Automatic, channeling, intuitive writing, or maybe some of the prophets spoke to 4d people from up behind the gates who came down to deliver the Word of god-it's possible-but the guys who wanted control of the cattle-us-decided to omit reincarnation from the teachings. Why? Maybe kings were complaining that production was down and it would help if 'the masses' thought they only lived one life (well we do in a sense we do- we reincarnate as a new personality-)
The Tainted Word of God
Throughout history it has been taught that the bible is the "Word of God." And many people believe that it IS the Word of God! The words, "Word of God" imply that the bible has NOT been edited in any way shape or form.
The Holy Bible has a total of 66 books within it. 39 books are within the Old Testament and 27 books are in the New Testament. The word "Bible" is plural for more than one book. Hence, the Bible is a book of books.
Many who study the bible do not realize that it has been EDITED.
Much of the Old Testament is in many places a greatly altered version of the original accounts on which it is based. The same can be said about the New Testament. In addition to that, Probably less than 5% of what Christ and His followers taught is in the Bible.
Special church councils were responsible for many of the changes and deletions to the New Testament. This process began as early as 325 A.D. during the First Council of Nicea, and continued well into the 12th century.
In 553 A.D. the Second Synod [church council] of Constantinople deleted from the Bible Jesus' references to reincarnation.
A tenet was added to the Bible that was NEVER taught by Jesus: the concept of the "Holy Trinity." This was the work of the Lateran Councils of the 12th century.
The Apocrypha consists of writings which were adjudged to be of dubious origin or quality by the church.
There were many biblical writings that were rejected by the church councils, and they found their way into a book called the Apocrypha("hidden writings").
The writings in the Apocrypha were adjudged to be of dubious origin or quality by the church. Some material was rightfully rejected.
Other Apocryphal works were omitted. The reason why they were omitted was because they contradicted the official church version of Jesus's life on several crucial details. If one was to carefully research these details, it would offer a somewhat different understanding on the life of Christ from the one present in the authorized Bible.
Since Satan controls this world you must not put it past him to take Gods word and twist it! If you study the Bible, be careful. Otherwise Satan will lead you astray.
Here is an interesting link for you to check out.
REFERENCE; "The gods of Eden," by William Bramley
........entire story of new testament is a one big lie perpetuated on blind and gulable masses. its fables of fictional 'prophets" is laughable at best. its main character , so called Jesus is a fabrication so blant its sad. There's a document in Vatican detailing the first synod and the events when a group of bishops , all clad in white garments ( clear refrence to Essenes ) walking out of that meeting in protest over Christian's official version of events surrounding the so called crucy~fiction .
Bible story is one of the biggest satires , fables and conspiracies of human/religious history.....................
I wouldn't go as far as you-Ive had some wonderful experiences with Jesus, or the Divine persona of Him