
by James Thomas on 05/29/12

Greetings, I have been silent for some time, but far from idle. I can tell you there are huge changes manifesting right now as a result of your efforts in this matter. I cannot spill the beans yet, for various reasons, but I can tell you in the very near future we will have some major, major announcements for you.

I have relocated home and office to facilitate the expansion of the Office of the PMG and establish the Council as established in the Treaty for the Americas on the web site.

I can tell you that we now have a new banking system that will operate through the postal system and allows us to discharge debt and returns the value to the people. This has been accepted in Switzerland and is being established as we speak.

The Office of the Postmaster General, Divine Province has been recognized by the United Nations as a free and sovereign entity, as have I and the men and women who now make up the Council.

We now have a new web master who will be taking over these web sites and will operate right from the Office of the Postmaster General to give you all of the assistance that you want, need and diserve. I apologize for my negligence in responding to your needs and questions, but, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. All that we have all envisioned is coming to pass.

We have a new banking system that will allow us to dscharge debt. We now have 700 trillion dollars with which to fund the new global economic system that will absolutely eliminate world hunger and homelessness in a very short time frame. We are already well into our plans, and now have full funding, to create transitions centers that will include the newest technolgy avalible in the universe to heal Mother Earth and all of mankind. This is happening right NOW!

We have been in personal communication with the direct representratives of the Agarthians of inner earth as well as the Ets, both who are supporting us in many ways. We have been in personal communications this past 2 weeks with Kings and Presidents of the world and have had nearly constant contact with the most influential people in the world of banking as well as the military.

I can assure you that the arrests will take place! This will be a summer to remember for generations to come.

We are establishing a major training and healing center right now and have the funding to establish these around the world. Please watch our web site for further updates as we will be posting opportunities as they come available. Please do not flood me with requests as I cannot take resumes at this time but soon after the new web master gets here we will be doing just that.

Love and Light, James Thomas McBride Postmaster General, Divine Province

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  • There are you go. Thank you . I am glad that I made one person to laugh today. It is what counts most. You made my day. Very look like me though if you'll add more hair , tie , and couple chopsticks :).

    I'll tell everyone

    - make others laugh it feels much better then make someone cry
    - Forget about who They are .. remember who You are
    - Stop and don't worry Be Happy.. Live in the NOW

    There is the saying " Yesterday - is a History .. Tomorrow - is a Mystery .. .But Today is a GIFT .. that is why it is called PRESENT"

  • Yes yes yes Aly you are right we are all learning from each other that is why we are all here experiencing duality .. without you wouldn't be me or this post or never mind this site :-)

    You ask is this judgement or discernment? Same difference different wrapper. Even when you (i mean people not you you :-) ) wright a response on any subject you can't help it but judge , either yourself or original source. It's a condition .. humans are per-conditioned , unless you are fully conscious  then you dont need to write or understand someone you will see right trough it and plus telepathically express the right feelings :)  back at source. No need for blogs, forums and opinions...

    It is unfortunate that English language doesn't distinguish you from you. Well maybe for a good reason.

    Very few people on this website can say/confirm that they don't need tangible .. very few if then ...

    And very few who are truly and honestly understands what phrase Love and Light means.

    I have been observing and will put my worthless judgment forward :) Lots of you are really learning what means Love and Light when you sign off.. but for some it just popular phrase or cool sig...

    I see all the time when person let his ego to write the response and then sings Love and Light to You all.. Well as wise man said repetition will do wonders :0) ... Love means unconditional  non-judgmental , compassion to others and Light means consciousness - Christ consciousness - means energy - soul signature energy - the creator.

    Trust me In the end we will all laugh about at who we were and will celebrate who we truly are.

    Signing off Love and Light to you all.


  • Thank you Aly... You are very beautiful soul , of cause creator and/or Galactic families do not require DNA stamp , all though they would like to help you to restore your DNA to pristine condition of say immortality but we are not talking about that. We are talking.. I know that the patience is not very favorite word in the human dictionary, I will be honest with you ... humans make judgements based on many assumptions, fears, past experiences and the list goes on , but the main point that human live by judging every second of their experience .. that way they confirm to them self that they are indeed alive , illusion so to speak created by their very own logical mind... My message from that website and the website itself (note: and I really advise you to revisit it and see maybe you did created assumption for no reason about the DNA subject?? )  that you and everyone who reads it can soon see the tangible announcements ... that you finally will stop wasting your time to prove who is right who is wrong.. That you finally will become LOVE and LIGHT that you are and start healing yourselves and Mother Earth. That your life will finally have a purpose? that Finally you will become Galactic citizens and will have all prosperity of Heaven that you starve and desire for. 

    And trust me when you are finally going to awake you want need to reconfirm your Divinity.

  • Very well put Andy.. If it's feels and sounds like that to you than it probably is. Remember though I dint read it to you .. you did it all by yourself. This is your experience and it is your Divine right to be who you want to be.

  • Indeed .. that is why we call it balance.


    Every soul who reads this , who feels comfortable or uncomfortable please say it with me:

    I AM; the Divine Spirit having a human experience. Each atom and cell of my third dimensional physical vessel I inhabit to travel this land and entire universe is infused with the spark of the Creator; I AM one with the light, one with Creator, the alpha and the omega, without beginning nor end, without time. I AM Divine Life freeborn inhabitant, heir to the Divine Estate, Beneficiary to the Divine Trust. So Be It!


    As your Galactic friends always say : Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 



  • Sylvian I hear you dear soul... Breath my creation, breath ... the oxygen is every important ingredient in the wellbeing ... there is no right or wrong , there are no dark or light , there are no gimmicks there is only you, NOW, in that very moment ... without you all this wouldn't be possible or exist. So I say to you forget about everything and just BE , breath, smile , love do whatever feels right and experience life you created, remember without you there is no life, there is no light.

  • Well... what happened today? yesterday you had anxiety .. today you realized that you don't have one... and you decided to live in the NOW.. because you are tired to be a victim and please everyone around including yourself.. instead you decided to be the power and authority that YOU ARE and change your life starting TODAY.. way to go dear heart.. way to go

  • Fingerprints and DNA...I won't be doing this, but I appreciate your sharing.  Makes sense in a way, but I think I will pass all the same.  Call me a bit cautious, but the first thing that came to mind was that it could be a kind of trap.  The PTB feel threatened and I would not put deception past them.  I think I will keep the DNA in my body and keep my fingertips off ink pads all the same. 

    • Yes Yes Yes Marique.. please keep the DNA in your body... but please allow light to enter your body to upgrade your very own DNA .. it is very important for your evolution. Drink more water and spent at least 15min a day exposed to the sun.. no glasses allowed (very important) that way you will ensure rapid change.  

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