Multidimensional food for thought...


*It is worth noting, that while the Bible is a heavily manipulated text, it is Multidimensional, & still contains profound, esoteric truths, that can serve to unlock the prison doors of duality. ~InLight

~Words are more than elements of speech or writing. When spoken out loud, words transform into frequency and vibration that can be used to harness energy and harm or heal the body. In the occult world, certain words are used along with rituals and sacred geometries to direct and control energy to create certain desired effects. This process of using words, rituals, and sacred geometries to control and direct energy is known as magic. Be aware that I am not talking about magic tricks.

The most powerful thing in the Universe is energy. If you learn how to control and direct energy, you will become one of the most powerful people on Earth. This is why the Dark Magicians/Controllers of the world are so obsessed with the process of controlling energy. The key to controlling energy is magic, which is the art of using sacred sound, sacred geometry, and natural forces to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects.

Why Words are More Powerful than Swords

Words are powerful because they carry energy, sound, and frequency, which are some of the building “blocks” of matter. Furthermore, they carry information that can be used as knowledge to create or destroy things. When this knowledge is turned into wisdom, it becomes very powerful and can be used to expand a person’s consciousness and spiritual powers. This is why knowledge is power!

Did you notice that the term words is an anagram for the term sword? Switch the letter “s” in the term words to the front and you get the term sword. Words are like swords because they can be used to harm you. In a way, words are more powerful than swords for the reason that they can harm or heal you at the deepest levels of your being.

Many popular religious books have said that knowledge is one of the keys to awakening our spiritual powers and achieving spiritual freedom. One of those religious books is the Bible. In the King James Bible verse John 1:1, it says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This verse is talking about the force and information of the Universe, which can be expressed through words. The Bible is written in allegories, so if you read it literally, you are not acquiring the right information.


The Term Word Means Source

In Greek, the term word means logos. The word logos is defined as “the source that controls the universe, the written word or inspiration of God, or a logic and rational argument.” In ancient Greek philosophy, the word logos is defined as “the controlling principle in the universe.”

Today, the concept of logos can be found in every religion, such as Christianity. To find the concept of logos in Christianity, all you need to do is read certain verses of the Bible. In the King James Bible verse John 1:1, it says “In the beginning was the Word“. The deeper meaning of the term word is logos, which is “the source that controls the universe”. In other words, “In the beginning was the Source“. This is the Source that created the Force of Nature.

One important thing you should know about the King James Bible is that it was translated from the original Greek, and therefore when it says “In the beginning was the Word”, it is talking about the Source that created the Universe. Remember, in Greek, the term word means logos.

The word universe is composed of two words, which are uni and verse. The prefix uni originated from the Latin word unus, meaning one. As for the word verse, it means “a line of poetry“. Based on these two definitions, the word universe means “one line of poetry“. A line of poetry usually has words that have allegorical and metaphorical meanings.

To connect the dots, the hidden knowledge/information within the word universe tells us that the Universe is an abstract reality field made of poetic and magical word/logos/force. In other words, we live in a magical and poetic “play” known as the Universe, and therefore the Prime Creator is the author and we are the co-authors. Quantum physicists have done experiments proving that the Universe is indeed an abstract or dream-like reality field composed of energy forces.

Another word that has a strong connection to the term word is the term lightLight is sometimes referred to as photon. In physics, a photon is usually indicated by the symbol γ, which is the lower case letter of the Greek symbol Γ (gamma). Some etymologists believe that the Greek word gamma is where the word grammar originated from. In English, grammar means “the study of the classes of words, their inflections, and their functions and relations in the sentence”.

Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia hat does a great job of defining the occult definition of grammar:

Grammar is the art of inventing symbols and combining them to express thought; logic is the art of thinking; and rhetoric is the art of communicating thought from one mind to another; the adaptation of language to circumstance.

The occult definitions of certain words in this article reveal that grammar or the way words are used has the potential to direct and control energy or light/radiation. In the Bible verse Genesis 1:3, it says “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” In this verse, the Bible tells you that God used words/logos to manifest light. Keep in mind that the word light has a strong connection to the term word and grammar. In other words, the Universe was created from Light and word/logos. The word logos is defined as “the source that controls the universe”.

Logos also translates to ratio, symbol, reason, idea, and logic. The ancient Greek people believed that the power of the logos can be expressed through words and be used to create mystical things (i.e., sacred geometry) through sound. Have you ever wondered why the symbols of corporations are called logos? It has to do with magic and sacred geometry! The process of using logos (source, energy, force) to create things, such as sacred geometry, can be seen in cymatics.

Here is a quote from the Bible verse Hebrews 4:12 that talks about how powerful words are:

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

By now you should know how powerful words are. What most of us do not know about words is that they have hidden knowledge attached to them. The process of using words to hide certain knowledge was purposely done by the Dark Forces to hide their true intentions and prevent us from knowing the secrets of the Universe. It is one of their ways of hiding information in plain sight. One of the reasons why they do this is to prevent them from violating our free will…

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  • This looks like a good way to use the energy of words...

    • Count me in :-)

  • When a woman finds out shes pregnant besides touching her belly whats the first thing she does? Talks to the baby ususally happy loving words calmly, because one of the first things a baby experiences from the mother outside her womb is her voice loving and caring....

    My mom said when i was born i was born screaming and kicking and punching but she just said shhh my sweet angel mommy is here i got you and at her loving words i shut up instantly.... because in eutoro i heard loving words from her....

    As a new  born, if i heard arguing and hateful words i shook uncontrollably crying until mommy came in and said shh my sweet lil angel mommy got you i love you instantly calming me...

    I have another instance i could mention about my son who died after i had him but i cant right now another time, perhaps after 18 years still hurts at times, but you get the gist of the above story, loving and caring words, are sweet nectar to the soul, bitter hateful words are like syrup of ipecac to the soul it makes the soul want to turn around and vomit them all back up on the one using the bitter hateful words....

    • ~Thank you for sharing your experience, Lisa... valuable examples of how the word can be used to Heal, or to harm. A huge component of the emerging paradigm involves Humanity remembering how to Consciously use the Word... & in so doing, assist in co-creating a 'reality' that is more in tune with our true origins, Unity-Consciousness. When approached with uplifting intentionality, our language morphs into high level Magic. Another Multidimensional clue: What do we do to create words? We 'SPELL' them ;-) 

      *Let me share this track from the Icelandic band, Sigur Ros with you. What's amazing about them, is the lead singer isn't using words that can be traditionally 'translated'. It's a language he actually invented called  “Hopelandic”... Enjoy.  



  • 8115549662?profile=original

    The Science of Sound – Proof that You Truly Are a Cosmic Instrument

    by Christina Sarich

    Music is the universal language of mankind.” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

    An ancient understanding of the cosmological universe puts forth that inaudible music calculates the position of the heavenly bodies in our skies. With quintessential harmony, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, and all the other planets are held perfectly in place, with the harmonic ratios of each planet determining how they respond to one another, and how they affect all life on the planet earth, as well as sentient life elsewhere in the galaxy. The ancients understood that cosmic harmony is the state of enlightenment. Disharmony, is when the egoic nature, or false self has not been healed, and conducts the ‘show’ of our lives – the musical, as it were, of you.

    The symphony of full realization, however, is sweeter than any Beethoven, Mozart or Sibelius ever wrote. Certainly, more amazing than the latest off-Broadway phenom. In fact, God Consciousness is 10 million times more blissful than sexual experience, according to Sage Ramakrishna Paramahansa. The music that soothes the savage beast is no metaphor for some outwardly creature, it is the beast within us that is soothed when our bodies and minds are in harmony.

    Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.  ~Confucius

    Conceptualized as ‘gradations of good’, bt the Pythagoreans, we can either evolve to the will of God, the Music of the Spheres, as it was called, or we can devolve into a state of evil or ego, which is really just a cacophony of sound, where the music becomes distorted. Our bodies work just like the planets do. In greater expressions of harmony and beauty we experience health, but in degradation, the cells, tissues, and mitochondria can no longer communicate effectively… 

    Our bodies, like the stars, and planets have their own musical signature.


    Susumu Ohno, a geneticist and molecular biologist believed that he found music in our very DNA. He created multiple compositions based on the ‘sound’ of DNA.

    In his research, Ohno assigned a musical note to each chemical in our DNA sequence and found if he strung these notes together, something miraculous happened.

    A great intelligence, or harmony was within the structure of our DNA. It was highly intelligent. When he took his findings to other musicians, they realized that echoes of Schubert, Mozart and Bach were in our DNA code. We were quite literally, musical, mathematical codes, just as Pythagoras and other ancient cultures had suggested…

    One such genius in the DNA-is-music field is David Deamer, a professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, Santa Cruz. In 1988 he collaborated with Susan Alexjander, composer and music theorist, on a science/art project to collect frequencies from the bases of DNA with a spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer is an analytical instrument that measures the intensity of light as a function of its wavelength.

    When Deamer sent infrared light through a base molecule of DNA, it was absorbed at certain frequencies. This was plotted as bands of a wavenumber across a spectrum, and then converted to hertz. This put (some of) the music within the human audible spectrum. It was found to be microtonal.

    A microtone, for those who are not musicians, are sounds that are not on the traditional whole tone and half tone scale. In Western music, in fact, on many of our instruments, you can only play whole or half tones. Unless you were to pluck the strings of a piano on the inside, you can play C or C#, but you cannot play all the tones that occur between those two notes. This does not mean that they are not still there. Charles Ivar, a famous piano composer did it, but it is not common, as the piano has to be tuned in an unconventional manner. A sitar player, however; trained in classical Indian music will play hundreds of microtones in a singular piece.

    Microtonal sound may be the secret to mantra’s and Gregorian chants used to uplift the consciousness and heal the body in times past. According to Brian T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It’s true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.

    READ: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of Music

    For example, A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, such that it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature. The slightest variations to pitch can therefore, plausibly cause deterioration of life, or heal it.

    In ancient Vedic knowledge, microtones were known as shrutis…. All are simply a sound oscillation, beginning from silence of sound which then reaches its peak and slowly ‘decays’ to reach its original dormant state.


    The very name of the Heart chakra, is in fact ‘unstruck note’ when translated from Sanskrit. When sound emanates from the benevolent Universe, starting from its dormant or feminine state, and expands into its material or male state, there are layers of organization along the way. We are the instruments of the Cosmos.

    Friedrich Nietzsche said, “Life without music would be a mistake,” but there are no mistakes, because we ARE music.

    In the beginning was the word, and the word was sound.”

    The very first sentence of the bible explains the phenomenon of music in the Universe, and how matter is formed. We are the instruments upon which this sound is made in manifest reality.

    This means we can make a ‘joyful noise’ and experience tremendous beauty and perfect health, or produce a distorted version of the ego, which falsely believes it is apart from the creation of Universal Sound.

    Every single molecule of matter in this reality is the energy of God manifesting in different beautiful ways. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but the music of God is played out through us – dependent upon our consciousness. If you don’t like the music that is playing, simply change the tune…

    A key track from the film 'The Last Temptation of Christ'

    *read entire article at:

  • The syntactical nature of reality, the real secret of Magic, is that the world is made of words. And if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.”  ~Terence Mckenna


      (  (  (  L  I  S  T  E  N  )  )  ) 

  • so true Stick - words do have an amazing powers ... ;)) sorry couldn't resist - everyone is so seriously serious lately .... ;))


    • Nice :-) ... & so true, one of the traps we fall into far too often on ACC is taking ourselves far too seriously; I know I do. I find it comes with the territory, as it's quite common to encounter a certain brand of defensiveness in New Agey circles given we're wrestling with information that many people are quite comfortable openly shi#ting on ;-) Anyhow, with language, it really about intention... & there's no question about it, humor is one of the most powerful healing elixirs known to humankind. Love,ya, Ara. ~InLight 

  • Outstanding! A very important and timely post, Stick, thank you so much for sharing, indeed, it is a reality check and a most urgent article, given the fact that words indeed carry vibrations and because of the way in which they are bandied about in the forum, without that knowledge, thrown around in without respect. I feel this is exactly the right information that needs to be examined closely and absorbed fully by certain members in Ashtar Command. In fact, if this website was a school (which in a way it is) then this article should be obligitory homework for the students in the classroom. Indeed, words carry magical frequencies and if only that was understood more clearly and conciously applied more often, instead of the way in which some people run their mouths off in disregard.

    Imagine a world where everybody was impeccable with their words, well, that seems like a long shot in itself but the communinty in here is presented with the golden oppurtunity day after day of honing their craft in terms of the written word, to be honest with ourselves and with those we share with, in the way we deliver content, and now moreso, with the aid of this article. Here we are on the leading edge of thought as a collective of relatively awakened souls, the gathering of the tribes with a brilliant oppurtunity to gift each other with beautiful wording. As you know, the way some people interact in here, with their words, is far from impeccable. I find it a facinating study none the less, observing the sentenses that people string together and the intent behind those words, it shows me where they are "at" energetically, and whether thats high or low. it also sharpens my own mind, to want to be impeccable with words.

    When I observe peoples comments, it makes me wonder that those who boast about being so clued in terms of cosmic and worldly affairs, and lay claim to having an enormous grasp on the human condition, are really like in their spoken interactions outside of the website. Hypocrisy, self aggrandizement and vitriolic double standards seem par for the course in here, so whether your valuable post finds its way before the eyes of those who really need to read it or whether it be overlooked, is something that remains to be seen. I sincerley hope it is read and absorbed by one and all. You often mention content that touches the alchemical gold, this article touches that gold, and represents a high watermark and is a timely and nessesary addition to the forum, if we are all to communicate clearly with one another. 

    Much respect as always, Stick... may it be that people begin to understand the power and magic of words, and the healing aspect inherent therein, I certainly try to do my best in this regard, even though I am constantly up against my own doubts occasionally, such is the learning curve that I love.

    • ~A timely article indeed, brother Luke... it resonated for me as well & can serve as a meaningful gateway into decoding the inherent power of language. Words are transformative, multidimensional tools... that oftentimes, through our mass indoctrination to the shitstem, we've been conditioned to forget their actual Creative (& destructive) power. Through frequency and intentionality, language is directly responsible for setting the stage of the Gaian-Matrix.. of duality itself... & all of it's ongoing lessons. It has had a profound & direct impact on ALL of our Minds, Bodies & Spirits. Remembering to root ourselves in the Spiritual practice of being 'Impeccable with our Word' is a great starting point in helping to manifest the glory of the dawning Light. It's not easy by any measure... falling short is a crucial part of process... but the overall benefit of Consciously trying to raise the bar in all of our affairs can be felt instantly.   

      ~The first and most profound of don Miguel Ruiz's 'The Four Agreements' (a key book on Toltec wisdom) is: Be Impeccable With Your Word- While this seems fairly straight forward, it takes on many subtle and transformational aspects as you begin to practice it. Very simply, to be impeccable with your Word is to use your words in the direction of Love and Truth. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others.

      AsWithin... SoWithout


      Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care

      for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.
          ~ Buddha

      Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

      Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is.    
      ~Publilius Syru

      ( ( ( Word Sound & Power ) ) ) 

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