Decrees For Your I Am Presence By Steven Hutchinson
I Am my I Am Presence and now call into action the Violet Flames to heal and transmute all limiting beliefs, traumas, blockages and attachments that are preventing me from living an Enlightened, Prosperous and Happy life, and all of these are now healed, transmuted, and released into God's Pure Light.
All connections and energies that do not resonate with the Higher Vibrations of my I Am Presence are now healed and released, and the Divine Light & Intelligence of My I Am Presence now guides me.
I Am Worthy and Love myself as I Love others, and my Whole Being is vibrating in this eternal moment of now in perfect Alignment with the Divine Energies of the Universe that draw to me & manifest in my life all forms of Divine Abundance,
I Am my I Am Presence and now call into action Golden/White Light from the Great Central Sun, and as this beautiful Light Energy flows and spirals through me..... I Am now freed from all buried blockages of fear, guilt and insecurity, making room for courage, self-confidence, and joy of living.
I recognize my Divinity in my I Am Presence, which is the Highest aspect of my Soul. I now assume my personal power through my I Am Presence. I Am my I Am Presence creating a reality in my life of Divine Peace, Love, and Fulfillment.
With my I Am Presence guiding me, I choose now and always to live in a state of Divine Peace, and Divine Harmony with every person that I interact with.
I Am my I Am Presence living and anchored in my heart and mind and always radiating Causeless Love, Peace, Joy throughout my Whole Being .
I Am living my life merged with my I Am Presence and in harmony with the Divine Flow of the Universe that supports me and attracts opportunities, wisdom, and love into every area of my life.
My Divine Heart and Divine Mind are anchored in my I Am Presence, with my mind anchored in Father/God's Mind, and my heart anchored in Father/Mother/God's Heart.
I Am my I Am Presence now accessing Cosmic Creative Intelligence and creating Divinity in all aspects of my life.
Thank You God! And So It Manifests!
With Infinite Love & Blessings of Your Own I Am Presence,