Hey all,


I am in contact with a being who says her name is Mira, a High Councilwoman of the Pleiades. If you have not read my introductory post, I have met her when during my astral trip to the Pleiades. When I speak with her, she mainly speaks in an inspirational way, reminding humanity that everything is going to be okay, and that the Golden Age approaches. I have channeled many beings, channelings that I have not written down or recorded, so I have forgotten them. My brother, whom I usually channel for, is having trouble giving up his purely left-brain oriented life, even though he is really trying.


I communicate mainly using telepathy, other times I astral project myself and we speak that way, but sometimes it feels like a dream and it just floats out of my head. I really need to write this stuff down. Haha :P


I have recently been compelled to write a book containing everything I have learned, via reading various energy libraries (such as Ra-Ta's Hall of Records, and the Pleiadian Library) and from communicating with higher beings...


What do you guys think?


Love and Light,


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  • Well.  Maybe you're right in some sense.

    You say that whenever you AP, you aren't hurt.  Ok, that's probably because someone is shepherding you to a safe place where you can have experiences.  Do you have any experiences  where you could be vulnerable?  AP is not a separate, mystical realm where wild things happen- it's reality, it's another plane, except, you're not restricted in teh way you are here because here the "magical" abilities are highly suppressed.

    Although I guess you could broadcast your intentions, they could come to you, but Reiz (I don't think) goes up there with the intention of being killed.

    Perhaps it's also that you're actually not bothered with because you're not worth being bothered with.

    I dunno, I'll have to ask Reiz to explain.  I have a feeling I've taken what he's said and ran with it in a wrong direction.

    But I can tell you, from my own personal experience, there are people who fight up there.  Sometimes to the point of death.

  • Hi Chris :)
    It's a good idea to write everything down, I also have contact with a Pleiadian being which first occurred via astral traveling, it was amazing! He did not introduce himself he maybe would have eventually but he had something very important to show me, and half way through showing me... it seems I was 'caught' in ascension by the negative ET's who sent an agent of theirs in spirit form I assume to trigger my fire alarm at just after 3am on the 16th May this year, which of course brought me right back to my body, where I recalled the whole experience crystal clear. There is quite a bit to write about it, it's late here now. Though, you have inspired me to write up a little about it. I shall post tomorrow. Please share with us your contact experiences with Mira in futrue, thanks :) peace.
  • You are such a luky person, dear brother!


    I'd love to be to use astral projection, too.

    Unfortunately I hardly dream at all since I had to start taking strong medications like opioids and antidepressiva.

    However I'm usually dreaming in a pure audio/'mental' way. At least something.

    • those medications block your pineal gland, not opiods, but the antidepressants, they just shut the fuckkin thing down completely. im pretty sure, when you 'see' with your eyes closed at night, its you rpineal gland, or internal third eye that is seeing.


      that might be why you dont remember your dreams.  i have taken codein, and it has never affected my pineal gland, maybe hightened it.  I have MS, and i am able to travel astrally.

    • quitting anti-depressives was the best thing I ever did.. It's all crap.

      No-one should ever take them... :/

  • The story of loosing Atlantic is totally different story which occurred.


    But have you read a book called The Secret of the Saucers, by Orfeo M. Angelucci, [1955],

    At sacred-texts.com

    This might help to understand what things they are capable of, and how far they can go.

    And whoever wants to do channeling has very strict diet to follow so not to fall in to the dark entities.

    And there are some information which they passed to us trough Tibetan lama, in the book the hermit by Lobsang Rampa, this earth is test ground for them and a living library, where we get evolved and they can learn about creation.

     And we star seeds are here to work with them to change some certain timeline and make sure nothing goes wrong, here’s some information which is interesting to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUd2NumKIgs

  • Thanks for the information Chris it is interesting, but is it possible that you can tell me for how you learned these abilities, which may help in my learning, which I’m trying to be more advance in it.

      Cause for years I’ve been guided in dreams and shown events which may come to pass, and to me it seems like in all that I’m major element of those events which will happen in the country where I am, until some of them which came to reality years ago which caught my attention, and started paying more attention to these things, one thing I’m working on now to do astral travel specially visiting Akashi records for more learning and training.

     I’ve done astral travel once where I moved around the house and saw my dog who passed earlier this year, and getting aware of being in a dream where i tell others that I’m in a dream state, and as if it’s a normal life.

     Can you specify with more information about Ra-Ta's Hall of Records, for what and where it is.

    By the way I’ve been one in astral form in a spaceship probably Pleiades where I was talking with a person and than others came around to join our conversation but unfortunately I can’t remember what we talked about.

     Sometime soon I will post my experiences too, for others to be benefit from the information.

    Please PM me if you can. I’m really looking forward to hear from you

    Have a nice day
    •  There's the thing... I did not learn anything, I just knew how to do them. I have yet to astral project consciously though..


      Ra-Ta was an Atlantean priest who helped design the Great Pyramid and was a channel for a ET group called Ra (yes, the Law Of One Series Ra!) He set up a telepathic library called the Hall Of Records for the future people of Earth to use, it contained much of the spiritual knowledge of the time and the history of Atlantis and extraterrestrial involvement on Earth during those times. (More than most think) A record of it was kept in the Library of Alexandria, until it was burned.

      • when you say "I have yet to astral project consciously though.." what do you mean by that you're learning or.....
        • Conscious astral projection is something I struggle with, and I am still learning this...


          But, many of the things such as telepathically accessing these record sources or libraries I have been able to do for a while... Also, using intuition more than the rational mind is something I have been doing recently, so if something at school is being taught that does not resonate or agree with my inner knowing (we all have it) I can choose to ignore that bit, simple!


          I am not all-knowing, I still have many things to learn, and its an adventure learning them! :D

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