ON MONEY: In God we trustIN MIND: In Gold we trustON GOLD: In money we trustIN GOD: In mind we trustOur governments allow us a freedom. But a freedom to move only up to the fence of the prison. They do so by using two almost mutually incompartible joker cards: rebublic vs democracy. 'Democrasy' is a long range misile meant to trigger waah's the power is in people, by people and for people. Democrasy is just mensioned at the start to give people a false sense of power, however, the elite knows he is solely going to use scriptures termed 'constitution'. Like a pastor reading a devil to the bible, it is the elite, not you, who will interprate the constitution to mean what he want.Non demonstrate this better than atheist creeping in using a loophole in constitution to decide in courts, not laboratory, what constitutes a science fact! First of all the atheist begine by uncongruously equating God, demons, angels, UFOs etc with RELIGION. Then he creates a false dilema: you are either a Darwinist or a religionist.'SCIENCE FACT'1.)We must teach science in schools.2.)God is religion3.)Teaching religion in school violets the church/state seperation4.)Therefore 'God' cannot be a science factThus Americans have allowed half assed reasoning of atheists to pendle their 'science'! Same reasoning can be extended to almost any other idea that places consciousness as a fundamental property of the universe. This is because atheists summarily dismisses all these notions under the folder of 'religion'. To atheist, doing telepathy, astral projection, UFOlogy, astrology, meditation, psychedelic experience, NDE etc is persuing RELIGION. Thus for purely a priori reasons to do with constitution, American school must swallow the idea that the world is inherently mechanical!UNUDULTERATED CONSTITUTIONNo law should discriminate a person based on what they beleive. This is where we stop. As long as the religion does not forcefully recruite members by manipulating the constitution, there should be nothing wrong with religion. But merely teaching God in school does not violate constitution till the student is forced to buy into the beleif. On the other hand pushing Darwinism on someon will violet the constitution even if the bozos controlling science agree by voting that Darwinism is a science fact.

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  • By definition, or rather idealy, science is not a religion. 'Religion' can be defined as:

    "A set of beleifs that attempts to connect humanity to spirituality"

    Science on the other hand is just objective knowledge.

    It is easy stated than done. A real coffee time is how do we obtain this objective knowledge. It is here where 'scientific method comes' in. Because scientific method is a method ultimately done by a fallible human being, science can never fail to have its own shortcommings. It is here where science can ultimately bear the hallmark of a religion.

    Science has realy never been done as simply observation and deductions. If it were so, indead it could stear away from religion. Modern scientist simply doesn't do that. He rather begines by making an hypothesis based on how he thinks the universe works!! This was clearly done by Darwin, Einstein, String theorists, Inflation theorists, Supersymmetry theorists etc. Our guy then DEDUCE the inevitable consequences of his theory, (which he calls it by a fancy name, 'prediction') then goes out to look for evidences that matches the prediction, phew!

    You gotta be able to smell from far that this method is 100% identical to 'religion'!! Our scientist is gonna use the prediction to INFERE that his otherwise unobservable factors are infact true. But what is the difference btwn this and a theory of god?? The example of unobservable factors are:

    i)The extreemly slow evolution
    iv)fundamental particles
    v)curved spacetime
    vi)Dark matter
    vii)Fourth dimension
    viii)26 dimensions
    ix)Big bang
    x)Black holes

    the list is endles. Ergo in this sense science IS a religion!!
  • Darkstar 1,

    Thanks for understanding this subtle fact. Science have ended up claiming that they can chew buble gum and yet you smell croundnuts.

    "A scientific claim is not to be taken by faith but must be open to questioning and critizisism"

    But what does it mean to talk of a last man standing battle when only a single guy is allowed in the ring??


    It must train students to learn how to reason for themselves. To know how to seive sense from nonsense. Or in short, to become the true scientists that they are preaching about. But only the church, as in Jehovah witness, fear to bring the magazine of say the Seventh Day Adventist to their church. This unambiguously shove the chameleon of science squarely under the folder of religion.
  • Yes, science ITSELF is a religion.

    • Science isn't a religion; its using the power of observation, knowledge, intelligence and deduction, testing and experiment that follow certain protocol to way in all known factors to get the accurate understanding and conclusion. This is not what religion is or stands for. Religion explain cosmos through myth-truths that more often than not fall behind and become ludicrus when compared to what scientific understanding can tell us about the same thing from everything from creation of man to cosmos, to weather phenomena and natural disasters etc that in religions often were attributed to various demons, spirits and gods/E.T's etc.

      A truthful statement could be that there are few good scientist of the olden days in modern time, many bad scientist that can be bought for money to produce desired results, knowledge and truths to conform with a certain idea, view or agenda.

      Scientists - the good ones who can't be bought and cares about the actual truth more than their own ideas about what the truth is and should be, who thinks twice about playing god - never had the power in society and now today they are still reduced to servants for those who wishes to and do manifest reality (wealthy, elite, ruling class etc). Thus science has become "not science" but a tool to use faked science to establish false truths and knowledge, often to support an agenda of a corporation, powerful company or lobbyists etc. Bad scientists are for hire to the highest bidder today and that is the fall of civilisation imho. They don't even have their own ideas any more, they just want the dough the dark side can supply them with - for personal gain.

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