dinner. We take out the tent that was in the trunk of the van and begin to set it up. As we were putting it together, we realize that some of the stakes that go in the ground are missing. We both quickly understood that we weren’t supposed to be there that night. So, we put everything back into the van and left the area. So, we begin asking spirit what it was that it wanted to reveal to us. As we did this, we’re in the car driving to no destination. My friend suggests we try to find what we call the Star of Bethlehem, a giant Mothership, which appeared during the times of Jesus. She had seen it frequently and had just recently seen it two days prior.

So, we just went with the flow. After about half an hour of driving around, we spot it in the sky. Again, we’re all giddy and giggling, like drunken women at a bar. We go through winding roads and we get a glimpse of it, but the huge trees block our view. Finally we come to a clearing with a perfect view, off to the side of the road. We stop. It is pitch black outside. The sky is full of stars and the Milky Way is hanging like a soft transparent cloth. Right in front of us is the Mothership. It pulsates and emanates the signal from the High Command. Next to it and all around it are Scout Ships, twinkling red, green, red green. I point to a big Scout Ship to show my friend, and then it starts to descend. The Scout Ship is coming down and towards us. I am yelling, “Look, it’s coming towards us!” Now we’re both yelling “Oh, My God!”

The Ship comes lower and lower and lower and slows down as it hovers over our car, a little bit higher than a five story building and it makes a deliberate fly-by. I salute it, as we both recognize one another and then, it passes the van, and speeds up, climbing up into the night sky. It parks itself behind us and puts on the heirs of a twinkling star.

My friend and I laughed all the way home.

The next day, we go to Castle Lake. It is such a beautiful and pristine day. I am there taking pictures of the lake and the trees, the Violet Flame appears in many of the shots. Then my friend goes, “Ari, look at the Mountain peak, who do you see?” So, I look. There in front of me, in plain view, is St Germain’s face, formed out of the Rock.



I don’t think too many people have noticed this about that rock formation. St Germain was evident in everything we were doing, while I was in Mt Shasta.  Then I knew that I was to show these pictures to everyone, so that others knew the True hue or color of the Violet Flame.

I also took pictures of the beautiful Violet Flame in the forest.... The picture below also shows a big orb.


We went back to the Hotel in McCloud, the last day of my stay. I wanted to be absolutely sure I hadn’t been hallucinating the Violet Flame coming out of the windows. Even though my camera and my friend’s camera had captured it , and even though we had both seen it with our naked eyes, there was a bit of doubt on my part that I might be reading too much into it, that my desire for this to happen was making me see things.

We arrive at the Hotel. This time there are no antique cars decorating the street and the sidewalk is void of people. I look up at the window, still in awe. The windows are in their normal tint. The shades are still drawn, like they had been the last time I was there.  My friend and I begin to meditate and ask St Germain to show us the Violet Flame. When we look at the windows again, they are fully violet!



This time we giggle and laugh out loud, not worrying about people thinking we need strait jackets. We take more pictures.


A week later, my friend had a group from the Radiant Rose Academy go there, since she had told them about our experience. When they showed up, the windows were normal. They were there for the longest time and the windows were still normal. One of them said, “let’s do some Violet Flame Decrees.”  So they did. The windows lit up in the Violet Flame. They were giggling like little girls at a playground – they were mostly men.

In October, I came back to Mt Shasta with more people from Nashville. We go to the hotel with them and my friend is with me again. We stand in front of it, looking at the windows. The windows looked normal in color and then, gradually began to show the Violet Flame for everyone else to see.


This time, my friend goes into the office of the museum and asks permission to go upstairs to see the theater. She is given the key in exchange for her driver’s license. We all climb the stairs in the back. The door is opened and I hold my breath. I guess I was expecting to see theater lights that were purple or violet pointing at the windows. I was expecting to see purple or violet tint on the windows or at least violet or purple drapes or shades. That was not the case. The drapes are a dark hunter green. There is no lighting or tint on the windows. It is just a huge room, with a small stage – and St Germain’s presence filling the room!



The day of my departure from Mt Shasta, I get in the rented car and begin to head south -another four hour journey. Ten minutes into the trip, I begin to smell the familiar fragrance of Mary Magdalene. There she was, her presence in the car all over again, making sure I left that strip of curved mountain road safe and sound. She was with me for exactly the one hour it took to travel that curvy, mountainous path. And then, she was gone.

When my beloved family comes to pick me up at the airport, and we go to eat dinner together. While we wait for our food, my daughter looks at me and says, "Mommy, you're purple!"

"Huh?" I say.

My partner looks at me and says, "Oh, my God, you're purple!"  We all giggled. And then I told them all the stories - about the Rock with St Germain's face and the Violet Flame coming out of the windows....Then, we laughed even more!


I have lived Magical moments in my life, in my journey here on this planet. This one was one of the most memorable moments of this journey. St Germain needed for me to witness this. This may have been the reason that I was beckoned this time. Now, I’m passing this information on.

Please remember the hue of Violet Flame given here in these pictures. When you call on the Violet Flame, keep this hue of violet in your memory and enfold yourself with the Violet Flame using this color. This was given by St Germain for all of us to use.  May it serve you well and keep you protected.



El Ari AN

article found: http://12-21-2012.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2815156%3ABlogPost%3A147236

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  • in everything there is a season, and every season has a meaning. I found this for a reason today. Thank you kindly.

    • You are very welcome Chandra.

  • Beautiful story it read like a storybook! Lovely I keep the colour of the flame in mind, thank you, love to you and your family!

    • This is the correct hue for the Violet Flame Ayurvedamasseur, indeed! Call on it and envelope yourself and your loved ones in it! Love to you and your family as well! Blessings!


      • Thank you Ari, I will put myself,husband and children and the rest of my familie in that beautiful flame, love to you

  • Thanks Ari for share your wonderful experience, because you are sharing the violet flame of Saint Germain between us too.

    Thanks again.


    • Yes, the Violet Flame is one of the most important tools for Humanity to use. May it Bless you always!

  • Thank you for sharing your beautiful story, I could feel your excitement in the words, gives all of us hope!!!!

    • Thank you for your comment, Blue Sky. Sending you Blessings!

  • Oh God...Beloved Dear Heart ARI!! Your account is SO beautifully written and shared with all in so much LOVE...I was cryin tears of joy through the whole trip..God, don't cha love it when something so Divinely orchestrated takes place and we recognize the Divinity of it even when passers by can't see what it is you're in such bliss about..One can only ask for everyone's personal Divine angelic team to help them see and continue on in LOVE...

    I relate to everything you shared about working in the corporate world and the rigidity of corporate places (or any job) in keeping most everyone AWAY from having time to seek and find the Divine..I'm thankful you were so sensitive to the messages you received at work and took action while being prompted by your angelic team..even if you can't remember what it was you spoke to your bosses to free time for the trip to Mt. Shasta..LOL...It was nothing short of a miracle you were freed to go..We all need what you've shared in this account of your Divine trip..You've opened eyes, Heart and LOVE within. There is Divine guidance in everything we do..I love Mary Magdalene...So thankful she was there to guide you..Sweet Mary!

    My heart leapt for joy about the Star of Bethlehem occurrence and how you were greeted by our Galactic Family...How exciting!.. Your photos are proof of St. Germain's presence with you on this journey..I saw St. Germain in the mountain immediately...I'm cryin as I type this..I LOVE St. Germain and the Divine Violet flame of LOVE! I love all the Masters, you and your friend for following your hearts, I Love all my beautiful friends and family I see here on this site. Hi ALL you beautiful BEings of LOVE!! Each and every one everywhere! Isn't Life and LOVE GRAND?!! LOL...I've been in a time warp for awhile here..LOL...Feeling so much LOVE..Gotta go though, feeling nudges! : ) Sending Peace, Joy, Light and Love to You, Ari and to ALL! NOW! : ) <3

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