This is a great misunderstanding of physics. It can often be heard by those who want either to deny freewill or to artribute it to a more esoteric source beyond physics.Laws of physics CONSTRAINS freedom:You are 100% free to jump from a tall building, but having made your choice, you nolonger have a choice whether or not to break your bones. This is the nature of laws of physics from microscopic to astronomic.To convince you, begine by considering Newton who beleived that the solar system is regularly checked by God to maintain its stability (even upto now, no one can explain solar system stability). Did Newton suddenly exchanged hats and became a magician? Well, this is the modern mindset; you are either doing science or 'magical thinking'. But this is NOT how Newton understood physics. God's freely interveining to solar system violates non of the laws of Newton any more than freely launching an artificial setlite does.You see solar system is diverse. Some planets move in huge elypses, some are far away, are near, some have nearly perfect circular orbits some orbits are in retrogade etc. Then all of them strangely move along the same plane. There is NO law of nature that says it must happen so. This is a FREEDOM of nature. Newton's gravity merely constrain all planets to move elyptically. The choice of elyps, the direction, the when it happens or the plane it should orbit in are all matter of freedom.Well the author of the idea that laws of physics necesary implies a clockwork univers was LAPLACE, not NEWTON in his famous Laplace's demon. But his idea is nowadays usefull only in physics humour! Henri Poincare Hammered a long nail in the coffin of a clockwork universe. Quantum mechanics burried it in the tomb of forget!

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  • Our understanding of laws of phyc do indead change. Even now, a change is imminent. Perharps on august this year, a magor paradigm shift will occur in phyc community. This is due to the ongoing work in CERN.

    Should supersymmetry be ruled out (there is a good sign that it is wrong) the next line of thinking will tend to favour a more contingent view on what we think they are laws of physics. This is a departure from how Einstein and virtually all modern physicists view laws of physics: as necesities. An idea of multiverse, for instance, my better explain what supersymmetry was trying to explain.
  • "You are 100% free to jump from a tall building, but having made your choice, you nolonger have a choice whether or not to break your bones. This is the nature of laws of physics from microscopic to astronomic."

    But, when we go Quantum, we can make all sorts of "weird sh!t happening at once" :)
    The Laws of Physics are Absolute, but they are not constrained to the astronomic and microscopic levevels. They permeate ALL levels no matter if we know of them or not.

    Our understanding of them however, changes for each decade of Human History that passes.
    Today everyone is CONVINCED that they'll die if they drop out of an airplane, and they will certainly do so when they hit the ground.

    Tomorrow however, people may be convinced that they themselves choose whenever they are to die, whereas they will NOT die from dropping out of an airplane.

    The steps in between though, demands a certain achievement in Human Mental and "Spiritual" control however, whereas it may taky up to 400 years before the majority of Mankind realizes that a drop out of an airplane doesn't nescessarily have to lead to ones death. :)

    PS. As a former heavy drug-abuser I've had the privilegie of experiencing these "paradoxes" many times and quite often, but for "normal" people, it may take them a few brushes with death before they realize the potential of our own influences on our personally experienced Reality.

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