Message from Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
In Silence I found Myself
In silence I found myself
In silence I was found
In silence I first began to hear
In silence I listened for the first time
In silence I was first heard
In silence others heard me too
In silence I wrote my first words
In silence I began to write
In silence others read my words
In silence they began to listen
In silence the wave spread
In silence the ripple landed
In silence we met this ripple
In silence we loved and embraced ourselves
In silence we found our truth
In silence we walked together
In silence we are playing the same tune
In silence I can hear you
In silence you can hear me and others
In silence I want others to hear me
In silence they heard others
In silence we made music
In silence we began to listen
In silence we transformed ourselves
In silence we heard our hearts
In silence we began to be guided
In silence I weep
In silence I have found myself
In silence I found you too
In silence you can find the way
In silence we will all wake up
In silence I keep writing
In silence I will find the truth
In silence the truth exist
In silence the vibrations manifested in me
In silence it will began to grow
In silence the words will explode
In silence you will find the knowledge
In silence you will find the ecstasy
In silence you will begin to laugh
In silence the pain will be no more
In silence happiness will live forever
In silence the journey will be found
In silence the path will be made
In silence you will meet your Creator
In silence you will be heard, loved and cherished in the arms of God
Your mother; spend time in silence and forget the world for a moment; and feel the inspiration in you grow to new heights.